
K-netizens and C-netizens So Over Fawning Han So Hee Entertainment Publication Articles — 85 Comments

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  2. You do not need to be a superbly good actress to be seen as a queen, for example Song Hye-kyo, Kim Tae-hee or even Park Shin-hye. The problem with Han So-hee is that her acting skills are equally as poor as the aforementioned actresses, but she has an even bigger drawback and that is that she cannot enunciate. Her diction is poor and she has a lisp that is very severe. At least, when people talk about the aforementioned actresses, they will always compliment their crisp diction. Han So-hee is literally nothing but face. Her weaknesses show when she starts talking and that is not something you want as an actress.

    • Literally Jo In Sung and Hyun Bin were even worse when they debuted and yet they became top stars today. Han So Hee can easily overcome those things to become a top star because she definitely has the IT factor. However the media play is definitely going overboard at this point.

      • One problem tho, in comparison to the people you mentioned, she is a woman. As secist as that is, that is the reality of the entertainment industry especially a patriarchal one like South Korea. Is the worst actress, of course not. Heck, she’s miles ahead than most of the idol actresses. The problem with her is that she’s been hyped too much but she hasn’t really produced results.

      • And were heavily criticized for that too. But they’re up there just the likes of opposite gender versions Kim Tae Hee and Suzy. Also people right now with Han So Hee criticize Song Kang. It’s not a sexism. It’s lookism. As long as you’re pretty people are willing to give you many chances to improve (whatever it means) and however long it takes in leading roles nonetheless.

      • @Tany Even if Jo In-sung and Hyun Bin started their careers with a lisp, they have acting prowess. Kwon Sang-woo still has a lisp, but he is relatively good actor. IU is another example. Han So-hee scores a double whammy. She cannot act and she cannot talk. She is basically like an idol actress such as Seolhyun and Suzy.

      • Just to address the comment about lookism. Since when are celebs unattractive? How they even be celebs if they weren’t? Especially in a country like South Korea basically every celeb is gorgeous.

      • @kadi Since forever. Secondary, character actors exist, you know that right? If those “nothing but beautiful” actors had no look on their side they wouldn’t even get an opportunity to enter the room. To get somewhere without face you need an actual talent. Also different level of “attractiveness” exist. The more conventionally handsome/pretty you’re the more people willing to excuse your poor performance because they’re attracted to your face.

  3. Cant understand why the need to rip her apart like this. Don’t like her then stop reading about her. This is like joining the fun of ripping her to pieces esp with a big group since both sides of the shores now “UNITED” to shred her.

  4. I don’t get why K-ent is desperately pinning all of its hopes on HSH as the next “top” female star. I know K-ent is small, but it’s not THAT small, and there are plenty of other potential It girls in her age group to hype too.

  5. I also don’t think that she’s a good actress yet, but I really don’t get the underhanded vitriol you’ve been throwing at her, as what I’ve commonly seen you do for actress who you deem to be in direct competition to your faves. First of all, it is a common practice by most agencies to either have (maybe pay) writers or even search engines feature their artists. Let’s not beat around the bush and have Suzy, one of your faves, be an example. JYP did the overselling during her early days from her role in Architecture, and no where in her articles will we read her robotic actin in Dream High, but only praises for her. There were murmurings before of Naver selling their real-time rankings or even prominent features on their search engines, and most took up that offer. Suzy got her name known from the same method that Han Sohee’s agency is using. So, if it has been used by other actresses (and not only used by Suzy) and Han SO Hee is using the same strategy to solidify her status, why are you in your high horse and trying to condemn just HSH?

    • Not technically wrong. Though ratings are tragic in Korea, Nevertheless ranks top 10 on netflix every week. Philippines, malaysia, singapore, thailand etc its hit no.1 multiple times and has never quite dropped out of top 10.

    • ^this exactly. Suzy’s rise was also fuelled by media play even though she couldn’t act for toffee. And they continued that media play even when her projects flopped or underwhelmed while she still sucked at acting.

