SBS Drama Vagabond with Lee Seung Gi and Suzy Concludes with Biggest WTF Ending of 2019
Remember how mad we all were with the ending of Lee Seung Gi and Suzy’s first drama pairing together Gu Family Book? Remember how mad we all were at many other dramas with genuinely terrible endings, some ruining otherwise ok fare and others creating a conclusion in line with how bad that drama was already. Well get ready to have a new champion in worst drama ending ever, and probably one of the top 10 in worst dramas ever after factoring in high production cost, big name cast, and interesting idea with incompetent execution.
SBS Fri-Sat night drama Vagabond wins the prize and at this point I can’t decide which much anticipated by my drama I hate more – Vagabond or Arthdal Chronicles. I’m superstitious as well so Lee Seung Gi and Suzy are forbidden from EVER working together again because both times have been bombs and each does much better (for the most part) when not in the same vicinity. Guess you can say the ending of Vagabond must have been nuclear bomb levels of bad and yes it is, yes it is indeed so so so soooooooooo bad. Oh god, give me back 16 plus hours of my life and also people need to be fired for this one.
The ending was the first scene of the drama with Lee Seung Gi in some desert sting operation getting ready to sniper someone who turns out to be Suzy. We spent 16 hours wondering where that scene came about and turns out it was the end and then ended up being that – he doesn’t shoot her and that’s the end. If it was the set up for a potential second season please someone just put this drama out of its misery and let’s all agree to never need to figure out what comes after that moment fade to black.
So did he get his revenge/justice or not? Were the bad guys put in jail or dead?
They expected second season. Hahahahahahahaha. I’m waiting for second season of MOA. All these dramas are going the western route. No endings with many seasons.
I swear! Why are they ruining the Korean drama format? It’s already perfect, not as short as a movie, but I don’t have watch it year after year as they mess up the story line eventually. Netflix is messing it up!
Sad! I hope not!! They keep doing it a little more though :'(. I don’t want to watch a whole other season about the same thing-I just want one more episode showing them catching Samuel and them becoming a couple <3.
I also agree. I really got mad when the ending was pointless..and dissatisfied… No point at the end..
Which big budget drama had the worst ending? MOA/AC/Vagabond. Take your pick and answer in the comments below.
MOA was at least an open ending. From what I’ve heard it simply just didn’t show the OTP together in one screen.
Hahaha i cant believe this. Glad that i choose to wait until finish before watch it.
I dropped Vagabond after episode 4 because I was absorbed with Camellia. But after reading this, well, this certainly takes the cake for worst ending.
Why do I think there is going to be a season 2. It has got to do with Netflix for sure. There was one drama starring Ji Soo which had season 2. Love alarm had just announced season 2. AC as well if I’m not mistaken.
But Vagabond shouldn’t have used that scene for the opening. It’s a letdown for the poor audience who stayed to watch till the very end. That’s not how you entice the audience to sign up for another season. Or maybe I’m wrong.
Netflix shoots definite season 2s for dramas that are produced and EXCLUSIVELY shown by them – ie Kingdom, Love Alarm, that Ji Soo drama.
Vagabond, AC, Nemories of Alhambra etc are productions that were live aired in Korea on an actual tv channel but only simulcast on Netflix, it needs SBS or tvN’s go-ahead to make a season 2 and not Netflix. And those channels look at the ratings to decide whether a season 2 is worth the money (in both these cases so far, I’m guessing no. TvN statement seemed to indicate they are not keen on AC season 2, is there anything actually confirming it?(
Yes I agree we need to let Netflix know that yes thank you for picking up kdramas for all the fans, BUT stop trying to westernize them!!! No, we don’t want to watch the same story line for years, if so we would’ve stuck to american television.
AMEN! The whole reason for foreigners watching Korean television is because we LIKE their format! If we wanted endless shows with no satisfying endings, we’d be watching American shows! Please, Netflix, wake up and listen.
I thought it was SBS who wants Netflix to acquire VB. VB was pre-produced ready to be aired in May, but it was pushed back because Netflix gave a September airing date and SBS wanted to do simultaneously. So I don’t think Netflix created the poor plot without an ending! Don’t blame Netflix. I watch a lot of J-dramas on Netflix and none of those are such an embarassing mess. It’s the Koreans who do themselves in, not Netflix.
