K-actress Oh In Hye Passes Away After Suicide Attempt in Her Own Home

It feels like the worst type of repeat reporting, that a K-ent star has passed away unexpectedly. Supporting actress Oh In Hye has been confirmed deceased after being found unresponsive over the weekend and rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately medical assistance could not revive her and early Tuesday morning she passed. She did movies and a small role in one K-drama Horse Doctor around the 2012-2014 time period but never rose to greater roles or recognition. In recent years she got more press for her daring fashion sense at film festival and awards show more than actual projects. My condolences to her friends and family, may they slowly find comfort and healing in the days to come.

Koala you got her her name wrong its Oh In Hye and may she rest in peace.
Good God. I don’t know why but I searched her name just last week while watching The Horse Doctor (going through a massive Cho Seung Woo craze right now, while waiting for new episodes of Stranger 2). She somehow looked familiar to an actress from Hotel King and I wanted to confirm if it was her. May she rest in peace.
She looks beautful and stunning here…Will always be remembered for her and gorgeous outfits. RIP