      HSH had the successful breakout and at least delivered a good performance in her breakout role. Why are the knives coming out for her just because her agency dares to hype her? Is it because she’s not an idol and doesn’t have rabid fans willing to excuse away wooden acting and blame the failure of a project on everything from her costar to the weather? I don’t personally see the hype about her looks but I watched 1-2 episodes of Nevertheless and while her character was a doormat with no spine, I thought she played it convincingly.

    • Not just Suzy but PSH and her agency did major media play to establish her as the new queen of Hallyu during 2013-14. She literally had only one hit drama to her name at that point which was Heirs and people hated her acting and character She was a well known child actress but her transition to top Hallyu star was nothing but media play. They bought her a ton of popularity awards in Korea and overseas and sent her on ‘Asia Tours’ to sell the image. This media play by HSH agency is tame in front of everything agencies did back in the day.

      • ??? Only one hit and that was Heirs? Did you totally forget about You’re Beautiful or do you not know that was a Hallyu hit too (to the point there’s a Japanese remake of it). She was also in successful movies like the first Cyrano Dating Agency and Miracle in Cell no. 7, all before Heirs.

        As for Heirs itself, it has the worst and no-chemistry OTP ever but Korea loved it. And remember who the writer is – Kim Eun Sook would never have offered PSH a lead role if she wasn’t popular to begin with. And a fanmeeting tour where people have to spend money to see her sounds like actual success, not hollow ‘media play’.

    • Is HSH better than Suzy, yes oh yes. Are they both products of media play? Amen. But the thing that Suzy had that HSH didn’t is that Suzy had writers who tailored characters for her early in her career. She was lacking in the acting department but the way her characters were written in her first few dramas were exceptional that they managed to establish her even more than HSH can hope to achieve right now. It also doesn’t help that HSH started getting famous because of a villainous role. Was the hate for her too much and underserved, yes. But the problem is that people hail her as if she’s the second coming of Audrey Hepburn when she’s clearly not.

      • Re: Dream High was a success for Suzy because it had a good storyline and the drama actually used Suzy’s wooden acting to poke fun at her. It made her look charming to not take herself seriously and admit her limitations as a newbie actress. There were also enough buzz about the lovelines and the debates on the shipping KSH vs Taec were epic but fun. (This was before the Reply 1994/1988 shipping wars which were brutal and left scars til now.)

        “IT Girls” come and go in K-ent. What they and their fans do affect their popularity too. Never seen HSH act so can’t comment, but to me she’s like Kim Tae-ri. There’s something about them I don’t like so I just ignore their projects.

    • did we forget that suzy debut drama had 17-20% rating lmao …all the hate she got basically because she was an idol let’s not lie to ourselves… anyway I’m glad that she became one of the top actresses in industry and in untouchable position , thanks to her talent and hard-work

      • Exactly! I’m not even a Suzy fan but she was the lead in her debut drama which was a huge hit AND part of a very successful girl group. Her mediaplay at least has an actual reason behind it.

      • @Elsa

        If you think Suzy is a top actress and untouchable, then you are the one lying to yourself. Tragically.

      • @redmercury data and numbers don’t lie ..she’s one of the most paid actresses if not the most and s lister celebrity and topping gallup Forbes and every list lift and right continuesly , receiving love calls from the actors and even senior actresses till this day . If you can’t accept that she’s on to top of her game ?! It’s not our problem.even her unstoppable relevency in every topic is proved again here lol

      • Well u r like someone that wrote han so hee article.delusional. Suzy? Top actress? Hahahaha. Name just one the best actress award that she has won

      • Gu Family books is also huge hit and got very high ratings, Architecture 101 is huge hit too, she got 3 concective huge hit dramas and movie under her name and won many awards for these 3 hit projects at the age of 18,she also became the first and the only female celebrity so far to won 4 rookie awards in 4 different fields at the age of 18, all these are fact, how these are media play! If it’s, she got all these hit projects under her name and awards to back her up, she truly deserves all the love she receives!

