Kim Yoo Jung and Ji Chang Wook Partner Up to Take on the Convenience Store World in Posters and Preview for Backstreet Rookie

It’s an extra week wait for the arrival of next SBS Fri-Sat drama Backstreet Rookie, dropping now on June 19th. That’s ok, get things buttoned down and more time can be used to prep better. The drama released the official posters today and also a new preview that’s in line with the earlier ones, the tone is comedic and the setting is that 24-hour convenience store. I didn’t realize working around the clock is also a recipe for love, lol. Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung are definitely going to have to debut instant chemistry to make this come alive because I don’t have any sense of the overarching story other than she’s sassy and he’s dorky and they work together at a convenience store. I find the posters pretty low budget but the leads visuals make up for it and also there’s a sense of camp that I appreciate. Sometimes you know there is noting substantive there so play up having a good time.

Preview for Backstreet Rookie:
I like the last poster of them together the most. Simple and nice 🙂
The poster with the entire cast is unappealing and looks like it is done by an amateur using the basic “paint” program on Microsoft program lol
Yea the posters are cute but it does look low budget. They could’ve done more with it. For ex, I don’t like how they took it inside a studio instead of using the convenience store as the backdrop when the drama literally takes place in a CS. I wish the teasers would be less vague and introduce other characters bc a lot of people seem to be confused what this drama is actually about. But like the webtoon, this is a slice of life romcom so people expecting an intricate plot are going to be disappointed lol.
I hope they’ve written out or really minimized screen time for the rasta character with the dreadlock wig, now is really not the time for that BS (not that it ever is). They tried to make him look as young as possible which helps with the age gap factor she’s in once again. It looks kooky and fun, I’ll probably check it out to get some balance for It’s Okay Not to Be Okay.
I like both the actors so I’m just hoping it’s not a turnoff (for me) once the romance starts like with Clean with Passion for Now.
I like both of actors so i hope that it will not be like another CWPN or Melting me …
Cant wait Finally a suitable partner for Ji Chang wook, Visually. This will be an enormous success. Convenience is already trending on naver and international fans are going crazy about them. The chemistry is just ooozing naturally. It is not forced. I Can Feel it by just looking at the poster. They are indeed chemistry queen and King. Fans have already started shipping the two. #ChangYoo couple. thats how strong their chemistry is. i smell Huge success. Another Hit from Yoo Yung.
This is our group”s opinion on our on twitter. We feel that comvenience will hit between 18-20% domestic viewership rating all throughout its run. Just like the Fiery Priest. So this is another success for the Fiery Priest Director. back to back Success.The Casting staff must be commended for bringing together these two.
shippers of Ji Chang wook and Nam ji Hyun are now crying in the corner. because it is now very evident that Ji Chang wook has the best Chemistry with Kim Yoo Jung. This is the new ship. Ji chang wook and Nam ji Hyun ship is sinking.
You are all delusional if you are thinking that the handsome Ji Chang wook will ever like someone like Nam Ji Hyun. Duhhhh. Nam Ji Hyun is not even pretty to be compared to Kim Yoo Jung. Actually to all female leads of Ji Chang wook she is the prettiest. No Comparison at all.
And to all who are still questioning the age gap. You are all just jealous. Move on. This drama wlll be the next CLOY and descendants of the Sun. Mark my Words.
Is this necessary? Why compare beauty? I don’t think they are competing in a beauty pageant lol
I’m excited for this drama and all but your expectations are beyond the heavenly realm.
You are so right people are being so disgusting and disrespectful towards his past leads and saying she is the prettiest like it’s so uncalled for
It sounds like you’re the one who’s jealous of NJH. In case you didn’t know, there was an awards show where your little popular goddess stood alone with no one talking to her and NJH walked over to say hello and keep her company. KYJ would be ashamed and embarrassed to have you as a fan, you pathetic loser!
You’re… pathetic.
Shippers are nuts. So are you asking how many nut cases are still left in this world? Hahaha. Is this a joke?
Wow, how old are you ? You sound so immature. Do you really need to put two women’s looks against each other like that ? JCW is too “handsome” for NJH? The level of shallowness. Since when is the only marker for attraction? Not to say that they’re dating. You really need to check yourself,
When kim yoo jung was struggling to finish her high school ,Nam Ji Hyun entered and graduated from Sogang University with Degree in Psychology .BEAUTY TALENTED GIRL WITH BRAIN .
I mean NJH is older, KYJ enrolled in normal school and taking less work because she need attendance and score to graduated, she took it seriously.
Criticising people for not being pretty is not nice. Please keep your negative opinion to yourself.
