
Hit TW-drama Someday or One Day to be Remade into Historical Period Romance C-drama — 8 Comments

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  2. Pingback:Hit TW-drama Someday or One Day to be Remade into Historical Period Romance C-drama - SanIsidro

  3. I remember I loved Someday or Oneday so much when it aired and I thought the drama was a perfection, the drama toyed with my brain a million times so much that I thought to myself ‘oh this writer must be a genius’ but to cut the long story short I’m wary of a Chinese remake as I want to keep the fantastic memories I have of that drama. Cdramas don’t make good remakes as far as I know but i guess been a historical version might help…. *fingers crossed*

  4. Not on board with this remake. remakes or not, and even with a good script, censorship is going to ruin it one way or another. I’m very weary of c-dramas nowadays, barely anything good, most are just recycle storyline/plot.

  5. It is not just a story concept that makes a good drama…the casts also plays a huge role, along with the scriptwriters and productions. So if they dont nailed those, it is just money down the drain. Too make low standard dramas have been released in thge last few years..

  6. I tried watching the original TW drama and I don’t see the rave for it lol i guess the concept was interesting but the two male leads’ acting and overall production value make it hard for me to continue

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