    • The huge difference between Suzy and HSH at their early debut days is Suzy already had many hit projects under her names at the age of 18 and won many awards while HSH didn’t have any at the age of 26, she’s only a second female lead in that hit drama, besides this, Suzy was also the face of a very popular girl group Miss A who had many hit songs, Suzy was also the first and the only female celebrity to won 4 rookie awards at 4 different fields including music, drama, movie and variety at the age of 18!the first day of Suzy’s debut had a huge buzz in Korea because of her stunning visual and charming stage presence! Suzy’s well known for not just her beauty, but concective huge hit projects and many awards which HSH didn’t have at all so far!

      • ….and she’s been coasting on that Architecture 101 thing for almost 10 years now. Bang on about it all you want, image without substance or talent doesn’t have much of a shelf life beyond age (Korean) 30.

        At least Han So Hee’s last hit drama was from 2020, not 2012. And girl was a surprise breakout from a supporting role, not someone who had lead roles handed to her from day 1.

      • @Royal We

        Suzy’s last hit is Start Up from 2020 not Architecture 101 from 2012! this drama was the top 2 kdramas at 2020 Netflix kdramas streaming ranking, this drama got her ranked 6th at 2020 the Gallup drama actors list, she won 2021 First Brand best actress award for this drama, she also ranked 7th at 2021 Government Hallyu survey! WOTM is not HSH’s hit drama, it’s KHA’s hit drama, HSH hasn’t won any award from her debut until now, the review of her first lead role from this year is not positive from Korea reviewers either! After 11 years of debut, Suzy still stands still, her name still constantly appeared on the Gallup, Hallyu Survey, Forbes, the most favourite celebrities and models survey last year and this year!

  6. Cyberbullying. Make peace not war. I hate social media sites that lost control of the users.

    And I don’t even know this girl.

  7. Were people really this uncomfortable by her acting in Nevertheless? I thought she did a really good job…maybe I missed something but I was never distracted by her performance (more so by her character…) I might not be as effected by this since I don’t really follow any articles. It is unfortunate that she has a pretty heavy lisp.

    I see some comments totally praising her and complimenting her desire to become a strong actress, and then posts like this that completely destroy her lol.

    • No ppl weren’t hating on her as much as this blog would have you believe. She is the current IT actress and unless she causes a major scandal like seo yeji, she is just going to keep rising up. Not a major fan of her acting but it is nowhere as bad as countless other popular actresses. She’s okay, with a lot of room for improvement but seems to have the potential and drive to improve. Netizens aren’t out to get her or anything, just koala is. Or maybe she’s just click baiting and doesn’t care either.

  8. I’m not bothered by the mediaplay by some agencies. You can say its in their interest to promote their artists. In the end, talent (or atleast enough charisma to make up for lack of talent) rises to the top and has to endure over time. Many IT girls/guys come and go and its always the same story with mediaplay. Let’s see how she fares in the next few years.

  9. Sad that she’s getting this backlash when it’s her agency who is being heavyhanded.

    Was wondering what agency is screwing this up. I looked it up and I can’t seem to find any information about them other than them being Han So Hee’s agency.

  10. Its feels so random. I feel ljke she came from nowhere and suddenly she’s the IT girl. I’m like how? Did I fall asleep and wake up in the future ? Regrading her acting its whatever (although that’s not been a problem for other actors ) her face is pretty but not one that gives off IT factor in my opinion.

    • Exactly this. No idea of her existence. Then one day, poof! Koala is suddenly posting obsessively about her and calling her an IT girl, thus contributing to the same heavy-handed mediaplay she scorns. About the girl herself, I’m indifferent. So she’s an IT girl? If they say so. Okay. Whatever.

    • I didn’t watch it because watching marriage wrecks aren’t my thing, but World of the Married was a big hit – both commercially and critically. It had even higher ratings than Crash Landing on You and Sky Castle. It got her award nominations and wins. It is timing too. It aired early in the pandemic too, which I think got people’s attention. It’s like how there was that one month in the US where people were all about Tiger King, which became a pop culture phenomenon. I missed it and all the subsequent references to it!

      I think she also lucked out in other ways too by being in her mid-20s, pretty, and not an idol. I think she became an IT-girl for lack of strong competition in her age this past year. There’s stronger competition in the early 30s range.

