Na In Woo’s First Full Appearance in Episodes 9-10 of River Where the Moon Rises is Surprisingly Better than Ji Soo in Bringing More Mature Presence to the Role

Man, now I wish I never watched Queen Cheorin because seeing Na In Woo suck six-ways to Sunday in his second male lead role there really was the worst introduction to this actor that could have happened. I say this because when I first laid eyes on him there I was very pleased, he looks like a taller, new gen version of Jo Hyun Jae, basically his grown up younger brother. Then he started “acting” and all my expectations were dashed. T___T What a waste of a tall, strapping young man. So clearly his suckitude was tied to the character of Byung In in QC because this week in KBS sageuk River Where the Moon Rises he makes his first full appearance, in scenes with other characters rather than randomly spliced in last week to quickly cover for Ji Soo. Consider me pleasantly and happily surprised but his version of Ondal is more interesting, in some ways he’s the better actor for the role. Ji Soo playing him like a goofy boy with hints of the man underneath, Na In Woo plays him like a man with hints of a goofy boy underneath.
Na In Woo also goes toe-to-toe way better opposite Lee Ji Hoon (who is still acting in his own melo lol), the two men match up in gravitas and both have super sexy voices. Na In Woo’s chemistry with Kim So Hyun is really sweet and lovely, they captured the Ga Jin-Ondal deep care for each other and Na In Woo is less schoolboy with a crush around her the way Ji Soo was so it makes their romance more compelling since this is a sageuk and not a modern high school drama. I think Na In Woo’s still developing (and clearly wobbly) acting skills peek out from time to time here, he didn’t magically turn into a good actor, but if this was the first drama I saw him in I would say he had potential after a few more dramas under his belt. River’s story also got more interesting but it’s a bit late since it’s midpoint now to try in rope in new viewers so ratings remain stagnant but for existing viewers still watching along things are definitely looking up.



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It’s never too late to rope in new viewers and episode 10 saw the same average peak as episode 4 which is a good sign. Having said that things will get tough next week with new dramas coming in and it’s hard to say where the ratings will go. Nonetheless this casting change has been good for both the plot and the chemistry between the leads which has increased dramatically. NIW deserves all the praise for stepping in midway and KSH for staying cool under pressure and hard carrying the drama over troubled waters. I’m glad to have stayed with RWTMR through all the hardships and wish nothing but success for all the casts and the drama.
Actually, it was surprising that RWTMR managed to hold its ratings despite the Ji Soo’s mess. Well, let us see how it will fare against the new dramas coming in the following weeks. Maybe, a 5% rating will be its new average.
LOL! Finally, some competition to spice things up!
There’s been competition from Day 1. Both TVN and JTBC had dramas airing at the same time. The only break was this week.
@Yuta Just ignore Marga and this user with blue ID who keeps on changing his/her username. They are haters of the drama since day 1 so no matter what you say to them they will keep on hating. Let them be and they don’t deserve your time and attention.
Did you mean competition for public channels?
What are those dramas from MBC and SBS?
@Bryan – JTBC and TVN both aired short-form dramas, so they’re not real competition. SBS’s Monday-Tuesday drama was on a hiatus and replaced by variety shows; the time slot only resumes next week with Joseon Exorcist. MBC is hahahahahahaha, everything in that channel is practically variety show pilots and replays nowadays.
@Dakchigo Thanks for the info.
I see. So that’s why Koala keep on saying the ratings is stagnant and the story and directing is not that strong according to her.
But still hoping for the best for them and new dramas.
Literally KSH proving her star power by getting the drama through hell week and cast changes! At 21 she’s got strong influence by building her own unique brand!
Count me in as a new viewer roped in after the recast! Now I have to catch up on 7.5 worth of episodes (started watching the last 30mins of Episode 8) but I must say, it’s refreshing to finally see Na In Woo in a lead role after playing scorned second leads in Mr. Queen and Mystic Popup Bar.
LOL @OCKoala, I prayed last time that this week’s episode will disappoint you so you will exit out from watching and you won’t write another article for RWTMR (just like sisyphus) anymore. Because I got fed up to those consistent haters trashing this drama every single time.
Then, I realized that it’s me who should just exit out from visiting this site and reading comments. So, it’s probably my last time on this blog. Adios!!! I’ll still be watching RWTMR though until the end.
Yes exactly, please go away. This is Koala’s blog, she is free to post about whatever she wants, write whatever opinions or backtrack whatever comments she previously had.
You can’t control or feel entitled to what the owner of the blog post but we can always control our own action by closing the tab! This is definitely the healthiest attitude to have.
@Pineapple Tot True. This is Koalas Blog. Not everything she write will be pleasing to the fans of any drama or actors. But still, this is Koalas blog. We are just reading and luckily we can comment.
It’s sad @Trisha because you won’t possibly read this anymore but thank you for having a wise decision. Those haters won’t go away but you can always choose to stay away from them. ?
I wholeheartedly agree with you assessment of inwoo. He did a fantastic rendition of ondal. I surprisingly didn’t miss Jisoo at all although it was a struggle in 7 and 8 although it was expected since it was a edit and paste. Episode 9 and 10 was very strong in writing, acting and excitement. Even midway, I’m loving this drama to pieces. Everything is falling together perfectly. I love how the ghost village now wants to officially rejoin the kingdom! I’m pumped up!
I’m getting excited to watch this drama. I also like seeing Ondal even more, hahaha. The current Ondal is also more pleasing to my eyes. I also like Na In Woo’s style when holding a sword, he looked cool when holding a sword. I’ve seen him from Mr.Queen, but he looks even more memorable in this drama. He’s very cute while doing night gym scene, hahahaa. I’m also happy and proud to see that Kim So Hyun was very pro to build good chemistry with Na In Woo just in a short time. Good job, RWTMR Team, keep fighting!
Well dang! I am giving this show whiplash I have dropped and picked it backnup so mamy times. Guess I need to just skim 7 and 8 and pick back up. LOL!
I liked him in Queen Cheorin especially in episode 3 where he fought with the masked king for the first time.
So after hearing about his casting, I was interested and immediately liked the visual between him and KSH.
I dropped River because I couldn’t get past Jisoo as Ondal. But with the switch, I might pick it up starting episode 9.
I’m not the only one! When I first saw In Woo, he reminded me of Jo Hyun Jae too, Mr. 49 days. I hope he’ll be back in the drama world soon.
He reminded him as well , when i saw him in Mr Queen he give me a déjà vu impression . But Jo Hyun Jae is more good looking ! I miss him , he is one of my fav actors but after he completed the MS we didn’t to get to see him often Jae Hee, Kim Jae Won, Song Chang ui neither ! What happened ? Shin Sung Rok, Lee Sang Yoon are doing fine with good lead roles .
Jo Hyun Jae last drama was in 2018
the tittle is “let Me introduce Her” with Kim Jae Won ^^
It’s 40 episodes drama.
I saw some edits and gif of KSH & NIW cute height difference in the drama and NIW’s Ondal bumbling fool smile and you know what, he’s growing on me. Might have to eat my words and watch some of his scenes
What i told you its right dontcha koala??he is a better way