Kim Go Eun and Jung Eun Chae’s Dopplegangers Get Screentime in New Stills for Episode 11 of The King: Eternal Monarch

I do get the fans of The King: Eternal Monarch saying the drama has a lot of interesting elements and mysteries to unpack, that’s not untrue except the delivery is terrible and there hasn’t been any unpacking to properly build upon this grand world building. One mystery I am curious is who Luna is, like her full backstory and what her role in this whole Evil Uncle plot to take over the crown (or gain eternal life, who knows?) is. I also like her wayyyyyy more than Jung Tae Eul, both played by Kim Go Eun but as Luna she shows personality and edges that weepy suddenly romance addled Tae Eul has none of. Jung Eun Chae‘s two dopplegangers, on the other hand, I don’t like power hungry ladder climbing prime minister so by default the normal girl version of her who is finally showing up in episode 11 piques my interest. The duality of the characters has only been fully mine so far with Woo Do Hwan hence he’s rightfully gotten so much positive attention in the last three episodes after doing nothing in the beginning. Let’s hope the doppleganger fest will bring a better episode 11.

Why keep covering The King when u think it’s so bad?
Why not? The blogger still watches and there are people like us reading her blog.
Why can’t she do her own thing. It’s her blog.
And if you didn’t read her entry, she pointed out the more enjoyable parts of the drama.
While the bad outweighs the good, there’s still good points on their. You just dismiss it because she’s not totally in love with the drama.
Because she’s still watching the show.
it’s her blog, she can cover whatever she likes.
Because people like you make us, me also koala want to tease ?. Sorry. Sometimes we watch bad drama just because we want to have fun mocking it, some dramas are sooo bad they are hillarious.
Because it drives traffic and she knows it.?
I actully think this is some what of a decent TKEM post from Koala. I am enjoying the show currently. It has alot of interesting elements and worldbuilding as you said
LMH always get overshadowed by second lead, it’s no wonder K media said he’s not an actor, but just a hallyu star.
If it will make you sleep better at night keep telling yourself this and perhaps you may start brainwash yourself to believe it
LOL. I’m sleeping well, thank you. I’m not losing sleeping over the dismal ratings.
I am guessing that is Luna with Gon. that actually might turn out to be interesting. Also, Jung Eun Chae looks really cute smiling ear to ear with those glasses on.
Don’t know who she was prior to this show, so I did a bit of research. I’m crushing on Go Eun and Eun Chae’s real life personas. They embody the juxtaposition of androgynous and romantic energy really well, with the way they dress and carry themselves.
I love all the actors, I don’t understand why it’s getting bad views
I only can handle WDW and KKN, they are carrying show imo. Both are excellent in previous work playing diverse characters. WDW visually overpowers LMH on the screen. My daughter’s asked who he was! KKN will probably have us ugly crying, he is so good.
Sorry, LMH is just a name, i have never thought he was a great actor, and visually he is ok. All his hits are over rated. He has no range in roles like Korean Kevin Costner…if he was all that, wouldnt require so much promotion and selling….heavy promotion is always red flag for me. Yeah, writing isn’t great but he is flat and she is just bipolar bizarro in this. Not a fan. Sticking around for WDW, KKN. Hope this doesn’t hurt them.
I agree with your analysis M. Except I’m watching for KGE and KKN and WDW does overpower LMH visually.
You also forgot to mention that santa clause is real while you at it and he exists with all his flying reindeer perhaps the kids will believe and to also put their socks beneath their pillows
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I seriously don’t understand how anyone can hate on Lee Min Ho. He seems so nice and charming IRL. Is it a cool thing? I’ve seen everything he’s ever done and the only thing I’d say is he could take more risks with his next roles. Other than that, he is my favorite korean actor of all time and I’ve seen a lot. He is the King of Kdrama to me!
The cringeness level in episode 11 was epic! And they still haven’t resolved the issue of disjointed scenes. I’m having trouble placing timelines by just watching the drama, the editing and directing hasn’t improved. Episode 11 seems more like a grand finale than a regular episode and the level of cheesiness in it is sky high lol!
Kim Go Eun’ s face is Episode 11 was……not very pleasant to look at specailly in her crying scenes.
By the way ratings for this drama is 5.2& & 6.6 %. FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP
BIG FLOOOOOOOOOOP. Is this drama the biggest flop in SBS for its Friday and Sat slot? ???? SbS, start airing convenience. ive seen the second teaser and this looks more fun this this s…… drama.
There is ABSOLUTELY nothing that big-time LMH or TKEM fanatics can do to save this big-time SBS’flop, especially those living outside Korea.
Some scenes/story arc in EP11 were actually good. If the story arc in EP11 was put in the earlier episodes (like if they killed his uncle in EP3 and The King showed this rage and emotion early on) a lot of people might have been more interested to keep on watching. They wasted the viewers’ interest by sloppy ep2 – ep8ish. They should do better in transitioning between 2 worlds, either by look and feel or musical scoring. I am underwhelmed by this drama but personally I will keep on watching in Netflix.
I actually have to agree I thought that the show kinda went too fast and some things were so obvious like you knew exactly what was gonna happen next the whole cast is amazing though I’m still watching it cuz I’ve never seen many kdramas like this before it’s also true the second male lead is mostly one of the reasons why this is still getting attention I hope I get to know more about Luna and the prime minister’s doppleganger also the uncle since they seem to have a good background story to tell also I want to see how it goes with detective Kang and him hopefully finding his real mom from the other world and who the little boy is with the yo-yo is he some sort of guardian or something ?? Even tho the show is a but rushed I’ll still watch it I hope the episodes get better (this is my own opinion it’s not based on facts or anything so don’t be pissed of if you don’t agree)