
Park Shin Hye Dons Retro Dress for Fashion Brand Event in Seoul — 59 Comments

  1. Granny look. Maybe it’s just a brand she endorses for the sake of earning money. But if it was a style she likes, then she has terrible taste.

    • She’s been wearing granny style dresses for years, so it’s not this particular brand. She just prefers to dress like someone in their 50’s. But then again, celebrities in their 50’s wouldn’t wear such a fuddy dress.

    • Yoona and Suzy are invincible when it comes to commercials there is no point comparing. Her buzz has died down a lot in the last 3 years she’s lucky to still get any commercials until she finds a buzzy project again. Sisyphus is giving me Memories vibes especially since they picked a male lead who is known to out perform everyone in the room. She especially stands no chance in front of his aura but maybe she’ll finally learn some acting by watching him.

      • lol cf offers because they’re pretty idols. they still can’t act. at least shin hye has proven her capability in projects, especially those in her younger years. i can’t even name one representative project of yoona and suzy that showed good acting on their part.

        anyways, this drama will be good for her instead of the candy role idol dramas that’s she been taking on.

      • For Yoona, watch the movie Exit, she is also good in the drama Prime Minister and I. Suzy is hopeless, she cannot act.

      • @candycane so you are yoona fans.No wonder. Well u keep saying shinhye cry is annoyed. You should check the fact knetz isnt complain about her acting but complain for the writer who making her character in moa. At least shinhye keep get praise at her job in her drama acting by knetz (national viewers) while so sorry honestly your fave the one get criticized when she doing drama. and Exit lmaooo i can take screen cap for her dumb-look cry, shinhye crying in miracle in cell number 7 cant relate. It obviously jo jung suk do much for this great movie. Well She can get that whole popularity award instead. And Im waiting when ur favorite can get nominated as “Best Actress” at Baeksang award

      • @momo – I AM NOT YOONA FAN. I just watch enough k-dramas to know who is good and who is bad. My honest opinion is PSH is not any better. I don’t care what knetz say because I am not even Korean. In fact I don’t care what other people say because I have my own opinion. You can continue to stay in your own little world twisting other people’s comments because no one here agrees with you anyways. LOL.

      • @candycane look at u fake u’r not her fan. Lmaoo u think i didnt saw all ur cheap praise over her anytime and that little thing she did. Im not blind. How poor u are keep wasted ur time at any Shinhye article when she isnt someone u didnt like. We all has opinion but the way u write isnt opinion but hate. No wonder u isnt upgrade ur knowledge so thats why u doesnt care what knetz react. “No one agree w/ you here” are u that proud. What yoona ever get for that? Best actress title? Pfftttt the fact Shinhye the one who already entry best actress 2 times at Baeksang alone while u bad mouthing her acting and the one who twisted anytime i give the fact. U should upgrade ur news library more than what ur personal taste

      • @Momo – how I spend my time is none of your business. My personal taste is all I care about. My opinion is clear and precise.

    • dont worry even w/ so little agency w/o status like idol comaparing to other actress she still secure ALONE AS AMBASSADOR OF mamonde korea, mamonde thailand, mamonde china, mamonde indonesia, Ryo shampoo Hongkong, china and Taiwan for so many years already, Mojo.sPhine from korea biggest clothing brand company, Allerman , Olivia Burton

      • As an actress it is your works that define you and PSH’s choice of MOA wasn’t the most ideal at the time (personal opinion). It helped Hyun Bin though. If PSH has no regrets in taking part in MOA, then good for her! The problem with Mojo.sphine clothing is that PSH still looks very young even though she is coming up to be 30.

        Ryo China has actually chosen a very talented Chinese child actress Yang Zi as their model.

      • @abc I put mamonde as her official alone. And ahh i remember that yangzi together has attend same ryo event w/ shinhye, i thou’ that since at her moa, ryo put her pic on their weibo so shinhye w/ her, but shinhye still officially w/ ryo hongkong and taiwan,and i saw some ppl in malaysia found her ryo pic product there too and checked that ryo hair malaysia promoted w/ her ad video

  2. Very corporate and straight looking that dress should lose the White collar frill then it might be okay. Definitely suits older woman over 50’s for sure.