      • HSH only got one nomination and didn’t win, she hasn’t won any award so far even just a small award.

  11. I think I watched her in Nevertheless only. I dropped The World of the Married. I don’t find her specially pretty and her acting in Nevertheless didn’t match the story. She always looked so unconfortable…

    I really wonder if she will have the charisma for the role in My Name. I really liked Extracurrilar and it’s the same PD, so I have hopes.

  12. Her agency’s mediaplay is doing more harm than good because she has nothing to back it up besides being pretty and there are plenty of K-ent girls who are just as pretty or prettier. She was passable in The World of the Married in a supporting role but she had zero bearing on the show’s success. She could have been replaced by literally any attractive 20-something actress and the drama would still have been huge hit. People were not watching it for her. Other than that her career is a bunch of mediocre, forgettable supporting performances. It’s not like she was one of those actresses who has always received great reviews and shone in supporting roles until they finally have had a breakout. Nobody was checking for her in any of numerous other dramas for years but suddenly we are being told she is the next Song Hye Kyo based on nothing much. Now her first lead performance is a flop, poorly reviewed drama where she was overshadowed by all the other actresses who didn’t get a fraction of the mediaplay or promo and audiences are seeing through the BS

    She is lucky she was booked for the upcoming Park Seo Joon project because that is certain to be a hit (because it’s PSJ and director/screenwriter is strong).

  13. Nothing unusual about the mediaplay, but her agency should back off if the netizens are ragging on her. I get her IT status more than I do Song Kang’s. I thought she did a good job in Nevertheless and am curious about My Name.

  14. There are so much new actresses that i don’t bother to remember their names . I don’t think that we can produce actresses who will have long careers as SHK, Kim Hee Sun, Choi Kang hee, kim Sun Ah, Jang Na Ra ,Kim So Yeon , … who are in the field since 20 years or even more . Today it’s Han So Hee, tomorrow it will be another one . So who cares about all that fuzz . I prefer actresses as Lee Se Young, Park Eun Bin, less “it girls” but more interesting actresses .

      • @Kitai, perhaps SHK or Kim Hee Sun but not the others , when they debuted , i never read articles or covers of trendy magazines praising the” looks” of Jang Na ra, Choi Kang Hee, … . i’m not saying that they aren’t beautiful . In my point of you, they are . It’s just that they didn’t get their roles because of their looks .

      • Well, you may know better , as an ifan i couldn’t get all the korean publications . But the media play is way bigger now than 20 years ago . I didn’t mean to offend you . It was just my point of view as a ifan since 2004

      • I get what you mean and I’m not offended. I’m just saying that people start from somewhere. I’m personally of the opinion that you have to be “it” to even make it big. Imo, HSH isn’t truly “it” because she doesn’t have the popularity nor the hit project, which almost all of the actress you mentioned had in their “it” days. So being “it” is important, but it needs to be real and not just articles pushing it in your face.

  15. Well, but it’s usually work, isn’t it? Remember Suzy? Remember how JYP promoted her so hard in the past with her not so stellar acting? (She is improving now but in the past….) but it is damn worked. And for male version, Cha Eunwoo was being hyped so hard and that work because of how many projects he got now with his acting. Let’s compare him with another idol-actor from the same company, Ong Seongwoo. He comes from one big sensasional boy group that the popularity passed Astro by a mile and from his projects, we can see that he can act better. But they give him different (less noisy) marketing strategy and see how different their popularity now.That kind of marketing strategy guarantee hate but if they persistent enough, people will start believe it anyway

  16. Koala is relentless when she hates an actress lol. Enough and move on already. Stop posting about people you don’t like with these subtle jabs. How old are you alreafy

    • Goddamn! You went there ?. I am hollering.

      She looks better in stills than in motion. I do think she has the It factor, but her natural vibe is much more of a bad girl like Rihanna or Gia-era Angelina Jolie than the sweet, innocent mold they’re trying to force her in.

      • It’s such a shame that she got rid of her tattoos and changed her whole look. She’s had such a unique vibe that made her seem different.

