Namgong Min, Seolhyun, Lee Chung Ah Lead Script Reading for tvN Drama Awaken

tvN’s final Mon-Tues drama of 2020 is ready to start filming and the time slot is going to go from aspirational Record of Youth to medical miracle heartwarming Birthcare Center to dark procedural Awaken (Night and Day). The leads of Awaken held their script reading earlier this month led by Namgong Min, Seolhyun, Lee Chung Ah, and Yoon Sun Woo. The dramas surrounds mysterious cases in a town from 26 years ago connected to strange happenings now. Namgong Min has me saying “yes!” and this airing on tvN isn’t as guaranteed it’ll be good as if it was airing on OCN but it’s better than getting wasted on a big three channel that doesn’t know how to handle procedurals without throwing in maudlin twists. Awaken premieres at the end of November to run through beginning 2021.

Lately Namgong min is doing great in choosing his drama projects esp the Stove League so I might follow this drama though I never like Seolhyun’s acting or any drama that she was in. Sigh. I may also watch this because the supporting cast looks solid.
I liked the 3 actors in their last dramas. NGM is Stove League, Seolhyun in My Country and LCA in VIP (VIP had the most boring ML of all the times, but the girls were great).
I’m more curious about the writer who seemed to have written only short dramas.
The 2nd male lead played as Namgong Min’s younger brother in Hot Stove League. How cute is that!
what the f is wrong with this drama, it started off nicely now it has become too convoluted to comprehend. geez, too late to drop but at least I got the forward button. I hate Joo-won character, it’s too one dimensional, it’s getting on my nerve, v hard to root for him
Joo Won is not in this drama. Mind where you post your vent
Every time a new Namgoong Min drama is announced I hope it will be Chief Kim 2 or something with a comic touch. What’s with all the deadly serious scripts he’s doing? The worst was Dr. Prisoner, full of medical sadism.