
IU and Hotel Del Luna Retains Top Spot in K-drama and Actor Buzz Rankings Through Second Week of August — 18 Comments

  1. That one short scene between MW and YW had more chemistry than anything between MW and CS. Their relationship is at best platonic. The drama is best when it focuses on IU and her past because that arc has yet to be fully revealed. I’m more invested in her redemption and reunion with CM than all these weird ghost of the week sub plots.

    • Same here. The main attraction for me is to see what will happen with Man Wol. I want to see if the captain appears again and also would like to see her interact more with YW. Not invested at all in her relationship with CS.

  2. The Hong Sisters always have a weaker second half and this one looks to be going the same route. More invested in the serial killer plot line at the moment + cute reincarnated cop with previously evil princess. They need their own spin off!

  3. Yeah it is hard to see the relationship between IU and YJG turn romantic. At best, it’s a platonic relationship of deeply caring friends. For me, YJG is a fine actor in everything but creating romantic chemistry with his female leads. I think with an older and more seasoned partner, IU would’ve created the kind of romantic chemistry that gets the audience excited and everyone rooting for the couple. While I’m enjoying the drama, with it’s fine writing; and even the ghost of the week; I could care less that Man Wol or Chan Sung get together. At most, my hope is that her spirit finds peace and is able to be reincarnated.

    • I feel the same way. I don’t even see the need for a relationship between them to be romantic. He serves the same purpose as the rest of the hotel staff and basically they all have the same chemistry between them. The romantic tension is missing but considering the amount of romantic tension that she has with both the men in her past I would have preferred that to be the main timeline. Most of the interesting things seems to have happened in the past but I’m rooting for the character to find peace. The drama would be better off with her getting redemption and going to heaven and getting reincarnated many years later rather than having her time flow for the forced romance.

  4. He was never convincing as a 30 y.o. hotelier with a Harvard degree. That itself needed a great amount of suspension of disbelief but the lack of romantic chemistry is no surprise. Their bickering relationship is cute like siblings but nothing more. YJG acting did improve from his previous drama but he still lacks charisma. It’s not easy to act with someone as skilled as IU especially when she has the larger than life character but I don’t think he was needed to play this character. Especially since he brings nothing new to the table and also because this character is basically a gender reversed candy. YJG isn’t yet at the level of making characters like that interesting.

    • YJG “lacks charisma” and his acting is not up to par with “someone as skilled as IU” << personally, indignantly disagree

      I couldn't believe my eyes reading this. YJG has carried bad writing too many times despite his youth. The writing, production, even fashion focuses on making IU interesting in HDL while YJG (like most females in the usual kdramas) get the leftovers which isn't enough to allow them to shine. The sibling chemistry I agree with and I even agree that he's not the right fit for this role (while IU is a fit and thus makes the biggest difference), but to instead reason that the problem is because IU is heads and shoulders above him in the acting department is a stretch.

      • agree… IU is not that skillful yet. She sure did well. Still I have some actress in my mind that may pull this role better than her but rating wise they can’t guarantee like IU. Hope she will grow more in the future.

    • @ally – my cousin is a Harvard grad and there is NO special look to own a Harvard degree. Go visit Harvard to see the students there. Most are gifted and got admitted at a much younger age. A Harvard grad at age 22 is normal. What skill level are you comparing IU with? Jun Ji Hyun, Moon Geun Young, Kim Ah Joong? I don’t think IU is that skilled to be compared to them yet… IU is good and has improved a lot over the years but putting her up the pedestal is a bit exaggerating. I agree with other commenters that there is no need for any romance between MW and CS, it is better for her to be healed and go to heaven. There is no need to continue the pain on earth as she has lived long enough.

    • Agree with YJG part. IU acting is become better. And I understand why many people get frustrated with YJG acting. He lack in romance part, and totally failed acting like 30 y.o. (his age in HDL is 30) I realized it when IU met Yeon Won. They just looking at each other and suddenly I got teary eyes and hoping they give this actor more scene. This drama will full with chemistry if they cast better actor like PBG. Its a pity. *I kept repeating the scene when MW met YW* ? that scene really touching.

  5. Tarantino may not always have the greatest actors in his films but he alway has the biggest stars.Thats why his films break records and he is a great Director making good films..No different anywhere.Great actors are not enough alone to make something a success in my opinion.

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