Not a fan, but both are a good actor and actress. I’m rooting for this drama to do well, especially after LMH fan said the leads should be thankful to him for having Backstreet Rookie air after what was supposed to be a “megahit” The Eternal Chaebol lol.
Why are you trolling people just to make the point that you are Kim Yoo Jung’s fan? Is this really necessary? It seems to me that you are very insecure about Nam Ji Hyun.
Is Backstreet Rookie in competition with Psycho ever of Kim Soo Hyun and her (i dont know her name) Female lead? as to time slot?
if it is, Poor Kim Soo Hyun?This is comeback drana right after MS? Another A piece of Your mind drama? lol. Poor Kim So Hyun.
Fans Cant wait for June 19. To all the haters of Kim Yoo Jung, to all those who are jealous of her. Stay where you are. This Drama will be an Enormous success for SBS. This drama will attain the ratings success that the King Eternal PPL had failed to achieve.
Stop with all your bullshit. You are not a fan of either JCW or KYJ. Stop dragging their names into your disgusting hate comments.
Poor Kim Soo Hyun?? LOL
Kim Soo Hyun > Ji Chang Wook
I mean, in Korea, you can’t compare their level of fandoms. Kim Soo Hyun definitely will win the ratings battle if there’s any.
Say, KYJ > SYJ. That’s what I think, but I don’t think it will be significant enough to beat the Kim Soo Hyun’s effect.
The king may have fail in ratings but why put down the It’s okay to be okay drama? It looks interesting in the teaser. I’m not a deity so I can’t see the future on its success but why not encourage both dramas to be good quality and successful rather than seeing it as a straight competition?
U should worry about ur Ji chang wook. Don’t compare with him Kim Soo Hyun , he is a legendary actor. It’s okay to not be okay is most awaited drama. Female lead is Seo Ye Ji , she is talented actress. TEKM and TWOM is best example, TEKM air on SBS which is national channel with maximum viewership on other hand TWOM on a cable channel , it is paid channel which means they have less viewership. Inspite of that TEKM flop. Kim soo Hyun have guts coz he is making his comeback with an unknown writer inspite of being a top hallyu star. So just shut ur mouth.
@Joane I replied to you in the King/Monarch Post and copied my comment here again as to make the point that you got to stop bashing every other drama present and future; actors as well because you are causing irreparable damage to KYJ reputation. That’s why I know you are not a genuine fan of hers cos you keep bringing others into your sorry trail of mess. No KYJ fan causes this amount of hate on twitter or IG because they focus solely on her so that’s why I am calling you out here. You’re a try hard imposter and your number is up. Stop causing unnecessary distress to the real fans of KYJ like myself.
you so very remind me of poster @moonlightyoo. Does anyone remember?!
@ Artemis Hard I didn’t want to bring it up but I’ve seen a similar comment on Dramabeans too!
And @Joane Can you please leave SYJ out of your putdowns the girl has enough to contend with already that’s why she had to disable her IG cos the nutters were gonna fly in as soon as her FL role was confirmed for It’s okay.
And for your information both dramas are a revelation and massive score for drama fans in both camps so don’t go stealing our thunder.
After seeing JCW purposely post his smoking video, I can’t unsee that and seeing him here keep remind me how bad the smell of the cigarettes ?
I hope this drama will cleanse my thought and this drama brings more success to each and everyone..
I’m a huge Kim Soo hyun fan so I can’t wait for It’s Ok Not to be Ok drama. Having said that, this looks really interesting too and completely different so I’ll also be watching this one. I hope both shows do well, they air on different nights so hopefully people can enjoy both.
It sounds like there are a lot of immature “fans” in kdrama threads who are negative and tear people down just to make their favourite stars shine. What is the point? Your star would be disappointed if they saw this horrible attitude. Be respectful. Every actor tries their best and hopes success when they start a new project so let’s keep it positive and support them.
(From an international fan)
Sorry didn’t mean to post this under your comment. I meant this as a general comment on the thread 🙂
its always nice to see posters like you and every other positive posters with heartwarming words. Im a JCW Ifan and Im definitly going to watch both dramas cause I like KSH. I hope both of them become successful and entertain us, each on their own way. Lets focus on supporting!