  17. I think its helpful to clarify a few misconceptions:

    1. I’m not writing about Han So Hee myself, I’m translating K-ent articles being written about her. There are so so many, hence it seems like I am writing about her a lot. Blame K-ent publications. Sure, I can not cover all that, but she’s being covered so much in K-ent ignoring it isn’t how I usually write, which is to cover what is popular/problematic/interesting. She’s kinda all three right now.

    2. I don’t have a problem if K-ent wants to write about her every day, all day long. I’ve just seen in the last two months a growing blowback to her mediaplay. It wasn’t there after The World of the Married when all netizens comments were positive and excited about her future after her promising breakthrough. That’s the problem with mediaplay – over hyping and now under delivering in ratings for Nevertheless. The netizen reversal of opinion towards her is the point of this article, not whether she deserves to be the next IT actress. If she had potential to cement herself as a legit A-list actress one day, and but public perception turned against her now because of excessive fawning coverage then that’s a shame. It’s like losing the forest for the trees.

    3. Suzy – she’s SUCH an interesting case study. There is no other K-star that is like her- 90% unable to act like a true trained actress but so endearing and connecting with the general public from her debut that she’s just accepted. Her media play during Dream High was laughed off because everyone saw she couldn’t act, the entire cast other than Kim Soo Hyun couldn’t act, and those who loved the drama just enjoyed a sweet charming coming of age tale which didn’t require actual acting to be enjoyable. Today we would call that a streaming drama with idols that suck at acting but it’s a cute story and harmless to enjoy.

    Her further media play was warranted – she won the Baeksang Best New Actress (Film) for her role and her performance was THE one talked about by all the viewers. I know, it’s weird to me too. But she was that popular and that big, every ahjumma from the North to the South in South Korea knew her and she was genuinely Korea’s Daughter. That’s not Han So Hee, I guarantee most ahjumaas who don’t really watch dramas or movies have no clue who she is.

    Han So Hee’s agency wants to pull a Suzy with her, it’s clear from the effort made, but the Suzy rocket to stardom had more elements (award, broad recognition) that isn’t here. What Han So Hee does have is that industry insiders appear to love her and want to throw dramas/movies at her, so she’s sought after in casting.

    4. Her dialogue reading can go either way – that lisp will be taken as charming and unique to her if she delivers successful ratings in dramas or box office tickets, but then used against her when there is a failure or scandal (see case study Yoon Eun Hye and her fall from top A-actress to has been). Basically, it’s a flaw that can be overlooked when she’s doing well but when she’s not then holy will it be brought up time and again against her.

    • What an essay. Suzy sucks and is nothing special. Her dramas tank as well. Remember when they were predicting that Vagabond would hit 40% in ratings and they threw a huge budget against it? You make Suzy bigger than she really is. Her fame comes mainly from outside Korea. Without her popularity in South-East Asia, she would be a has been in South-Korea as well. Suzy is not nation’s daughter… She tried to mediaplay herself to nation’s first love and follow the footsteps of Jun Ji-hyun, but that did not quite work out. You are talking about Suzy as if she is IU…

      • Expect the king stan came here to say nonsense again! Suzy constantly appeared on Gallup, Forbes, Government Hallyu survey, the most favourite celebrities and models survey etc already showed how popular she is in Korea and international! But your king even couldn’t get into most of the domestic survey! No one predicted Vagabond ratings that number but you made it up, but at least Vagabond ratings is quite decent, is much better than your King’s last year drama! By the way, Suzy’s nation’s first love title is well recognised and accepted by Korean public since 2012,she’s still is now! Suzy is the only 20s actress entered Gallup drama actors list 4 times and also the only 20s actress entered the government Hallyu survey for concective 4 years! Of course you will ignore these fact and just do your own imagination and make up many things!

      • This is so funny “she tried to mediaplay herself to follow jjh steps” kkkkkkk but In fact she’s literally nation fist love for more than 9 years * the longest period ever* lol and ofc the Korean public daughter through her pure acting career; box office,dramas ,cfs,not to mention her spectacular natural beauty which adds even more points for her ..stay mad

      • Dont forget the very popular actors Suzy’s paired lol but even then the shows are still flops.10 years on and her acting still feels stilted….