Yasss! We don’t want a change in the format of Korean dramas! We need to make them realise this.
Sad! I hope not!! They keep doing it a little more though :'(. I don’t want to watch a whole other season about the same thing-I just want one more episode showing them catching Samuel and them becoming a couple <3.
You said it perfectly!!!! I hate how they are becoming more westernized too. I don’t like it at all. The wanting to have mow show have a second season. Vagabond ended terribly-I stayed up binge watching for nothing! I also don’t like how they are lessening their (Kdrama) values-showing smoking and the swearing in the subtitles/including more swearing in Netflix made shows. Netflix has the most swearing in their subtitles than any other website I’ve watched Korean dramas on. And they’re not even swearing!!! Drives me crazy! Netflix-Stop polluting their shows because that’s what you think we Americans want to see and hear. It’s a disgrace to their culture and a false representation.
Some delusional vagabond fans think there will be season 2 so they’re okay with the ending.
Um hello. No. Unless it’s exclusively produced by Netflix like the kingdom. Airing on Netflix does not mean it’s produced by Netflix.
So if that is the case then that ending is more like the PD had just jumped ship since the writer team had run out of ideas how to end it then.
Unfortunately that’s the case.
If season 2 really come about, I’ll be really surprise, like really. Netflix doesn’t care about ratings but the network SBS that it airs on in Korea does.
Vagabond is not a Netflix original. The ending was such a letdown. It had no closure whatsover. But what is more annoying is the uncertainty of a season 2 to explain who is black sun, who is axis and many more questions.
LSG already shared his goodbyes to VB and Dalgun. He said he doesn’t know whether they continue this journey or not.
The production team also shared that a season 2 is not confirmed.
Omg! That does sound like nuclear bad ending! I am so glad i dropped it after episode 2! In all honestly I had planned to catch up to it but I got worried when reading about how absurd the story got the more you watched so I waited and now I can totally brush it under the rug and forget about it… thanks for the post, it’s a life saver!
I dont know why but in Suzy’s dramas, I cannot finished watching the entire drama. I dropped at certain point. Eventhough, I do like the other actors… I am waiting for the time that a great writer as well as on point acting of her would come soon…
If part2 will not happen,its the worst ending I have seen in a kdrama. In my experience most kdrama does not have a good ending or even has the worst ending just like vagabond. It seems a habit of most Korean writers not to have a fabulous or happy ending in there stories.
A good drama, that is ruined by the ending. So many twists in the stories that the writers forget the ending, WTF!
Just heard Goo Hara has been found dead in breaking news. Any updates guys.
This is awful news. That poor young woman….may she rest in peace.
Not related to this article…does anyone know that goo hara passed away this afternoon….hope she rest in peace
Im glad I decided not to start this even tho im lsg fan. Instead, im immersed in Tale of Nokdu. So happy with Nokdu for the last 3 months.
I’ve watched tons of dramas and this one HAS to be one of worst, open ended finishes EVER. It absolutely must have been the setup for season two,or the writer must hate drama fans. ARE YOU F—KING KIDDING ME?
Hope the Goo Hara news is false-going to go see
It’s true, she committed suicide following Sulli.
I agree!!!! Whole heartily!!! I don’t know who needs to be informed but for us western fans one of the main reasons we got attracted to kdramas was/is because we are sick of American and for me even Spanish television. Done with a)) the sex (almost x rated scenes), drugs, drug lords and prostitutes story lines, the glorification of murderers etc, plus so much political correctness, “let’s make sure every show has one white, one black, one Hispanic and one Asian, oh wait let’s not forget one gay, one lesbian, a transgender and a binary”. But one of the biggest reasons being we HATE multiple seasons on a show. I will like to know how it ends and not wait for my grandkids to come tell me how the story continues on the nursing home while I wait to die!!!
Lol. Omg i see the same thing. When they do casting, they have to do mixed race.. Just because.. Especially in disney shows. It was so clearly done like formula. I stop watching western show long time ago. I hope korean doesnt think western trend is the way. Instead, i hope koreans set their own standards in their own shows. I love kdramas cause we have ending, we have closure. Beginning and ending.
You can write on some drama official IG account. Vagabond has official IG account .. @drama_vagabond. Others may have too. I supposed the IG account is managed by the production company. They are the one with $$$ and can influence on the overall production eg. Storyline. The actors don’t have much say on the storyline.
