
C-actor Zhang Heng Releases New Texts that Show Ex-wife C-actress Zheng Shuang Engaged in Yin-Yang Drama Contracts and Tried to Throw a Pet Away to Avoid Vet Bill — 18 Comments

  1. Only a truly disgusting human being not only attempts to discard her own babies but her dog too. Domesticated pets are just as helpless as children and for her to dump her dog in a field because she didn’t want to pay a few vet bills makes my blood boil. At this point, if the government disappears her Fan BinBing style and we never see from her again, I wouldn’t be mad about it.

  2. How do you make $24 MILLIONS USD for a drama but would rather throw away your sick pet than pay a few hundreds to treat it? You have to be a special kind of heinous person to do this.

  3. I find it rather questionionable that already knowing what kind of a person she is, the guy still married her. Knowing she once discarded a sick pet, he should have look for a different woman to marry.

  4. Normally I wouldn’t comment because the articles are already bad enough. She did it. He knew it. So the dog died right? OMG.

    Seriously? Can we have laws protecting pets? I am not even sure she can be prosecuted for negligence at this point for her twins. I’ve just paid thousands in vet bills last month for my dog- accidental injury from our neighbours for crying out loud- but I didn’t whine. Our pets are part of the family.

    I can’t even… read anything anymore about her.

  5. I think they are both scary as f….her for doing all that…apparently she won a lawsuit against him so he decided NOW to came out with the texts….

  6. What the… But if she can discard a baby, a dog would be nothing for her. Still this is soooo sick of her. She can say goodbye to her career.

    And i think i’m a minority but I usually don’t mind rewatching dramas especially my favorites with disgraced artist like sungkyungkwan scandal but love020 would be the first drama i’d choose to never watch again – sorry yang yang.

  7. That’s crazy amount of USD for an actress who can’t act. I find her really stiff and bland. She’s pretty but that’s all. I can’t even bring myself to finish Love O2O after 2 episodes now I totally won’t bother to finish it. Her personality is disgusting. Yikes!

  8. Damn, is C-ent the highest paying entertainment industry now? $20M is what A_ level American actors get paid for a movie, and that’s longer than 77 days of work.

  9. The You Tuber Avenue X gave the background about how this actress was raised….it explains a lot.

    I understood why the ex went public when he was dealing with the kid situation and having paperwork issues. However, throwing her to the Chinese tax officials after seeing what happened to Fan Bing Bing is nasty business especially since the contract practice was widespread in the industry. We get it, she’s a horrible human being but enough.

    • @Kat Someone on YT made a video about this (you can search for the video yourself). They said that he revealed the tax issue because recently her side paid people to spread false stories about him to make him look bad.

      Explains it though. Why didn’t he do this before? Guess he had had enough of their shenanigans.

      • You don’t snitch to the communists. I’m sure there is plenty of dirt to throw.

  10. Watch the movie then. It is better in all ways: casting, acting (yeah, I never knew Angelababy could act but the goofy funny character really suits her), script, directing and cinematography.

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