      • @Htht First of all, I am not a LMH-stan. That was the previous Ady, who disappeared from this website a long time ago. She also could not speak English and would continue her comments in some Indian language. I used to troll the shit out of her by using the same name until she quit being so rabid.

        By the way, I have to correct my initial comment. I remembered 40%, but actually the prediction was at least 30%. This was confirmed by Shin Sung-rok: Anyways, it came nowhere near that number…

        Suzy is a has-been that became popular because she put herself in skanky, short clothes. She does not have the class of an actress. She started as a cheap idol selling her sexy concept and she will always remain one for the streets.

      • To Adyjunjihyun, Ady didn’t know how to speak english but she tried . I’m french and my english is pathetic but trying to communicate with others persons about a same passion ( korean dramas) is something that shouldn’t be criticize !!! Aren’t we citizens of the world ? As Voltaire , i am .

      • @ady

        I’m surprised that you do how to check that fact, but you just ignore them and even said the opposite! Last year Suzy ranked 6th at the Gallup drama actors list, she was also at the top 10 most favourite celebrities and models survey, this year she’s at the Forbes ranked 26th, ranked 7th at Government Hallyu survey, won First brand best actress, all these achievements you called a has been? how funny it’s! Her group was always praised for their healthy, classic sexy aura, She’s the global muse of Lancome at the moment, you called it one of the streets? then I’m sure many female celebrities want to become a this kind of has been and one of the streets!

      • @Emily on
        I know lol. What I’m trying to say is the authors acting like she’s not enjoying the backlash. If she doesn’t like her that’s fine too (I’m meh on her too but rather her than the authors fav Suzy lol) but atleast own it and even if it’s mostly k-ent that is covering Han so he she could just easily ignore it.

  18. I know she’s considered as a potential A-lister now but can she really pull of this status after 1-2 years? Let’s see this. Because only pretty face and one breakout second female lead doesn’t mean much in kdrama industry. She should work hard to compete and win young real talents with decent acting skills and visuals like Park Ju Hyun or Choi Sung Eun. They are very talented and capable to fly high in k-industry but they aren’t being pushed hard by their agencies

    • Speaking of potential A-listers how the hell did Song Kang become the hot commodity he is today? Yes I know Love Alarm and Sweet Home were beloved and he is gorgeous but what made Netflix fall so madly in love with him? They have become his personal PR agency with the amount of solo promotions they give him. Every single drama of his gets picked up the streaming giant not even actual A-listers get that much love from Netflix. What did I miss? What happened to sky rocket him to fame overnight? His character in Nevertheless is peak toxic male lead why did it make him even more popular? I know OTT changed the game but this is some crazy.

      • Like Kadi, I also want to know why Netflix just loves him.
        He was also the only Korean actor included on that promotional teaser for their Global Fan event

        Because its just crazy.

      • Seriously I would love an essay on Song Kang and his rise to fame because I would love to know what I missed. How did he become the Lee Min Ho of his generation without a single highly rated drama? I get Love Alarm having the same syndrome effect as Boys Over Flowers but that kind of craze is built week by week not over 8 episodes released in one day. Sweet Home had like 20 other actors with more screen time than him even though he was the lead. Don’t get me wrong I like him just fine but I don’t get the craze and the love Netflix gives him. Nor why he is suddenly swamped with love calls for everything. He is literally everywhere these days.

      • I think calling Song Kang the Lee Minho of his generation is a huge stretch.

        Sweet Home and its popularity in the US could have added some cachet to his name. Also, he’s just in the news a lot since he’s starred in a bunch of shorter-length dramas back to back. If he did one long-running weekend drama, there wouldn’t be as much buzz. It’s sort of a good move. If the drama doesn’t do well -like Nevertheless – he can move on to something new and different. And he gets to do different roles within a short period of time, giving him the air of someone who is versatile.