  3. PSH has zero fashion sense and the worst stylist. Why would anyone want her as a clothes model she makes those ugly clothes look even worse. Worst model.

    • Are you kidding me? Her stylist costs more than those in hollywood. A friend of mine who worked with her said her team is SO expensive and SUPPOSEDLY one of the best in korea. She also only wears designer togs so this brand must have paid alot for her to wear their clothes.

      • I guess they paid a fortune but then again the demographic must be targeting the over 50’s and most likely no other actress wanted to pick it up because the style is very mature old looking. Suitable if you’re a Politician’s wife or Politician and you needed to dress the part but PSH is still in her 20’s and youthful no need to age and align her with matronly outfits. She definitely needs to sack her stylists because she isn’t getting her money’s worth and the criticisms from one dress alone is not worth it. Gosh seriously someone talk to her blind stylist because it’s the best if you’re into relic dresses.

  4. It’s a win for the stylist then if she costs more than those in Hollywood yet gets away with dressing her worse than a B grade Filipino celeb. It’s tanking Shinhye’s image but the stylist goes to the bank laughing. Either Shinhye has very bad taste or the stylist has some dirt on her to get away with such atrocitious clothes every single time.

  5. even koala is such dumb. You all should checked more first before saying that you unsure and bring negative to someone. Mojo S.Phine is part brand of Korean biggest clothing company ‘ DAEHYUN'( They’re by korean designer and they in line of newyork fashion (style). Its not same as Chanel, valentino, victoria beckam who are designed and making it as themself brand specially under their name alone and live there w/ their store. They tag #Newyork is because they shoot there and work w/ people there. The store is obviously in Korea since it was korean brand Lol. But they do many shipping internationally or entry many high fashion shopping site

    • and since the mojo s.phine show growth than other brand then they decide to hire shinhye as their official model in korea to get more well know and to more attrack international fans since it get interest by chinese people that know well most consume fashion market

    • Well then maybe they should take a leaf out of their book and go look for their ‘mojo’ and use someone in the 40’s-50’s year old age gap because they’re making PSH look like a Nana in their tales from the crypt dress range. The dresses do no good for PSH image. I thought PSH has swag but judging from this pictorial I beg to differ. Her stylist is a con artist. What next? A toilet paper dress? And umm the Chinese market? Gosh they are light years ahead in fashion why on earth would they want to purchase this range is beyond me.

      • @mmomo, biggest company doesn’t equal high end, big corporations are big because their market is large and most people can afford it, like McDonald’s and Walmart. Sounds like your goddess is endorsing cheap clothing produced for the masses.

    • I highly doubt if the rich Chinese would wear this cheap K-brand. All I see the Chinese wearing now are Balenciaga, Moncler, Gucci, Chanel, Dior, LV. This K-brand is definitely not high fashion. At the most, it is for working ahjumma. LOL.

      • why you suddenly compare them w/ gucci, dior, etc. I said its biggest clothing company in korea. It manage by company. Not same as those designer exclusive brand that have their own fashion show and their own shop. The same example is park min young COMPAGNA. If you dont get it then go away. its not different as you mock all k-celeb who representative korean clothing brand company shop

      • I think you are a bit too extreme to tell people to “go away”. You said “koala is such dumb” as if you know everything? Go start your own blog then. Everyone is free to comment here. Just because PSH is representing such a stupid brand, we are free to say whatever we want. If you don’t like it, why don’t you “go away” first instead of speaking such nonsense as if people will spend money in this kind of ahjumma’s clothes. I don’t mean to mock but if you perceive this way, then you are not any better!!

      • Chinese people do not wear anything that isn’t from a name brand. They would never buy this matronly outfit.

      • @Candycane im saying the truth and explain it,since i checked all about this mojo and then bomb koala said that she didnt heard the brand in newyork just because it use tag newyork. So dumb. Doesnt has time to check but has to write anything u want. The writer of blog that informed news should checked more before said nonsense and making negative to the brand. When it just a clothing company brand and then you suddenly compare them w/ gucci, dior, etc. Your fave has story as ambassador for such that kind clothing company too but we didnt compare them w/ that gucci,dior etc. You all here always said nonsense about shinhye related thing so thats why, whats wrong w/ explain, and of course if dont understand/get it dont said something that like u sure. U can stop ur nonsense. China has many population, and consume most fashion, and there article about this mojo product rise. But did u even care to read?