@Mayra. Lol. I love your comment, especially that last line!
@Mayra – do you want to try watching Japanese dramas instead? 10 episodes (one hour per week), short and sharp!
@ candycane Great suggestion! I so miss the classic J-Doranas from the last two decades, classics like Long Vacation, Love Generation,etc. Do you know where I can can watch old classics with English subtitles for free?
Salute !!!!
Yes I agree we need to let Netflix know that yes thank you for picking up kdramas for all the fans, BUT stop trying to westernize them!!! No, we don’t want to watch the same story line for years, if so we would’ve stuck to american television.
My despair at my faithfulness but I’ve got no regrets the story was passable for me and I was engaged and watching carefree but because I read this post before seeing the final episode Im okay because I anticipated worse case scenario and I was right. VB should be put to bed finito done and dusted. At least I tried to see it through kinda like being on a full roller coaster ride and getting to the end and you’re the only one still seated. And if the truth be known I was keen to follow Tae Yoo who was Jerome on VB OMG that guy is a scene stealer so I wasn’t in pain all the time. Oh well my treat now is to binge watch Tales of the Nokdu. Was going to watch EY but no thanks after reading the posts here I’ll stick to Nokdu for now.
Nokdu is a gem. Very underrated. I love this drama to pieces. Amazing cast, amazing chemistry.
hahaha… I am eager to watch the finale of Nokdu, will be great unlike VB which I dropped in ep 2. EY is only good the first half, don’t bother with the ending coz it sucks even though it has an end, unlike VB… ooops just joking… (I am rubbing this in) coz it’s funny you stay til the no end. wink.
@candycane I got a headache from episode 16 but as long they shelve any thought of a season 2 we’ll be fine. I stayed to the end more out of curiosity then anything else. I’m exhausted and dehydrated with all the running in VB so I need a nice lil K drama to chill out with so Nokdu is it. Those writers for VB need to go on a retreat somewhere far far away to recharge and relearn how to write an engaging script from start to finish and to get smacked with the naughty stick for dragging me through the mud and doing a bash and dash on me with their dumb as lazy written ending.
don’t mean to be a spoiler for you, Nokdu will get dark & sad after he shed the lady dress. But just in case you want to lighten up your mood again, rewatch his beautiful lady transformation (ep 1 to 4) as I always do whenever I feel sad. Hope you will like this drama.
I made a promise to myself that I will punish Vagabond part 2 by not watching it….until 5 years later????? I hate the ending so much that it drained my energy. I’ll put kdramas on the shelf for now and just watch kpop on YouTube.
Too funny! I recalled watching this drama when it first came out. Was so turned off by the 1st scene, I dropped it. So this was the ending??? Well I’m so glad I didn’t waste a minute more of my time on this.
The ending was not a full lt don for me. It wasn’t great but think about it this way: they both wan to go after Edward Park but the path that each took put them against each other. Sometimes, the enemy of you enemy is not your friend.
When The Camellia Blooms is The Best drama in 2019 I think.
From the 1st until the end.
The story was so so so interesting.
And the ending also like didn’t left any questions at all.
Happy ending.
I have no regrets for Watching this drama.
WTCB ??????????
We need ending
I waste my money for this drama
Why they do this to us.
I was still waiting for episode 17 as I didn’t want to believe it was end at ep 16 ? until I read this post and now I’m ………….
I’m in the zone while watching VB, but the conclusion end up nothing..there should be a season 2. Do not westernized the ending,like GOT.
So, I am so totally confused! So who is Suzy working for? Why not kill off her character? Or is Suzy against having her character killed? Please, no Season 2 of Vagabond!
Well, nothing have total ending (unless characters die in end) or very understandable start. In romantic series main cast will get together in the end but that is only start of next journey (season 2) and I would also wanna know will they have kids and still stay together etc..
In VB story is very good and interesting and kept me excited to last scene what actually closed cliffhanger from start, will he shoot the target.
If season 2 comes, ok will see it but not needed. This told already the story how world is ruled with money and power and as said in series already, “if you kill me someone else takes my place”
Movie would be good if they wanna make happy ending for love story
But for me this was extreamly good series and even it didn’t have “ending” it was still worth my time spend. So if you are skipping this series only coz it won’t have good ending it is a huge loss
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