
Drama Stills of Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Ye Ji for It’s Okay to Not be Okay Give Off Princess and the Pauper Vibes — 24 Comments

  1. Check out the recent Netflix poster that’s a picture in a thousand words… I’m officially dead at the back hug. If the story goes south at least the visuals and of course the chemistry of KSH and SYJ will keep us amused. In the new poster SYJ doesn’t have that goth look more so Ann of Green Gables and the butterflies are not overbearing and are a lot more subtle plus they don’t look like tiger moths like the last poster.

    • Sorry it’s the tvN poster I am referring to. Just too excited at whatever is being dished out I didn’t see the tvN logo. I guess if the banter between these 2 bickering and KSH character Moon Kang Tae takes an instant dislike to SYJ Go Moon Young’s character then we are definitely in for a treat because both have exceptionally good comedic timing we’ll soon see the battle of wills and because they don’t know love it will be an even better watch.

  2. Trying to keep my expectation low but its so hard, especially after the bts, stills and the poster!! At least we’re sure about the otp chemistry *-* now please the plot be good too please

    • Ikr. I seriously try to put my expectation at the lowest but it’s KSH’s comeback.

      Before the king airing, i also tried to have a lowest expectation, but my heart wanted more. And when it released, i stopped at early episodes.

      Hope, this one wont be a disappointment. I love ksh and the story sounds promising but we never know what will happen next.

  3. God damn that new poster!!! I was NOT excited for this. I was quite lukewarm actually even on that first teaser – very vague and almost difficult to pin point. But suddenly they just ramped it up.

    That new poster and that back huge is absolutely ?. The chemistry is oozing off my screen and I’m officially waiting for June 20 now. I hope this is amazing and if not, at least the OTP chemistry looks to be spot on.

  4. Honestly I have been spoilt due to CLOY regarding OTP chemistry so much so that whatever I picked after CLOY most of the time it would feel bland or lacking especially in the chemistry department.
    But but… I just watched that poster and was about to squeal??..That back was oozing with chemistry…The leads are so compatible visually and they give an unique aura. Now that is called perfect casting. Although it is too early to say anything but I m confident that I won’t be disappointed by the OTP chemistry.However the story needs to be good and the leads should complement each other in terms of acting as well.
    Kim Soo Hyun may not feature in the most -handsome -k-actors- ever list. But even with his korean boy-next door looks, he gives out this glowing and charismatic vibe that makes him shine amongst other actors of his generation. And yeah his voice is ❤️❤️❤️.I have a soft corner for actors who can sing as well. SYJ also looks gorgeous here as always.

    • Kim Soo Hyun is often voted as one of the top 10 most handsome actor in Korea though. This is in his home country. I don’t know how he is ranked among international fans.

      • I know that in his home country he is ranked high in polls but my post was from the p.o.v of an outsider who most of the time gets to witness only certain names when people talk about handsome k-actors.

      • Kim Soo Hyun is naturally handsome
        Actors like Lee jongsuk, Lee Min Ho
        Ji chang wook etc have done plastic surgery. But we can see him in international polls many time.

      • Agree. Actually in most public survey in Korea Kim Soo Hyun is the ONLY one in his generation to rank in Top 10. Most on the list are older actors like Won Bin, Kang Dong Won, Jung Woo Sung, Gong Yoo, Hyun Bin, Jang Dong Gun etc. Only KSH is the youngest actor on most survey list. That proves how strong of a household name he is. That even older people thought of him along side older the older actors.

        I think as long as the story is okay even if it’s not great they will have high ratings. One teaser from Kim Soo Hyun and it was already trending at #1 in Naver and being talk by wide spread ages. That means many will atleast check it out. KSH older fans can watch it at TVN while his young fans can watch at Netflix.

  5. I’m so excited for this one! I missed Kim Soo Hyun. He’s really a good actor who tries different roles.

    I didn’t watch a lot of SYJ’s dramas but I like her.

  6. I tried not to get ecxited and keep expectations low for this one from the begining but it seems like doing the same is getting harder as we get closer to the date with unexpected teasers and posters of drama coming out!
    it wasn’t hyped till now and I really don’t want this one to be hyped in less than 20 days left to first episode.

  7. Finally, have something to watch this June. this is my type of genre and i love the male lead. Fighting kim So Hyun. Wishing that the viewership rating is high.

  8. Kim Soo-hyun and Seo Ye-ji look so good together in the newly released posters of tvN. They are oozing with chemistry. I can’t help but be excited.

  9. Thank you @koalasplayground for this article!
    This is a must-see drama!
    If it’s KSH, it must be good???
    #KimSooHyun ?
    Fighting? ?

  10. The newly released tvn stills made my expectations go beyond the roof. I see chemistry, u all. I legit can’t wait for this to premiere. As expected, ye ji is really a very good choice. nvr expected that she’ll be this pretty in this drama.

  11. @Naveen Singh, please do not create rumors simply because it suits your opinion. Please bring evidence of LMH plastic surgery. This is the first time I’m hearing of this nonsense in all my 14 years of kdrama watching that he’s done plastic surgery. Handsomeness is subjective. you do not have to slander other actors to back up your bias’ handsomeness.

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