
Yoo Teo, Kim Ok Bin, and Kim Ji Hoon Cast in 2022 Netflix Romance Drama Love Battle — 12 Comments

  1. Kim Ok Bin has been posting vids to IG of her receiving training in using fighting fans, if that’s for this series, that could be fun.

  2. Kim Ji Hoon once again a second lead. Honestly, I have so little excitement for majority of upcoming dramas. Kdramas are so blah to me recently, like they are just there. *sigh*

    • same like if it’s not happening just say so and put us out of our misery lol

      but there was news of the set being updated for filming recently so fingers crossed there will be good news soon!

      • True if its cancelled I just want a confirmation so I can move on or just give us a few eps for closure. But it just seems less possible since all the leads are booked these days and are likely to be tied next year.

        Omg hopefully that’s a sign!

      • SJK himself recently said in an interview he hasn’t heard plans of S2, if that helps you both move on.

      • @Kailey b all the actors are filming or about to start filming their new projects right now. sjk with youngest son, kjw with my liberation diary, kob with this project. i’m hoping they are going to have an overlapping time with no other schedule after these projects, so they can start filming season 2. they signed to come back for additional seasons, so i’m sure it’s just a matter of figuring out logistics. yeah, i would take even a five or six episode new season like kingdom to complete the story. it was getting so damn good, it’s just such a shame that the marketing team set them up for failure.

      • @peanut gallery i read the same thing somewhere else, but couldn’t find the interview source. do you know when/where he said it by chance?

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