
K-actress Yoon Eun Hye Keeps Fans Updated Through Regular Weibo Posts — 18 Comments

    • She’s still my fav even if i regret her photoshoots ( people can criticize her acting but she has until now the best photoshoots among celeb’s even among the more beautiful ones) . i’d like to see her in a drama per year. @Brigitte, the name of my twin sister .

  1. Lucky I discovered her in Coffee Prince and Goong just recently and I adore her to bits ❤️Hopefully she will consider another drama soon.

    • I saw it . it was a feel good moment. And her mother was her mother in law in Goong ! I recommend her forum on soompi, the girls or guys there are just so kind to continue posting. I love you and thanks Miss Koala for all your posts about K Entertainment.

  2. SARANGHAEO ONNIEYA! ❤️ SO GLAD KNOWING YOU SINCE GOONG & BEGAN ROOTING FOR YOU SINCE LIE TO ME. You’ll be my only one EunHye onnie of my lifetime. Miss you. ?

  3. SARANGHAEO ONNIEYA! ❤️ SO GLAD KNOWING YOU SINCE GOONG & BEGAN ROOTING FOR YOU SINCE LIE TO ME. You’ll always be my only one EunHye onnie of my lifetime. Miss you. ?

  4. She looks great in these pictures but her face was alarmingly puffy in her drama Fluttering Warning – distractingly so. I hope her health is good and she can star in another drama with a far better script. As an actress, she’s very talented and able to evoke empathy in her viewers, that drama did a disservice to her talent. I would like her to have a breakout drama to propel her back to the public eye and silence her detractors. Most of all, I just hope she’s happy and healthy.

  5. She’s looking great (as always) on these recent photos of hers! ??? Loved and enjoyed watching her on her last drama, Love Alert/Fluttering Warning and Go Go Song. Missed seeing her on screen already. Hope to see her in new drama soon! Thanks ockoala for this post update about YEH (even though there’s no drama casting news for her yet…glad to at least see her looking great and doing well). ?

  6. Nowadays there’s a lot of ladies who are rising in Korea. Young, beautiful and talented…BUT for me Yoon Eun-Hye will still be my forever favorite actress in Korea, she’s the reason why I was hooked in korean world. I’m still waiting for her comeback. Fighting!!

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