      • Either his agency so powerful (Namoo) or he has someone behind him who wants to give him push and willing to invest everything in him. Netflix doesn’t depend on rating and they’re able to make someone popular just by being in their highly promoted and high budget series. Possibly someone powerful want to turn him the next lee minho and he/she has gathered all the right recipes to do it without song kang’s effort. His costar in Navillera also told him off that he should practice reading script to improve his pronunciation but song kang ignore that and still pursue another drama, nevertheless with his bad acting and pronunciation. Trust me that fella won’t go nowhere when another young hot male actor got his breakthrough and replace song kang as it boy

      • Yeah I don’t get the Song Kang hype either. Like, sure Love Alarm 1 got popular but that show tested 90 percent on the back of Kim So Hyun.

        The guy is good looking but omg so WOODEN (it’s bearable in Sweet Home where there are multiple other skilled actors to carry it and his character is the silent type anyway but in Nevertheless it’s just…what?)

  19. @Hailey that’s right. I totally agree with u that both Park ju hyun and Choi sung eun can be future A-listers if they continue in this level as I know potential of both of them in Extracurricular and Beyond evil respectively. They were awesome in these. Regarding Han so hee, even though I like her very much in TWOTM as a second lead, we didn’t see her real breakthrough yet. May be she will be future Song hye kyo as they have similar vibes

  20. All the mediaplay about her being the second-coming of Song Hye Kyo turned me off her tbh. But I don’t think she deserves hate for what her company is doing to promote her.

  21. Can koala or korean press did the same articles with song kang too he is the actual one who need to be called out he suddenly everywhere with that weird smile face and that acting of his suck

    • I am wondering if he have strong back up? Because with the way he suddenly coming out and get many projects and media play, I actually thought he is super talented or something. Then I watched one of his project (Sweet Home) and I was like, that’s it? I am really dissapointed. Someone actually get chance just like that when another talented actor need to play many side / supporting character before get the main lead? Please

    • Song Kang has been called out repeatedly by K-press and fans. There were all kinds of negative articles about his bad acting when Nevertheless was airing.

  22. Han So Hee is undeniably beautiful but when she speaks…oops.
    Also her acting and facial expression aren’t the best.
    Cfs are fine I guess.

  23. guys since yall active here, can you tell me which website is good from kdrama gossip ? Dating rumors/casting rumors basically any gossip. New to kdrama and have got some time to kill

  24. Well everyone, have u heard of the sentence “Everything happens for a reason”? Song Kang is all over everywhere because he EARNED it. You can laughed off n said Nevertheless is a flop but no one denied the buzz it created. Not only it was on Netflix trending for f*** 10 whole weeks, it was top 1 most searched drama for this whole time as well. Both actors instagram followers are almost double up after the drama ends. If any so called flopped drama can create that buzz, im sure their producers would be damn happy.
    Besides, those crictized Nevertheless are the one who barely watch it. They only watched cut clips from youtube and have no idea what it is about. Nevertheless drama is nothing to follow its webtoon. Without watching the whole drama you wld never be able to understand why the millions view behind each clips as well as thousands of emotional comments under it.

  25. Please dont compare HAN SO HEE and SUZY base on their acting skills HAN SO HEE is too good over SUZY besides SUZY became popular because she started on her teens while HAN SO HEE started late in her carreer. HAN SO HEE is still a rookie in the drama but you can see her passion in her work, she is a versatile actress. She is not a kpop idol but she is loved by her fans because she has the potential to be a best actress in south korea. Lets wait her time will come… As a global fan, i love her because she is smart, straightforward person, beautiful and fierce…if you dont like her then go to your fav actress that act like a robot (SUZY BAE) and dont you ever give negative comment to HAN SO HEE. THIS ONLY PROVES THAT HAN SO HEE IS A BIG TREAT TO SOME ACTRESS ASPIRING TO BE A TOP A ACTRESS..

  26. Yeah, this article hasn’t aged well. “My Name” is excellent and wildly popular, and a good part of the credit goes to HSH. As for the low ratings in South Korea for “Nevertheless”, how much does that matter? SK is a small country and the series was very popular on Netflix.

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