Everyone, please ignore the disgusting Joane’s comments. He/She’s not a true fan of KYJ, just a hater pretending to be a fan to start a fanwar.
yeah that’s true…ignore the people who have bad comments for Kim yoo Jung….Kim yoo Jung is nice pretty and talented adorable and smart
Pretty sure she’s a real fan. She writes just like Moonlight Yoo who is a hardcore KYJ stan and has defended her like crazy on this site.
wish the best luck for them,
I hope the fiery priest pd can work in his magic too, let’s get best director award, maybe too much but he does well in FP
I’ve been absent for watching K-drama for quite so long, and this one got me interesting … i think I’m gonna like it. And suprisingly they look good together.
for me. the two actor is my most the best couple ever… the cuteness overload..I love lot this drama….I’m so excited..for are the winner…Kim yoo Jung and ji Chang wook
Im very greatful that most of public negativity about the pairing and story is gone. I saw many excited ppl on other sites,blogs and youtube.
of course It would be nice if the ratings are high numbers but before that I want this drama to be sweet as marshmallo, funny and cheering to watch.
I watched the pds interview, he said he took this project to show a slice of life and for casting JCW he said “I wanted someone who was handsome no matter what”, for KYJ he said “I mean isn’t she exactly the right one who should’ve done this role?”. He mentioned that the couple have great chemistry off and on screen.
so Good Luck handome JCW and sweet KYJ. I hope this drama becomes successful.
for posters the one with all the cast is funny and I chuckle every time I see it somewhere; while the one that is just of leads is sweet. Curious and excited for OSTs as well,hope they are good.
I like the yellow background posters. Very simple and cute. I don’t like the one that is crowded with all the supporting cast. But it is very close to The Fiery Priest’s poster if any of you have seen it.
Some people here are obviously trying to stir shit. Don’t engage with her. can tell from her post she’s just being snarky about BR. Not a true fan at all.
you’re right. both posters have same crowded style. yet I suppose that one was vertical and this one is horizontial. anyway, I’m ok with this resemblance. Hope ratings of BR be similar to FP’s just like their poster XD
When I saw the similarity, I felt the director might have a big say in the overall tone as well so that’s comforting because he’s a good director who knows what he wants. I like that he also explained that he chose this story because he saw the potential for good stories in a small convenient store when he directed The Fiery Priest. So I’m trusting the director to whip up something warm and fuzzy.
Love JCW & KYJ .. am a fan of the two star
It looks fun! I’m ready to be entertained!
@Joane _is_a_loser You mean the Asia Artist Awards 2016? KYJ wasn’t standing alone with no one talking to her she was standing beside Park Bo Gum and Kim Ji Won was in front, V from BTS walked up to talk to PBG and then NJH tapped KJY to greet her as they go way back. Please don’t play into Joane’s mind games here cos she’s purposely hell bent on dragging actors and starting fan wars at the drop of KYJ name. She’s an anti fan parading around like she’s KYJ BFF.
I would keep my expectation in check. The leads are cute but a lot of a drama’s success depends on the story and story-telling, so declaring a sky-high rating only fans the stan war. This is no longer the time of Moonlight Drawn By Clouds anyway.
I like KYJ a lot in sageuk, and I also like her role in Angry Mom, so hopefully the drama will draw in a decent rating at least for her and JCW’s sake. On the other hand the premise of It’s Okay Not to be Okay sounds really interesting and I can’t wait until I have both dramas on my plate. Best of luck and success to both dramas as they have some of the lead actors and actresses that I like ^^.
What’s wrong with a drama being lighthearted and fun? And why can’t a drama be lighthearted and be meaningful? It takes place in a local convenience store so we’ll be seeing their daily lives, how people in the middle range bracket live.
Please stop pretending to be fans of JCW and KYJ and dragging other people down.
I am a bit tentative on this one. K-drama success is a hit and miss lately. What looks good in the script may flop and what sounds corny/cheesy at first may turn to gold. This scenario is perfectly illustrated by TKEM and CLOY respectively. I wish JCW and KYJ all the very best and hope that the storyline, direction and acting will all combine to make a decent hit if not an outright hit. Good luck!
Im soooo excited?
I am an ardent jiji couple fan but that does not mean I will deny JCW acting with other actress.We should respect the actor and actress,they are doing such hard work, day and night to survive in the industry.I hope this drama is a success for both jcw and kyj.Shipping is fun,everyone has the right to ship their actor with their own actress,though none of us know,what is going to be actually the reality in the end.So please don’t demean any actress.Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.Let us wish them all the best.
Another perfect match Very Pretty and very Handsome.Both are perfect.They are too gorgeous for a very simple kdrama story.I wonder how they manage it beautifully in a simple drama.
as for me, i felt little chemistry about this two. i don’t why. and i felt that the comedy is forced. because for me, it’s truly funny, I’ll laugh seeing the teaser. but when I’m watching the teaser, i felt mahhh
and i think the viewers might feel uncomfortable seeing the romance coz the male lead has already a girlfriend. i think the female lead will become a third wheel
Nonton Drama Korea Backstreet Rookie (2020) Subtitle Indonesia