
Park Shin Hye Toggles Striking Eye Versus Cheek Makeup Looks in New Agency Stills — 17 Comments

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  3. She looks more beautiful to me barefaced and with simple clothes. I also don’t like when she styles her nails to much and wear too glamorous dresses, but I think she likes it. Anyways, she’s pretty.

    Looking forward to her next project, I still believe she’s more of a good actress than what’s she’s shown.

  4. Now that PSH in her 30s it’ll be interesting to see what characters she chooses. Will it be more of the same or something completely different. Sisyphus was not a good example because she chose to play a character 6-7 years younger than her real age. Hopefully she doesn’t continue that trend. PBY has also not impressed with DAYS and feels like she’ll stick to generic romance dramas while SSK has a clear idea of what roles she wants in her 30s. Her choice of feminist dramas and characters potentially aligns with her real life personality so I can see her thriving with diverse roles. The 30s is a competitive field with many established actresses and some early 40s actresses like GHJ, SYJ, JJH and SHK who are still playing characters in their 30s. There are more interesting roles but also more competition for the good characters and plots.

    • I hope PsH continues to choose script that will continue to enhance her star power and stop listening to all this women empowerment bull shit, you people always bully and force on actresses to do.. You sadists always criticise her of hiding behind top male leads.. This is how she ended up with sisphus or whatever and rejected a script like IONTBO bcos it has top male lead.. She should do what works for her.if a nice female empowerment movies with great script comes for her then fine.. She shouldn’t be doing it for sake of doing it to please feminist that won’t even watch it anyway.

      • Psh never reject iontbo it’s just media playing but gold medalist.Gm always media playing kim soo hyun salary and his drama lol.

      • I agree. Whatever she does, haters will always find something to complain about.
        Park Shin Hye shouldn’t listen to the naysayers because obviously she is doing something right, to still be on top after so many years, to still be one of the most successful in her age group, to still be an A-lister. To still be sought after. Some say, she shouldn’t be doing romcoms but she became famous because of that genre meaning she did something right that made the “majority” liked her. Why would she care what the “minority”( haters)think and like anyway.

      • I just found out from this site how powerful Kim Soo Hyun is since he and his agency can control what the media reports. His salary is predicted – media play! He is nominated for Baeksang best actor – it’s because of his status! BTW, the media is also reporting on Yoo Jae Suk’s signing bonus with his new agency. Must be media play because gosh everyone and their dog knows the media hates reporting on rumours about salary and fees unless they’re paid to do so.

  5. She is so pretty. Unnie fighting you’re the best, with or without makeup you’re the most beautiful damsel. Your pics rock!!!?

  6. Her skin is flawless! The video of this really shows off her skin. Wonder what’s next for her. Hopefully not another long hiatus! ??

  7. Park shin hye is a great actress and an amazing beautiful stunning korean actress for all season..
    wish her anotheractionmovie and love drama
    she can portray diff role shes phenomenal…welove her..
    dambfor all the haters. .
    shes incredibly fantastic.

    • Preach!!Park shin hye overrate and mediocre actress. I feel Moa will get better rating if they cast stronger actress. In fact hyun bin hitting big in cloy because he has chemistry with son ye jin and have charisma. Too bad cho seung woo get paired with her because sisyphus get lowest rating 3%.Can you imagine nig budget drama 25b won only get 3% rating! Once mediocre always mediocre.

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