KBS Sageuk River Where the Moon Rises Releases Teaser Poster and New Striking Action Stills

I hope the production has enough footage in the bank when KBS sageuk River Where the Moon Rises premieres next month in February because I can see delays due to COVID-19, the winter weather, lunar new year and the like for a drama that is large in scale and requires a lot more prep. I’m so excited this drama is right around the corner and the production is doing a great job of doling out intriguing snippets. The latest is the teaser poster above, a moody image of princess warrior Kim So Hyun sitting on her horse shot against the near dark sky, with male lead Ji Soo‘s profile face overlayed above her in the clouds and facing the opposite direction. There are also two stills, one with Kang Ha Neul in mid sword slash and the other a rainy night silhouette of Kim So Hyun. All in all, quite nicely done artistic visuals.

I hope the big hype of this drama will translate to big ratings. This drama looks like spent with big money. So, KBS needs to sell this properly.
The hype is only from fans. KBS doesn’t care about promotions for this drama. All the work is being done by the production company. Don’t expect great ratings just focus on the acting.
yes..we fans are working so hard to hype this drama so that many people will notice it. and we are so thankful and grateful to victory contents for continously proving us the contents. kbs? lol.. we lost hope already. late posting the teasers, amd they even deleted the script reading post in their ig. so how do we expect or rely on that sh*t kbs? we only demand a good promotion. but they only focus on the dramas that are produced by them.
If so, KBS is out of their minds for spending a lot of money for something they will not promote properly. I thought KBS is promoting this properly because I read that this drama has been trending in Korea and many articles are written about it.
i don’t think kbs is the one who spend a lot of money, they only provide the channel to air river where the moon rises. the one who spend big money is Victory Content. Yes it is trending. but that’s not due to KBS! they didn’t deserve to take credit about it.! which channel only make naver tv account after 1 week the 1st teaser came out? only KBS! ? other drama like Joseon Exorcist and Hong Chungi, SBS already make naver tv since day 1 after the teasers came out. Previously, it’s Victory Content was the one who have to make the naver tv for river where the moon rises to promote the 1st teaser, coz during that time, KBS still doing nothing! so if it’s trending, it’s obviously not due to kbs
I agree, it’s only victory contents that has been doing the promotion. From what I recalled, they were already filming even before a network was secured. Mbc was the rumored network but they made the decision not to air any drama until second half of 2021, so that’s probably why victory contents went to a different channel.
I don’t know how entertainment works so please enlighten me on this. Since the drama is airing in KBS, it means that the production company sold it to KBS. In that regard, KBS needs to promote the drama in order to compensate the cost of buying the drama or its rights from the production.
A long time ago I read an article that talked about how Korean drama productions worked. Most of the money invested tends to come from the production company, but the channels still need to invest part of it when they buy the rights to air the show.
I wonder if they are investing more to promote dramas they put more money into and want that to have the highlight or what. Because I never get why some dramas are better promote than others.
my thought is in line with you. that’s why I’m still wondering, why they promoted this drama half-heartedly? but that’s not surprising.. even secret royal agent fans also complaining about the lack promotions of that drama. it wasn’t produced by kbs companies, same like river where the moon rises
That is sad. Maybe KBS cannot promote this drama well because they did not produce it. How I wish the producers find the right channel for this drama. They should have pursued SBS or tVN which are the ratings magnet stations these days.
Most upcoming dramas next month have very little or poor promotions. Covid could have hurt the promotion budget for channels.
exception to Dear M which airs in kbs.. LUCA already had several teasers.. others i don’t know
it didn’t even cost single penny to promoto the drama on time in all of social media platforms. so what’s with the excuse?
Looking really epic so far! Can’t put into words how excited I am for this, February can’t seem to come soon enough!
Can’t wait for Queen Kim So Hyun’s beauty and talent to grace my screen again!
Here’s to hoping the writers and PD won’t let us down!
RWTMR, fighting!
Oh! Is it KHN? I thought it was the king Kim Pubrae actor.
BTW, the leaving E&T became official today. I hope her next agency will give treat her well.
Interesting. How about her signing with Jun Ji Hyun’s agency? Any news for that?
it’s kim pubrae the king
You’re right it is the king not khn.
That’s superb news!
@Ma I don’t think it’s KHN either.
About So Hyun switching agencies, it’s a good news for me. E&T barely promotes her, or at least not as much as Sidus used to. Really wish it’s Culture Depot who will snatch her up!
beyond excited. Rooting for Kim So Hyun.
I heard that Feb 15 is the first broadcast date. And the production team (victorycontents) uploaded the video of their first script reading on youtube so please check it out. Let’s support RWTMR all the way ❤️
Let’s go Feb 15!
Yeppuda poster! Best!
She is THE main lead right??. thumbs up! that means her name will be displayed first before jisoo which definitely an upgrade.
this drama and Joseon exorcist will clash halfway. I root for both dramas and all the best for maccaron couple.
Yes. Kim So Hyun will definitely be credited first before Ji Soo because the drama is a female-centric one. Actually, it is kind of unfair to Ji Soo because Korean news headlined So Hyun and Kang Ja Neul over him.
The poster looks beautiful!
Gorgeous Everything! The poster is top-notch cinema quality, something you would see at the theaters. The still with assassin princess darting around at night in the rain, is also incredible! I’m still unsure if the silhouette of her is from the front or from the back, I’m leaning towards the front haha Well done photographers and graphic team!
looking forward to this. Im an new fan of Kim so Hyun.
a new.
all the best KSH
KBS is the lamest among TV stations when it comes to promotion. During the time TTON, the same also suffered poor promotions from the channel.Luckily,it pulled no. 1 ranking in its timeslot for most of its parts and has been one of the top 10 most buzzed dramas of 2019.