    • Big celebs wear Gucci etc That’s because they have swag. GDragon, Sulli, CL can wear a pineapple on their head and get away with it. They’re brand ambassadors appropriately chosen by those fashion giants to represent. This Mojo brand might be a big company but surely choose someone who won’t get criticised for the dress for being too oldish.

      • its fashion industry, all ppl care is by big name,interest and the celeb who representative. Taste is by personally. Shinhye w/ GD already been so many years w/ Chanel. Ppl still gonna see it or get it, its by big name anyway. Too old for u but not for people who bought, need this, and throu’ knowing this brand because it get ambassador by her. I dont see what criticised, ppl still adore her thou’ and buy the product

      • You reckon? If you’re visually impaired I guess and want to wear a dress that ages you then by all means go for it.

  6. Everytime, for PSH post, a lot haters come out and criticize. Did she do something wrong? If u dont like it just go but u guys keep saying hurtful words…shame

    • No I’m criticising the brand and PSH stylist for making her look way older then she is. Definitely hating on the brand that’s for sure. I’ve just started liking her choice of works and the direction she’s taking and then I see her dressed as a school mam. I’ve seen her rock in edgier and stylish outfits but this pictorial takes the cake. Isn’t she 29 not 59. Her stylist obviously doesn’t care about her image just the $$.

    • Just like art, just like commenting on a piece of painting or photography. Some just look awful ? This is visual art after all, isn’t it? Why do some people get so personal and defensive? Lol

      • I guess some people are very insecure because they know PSH is weak in acting skill. The only way to prove her worth is to mention the CF offers.

      • Isnt Zzul the one who mentioned CF offers first by bringing in Suzy and Yoona in almost every article about PSH?

      • @Candycane we just explain and here u are again. well shinhye is not like your fave status “idol” who get that “imagine korea” job even without has popular drama for many years and while shinhye has many her drama that popular than yours fave. Calculate that. You dont know how hard for the actress who only from very little agency and pure only depend on having popular drama then she can get attention. Weak acting? lmaoo you should check ur fave

      • momo if you’re referring to iu then you need a reality check. Her agency was even smaller than psh and was on the verge on bankruptcy. She saved the agency and they still don’t promote her. She is a 100 times more popular than psh has ever been or will ever be and no one buys her awards either unlike psh. She is the true example of worked up from the bottom and became a big success.

      • @candycane @adoni its Yoona. And where ur nonsense get idea about buy award. Is it just because IU hotel de luna doesnt get nominated at KDA. Wow ppl here really say anything just because it doesnt work w/ the way they want

      • @Momo – Wrong. I have already told you that Yoona is not my fav. Stop assuming. The person really is saying “anything” is You.

      • @adoni You can praise your fave IU but why fabricate lies that PSH is from a big agency? You guys always say Korea Drama Awards is thrash but act butt hurt when your fave is not nominated.

  7. I totally love PSH in Heirs/Inheritors but her dress for this promotion sucks. Even a mega super star ahjumma-age like Princess Diana wouldn’t wear this dress in her mid 30s but then Princess Di did make mistakes in the fashion stakes once in a while. For this PSH dress, I’ll take a hedge clipper to lop off the granny white collar and a pair of scissors to trim it into an off-the-shoulder collar line. PSH’s stylist should be more daring and dress her younger otherwise what a waste of money for her high salary which does not equate to style and elegance.

    • I’m an late 40’s ajumma and I wouldn’t wear this dowdy dress. PSH is a lovely woman, why didn’t they put her in a stylish dress.

    • Indeed, gorgeous and elegant. Since Shin Hye started modeling for this brand, you can see many celebrates and no celebrates with power and money to buy, wearing this brand in many important occasions. Park Shin Hye’s power, she touches and becomes gold. Fighting my angel, your aura is unbeatable! I God is on command! ?

      • Oh cool can you name a celebrity that currently wears one of these dresses? Apart from PSH who is their model who else in Korea?

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