
Joo Won Trades His Cop Casual From Alice for Dreamy Sensitive Look in New Pictorial — 14 Comments

  1. I used to be allergic to him also. He was weird looking and stiff when he first started out but the Good Doctor blew me away. The more I found out about him, the more textured as an entertainer he came across. Musical actor crossover. Increased acting skills with every production. Military has also done wonders, he is looking more chiselled than before. That said for me, he is the shining torch bearer in Alice. Such a good actor!

  2. I prefer Kwak Shi Yang. Maybe it is his character, too. But Joo won still looks like a little boy sometimes. The only show I love with Joo won is Gaksital.

  3. Joo Won is very talented no doubt, but would we like his role in Alice, had it not been him in it? The character is standard cold/withdrawn ML with bouts of emotion.

    Whereas, Kwak Si Yang has given a character that is 2 dimensional on paper, depth and emotion. His role is layered, and Kwak Shi Yang is portraying his conflicted emotions. However, his portrayal has given Min-hyuk more layers than the standard dark/broody one. Look at his eyes when he saw Tae-yi, or now when he sees his son.

  4. Joo Won is a fantastic and excellent actor. His performance supercedes all the other actors in Alice. He is serious and portrays his character at its best – feelings are strong, emotive. He is always a joy to behold. Great job, Joo Won.

  5. I definitely hanged on to Alice because of Joo Won’s great acting, although I also enjoy KSY’s performance 🙂 Glad that the drama is picking up its pace again.

  6. Joo Won is a very good actor. That said, he is NOT good at picking dramas. Other than Gaksital I have never liked a drama he did. Good Doctor may have been a hit, but I thought it was just awful. And I have dropped or just flat out not watched everything he has done since. I love SciFi and watched the first episode of Alice and thought it looked decent, but it clearly didn’t hook me because I have never found the motivation to watch the next episode. I really hope he does another good drama some day.

  7. I like him in Bridal mask, Alice and Baker King Kim Tak Goo. His dramas usually come out with strong ratings. I actually think he picks good projects contrary to what some ppl say.

    • He is a great actor for sure. My personal favourites are Good Doctor and Bridal Mask. He kind of hardcarried Yong Pal too. That said, he has had some duds/flops too. Namely, Nodame Cantabile, My Sassy girl, and 7th level civil servant. Alice has the makings of a hit but lost oart of its audience because of that fauxcest romance no one asked for. His hits had monster ratings and his performances were so memorable thats why it seem as if he never flops. I think a title like “King of Ratings” should be given to guys like Kim Soo Hyun/ Park Seo Joon/Park Bo Gum.

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