SBS Drama Woori the Virgin Remains Mired in Low Ratings and Complaints that it Doesn’t Live Up to its Predecessor Versions
K-dramas absolutely have their own structure and flavor and adaptations in and/or out don’t always work. The currently airing SBS drama Woori the Virgin based on the Jane the Virgin series looked highly promising to me when the casting and promos were announced but the airing results remain less than hoped for. It premiered at 4.1% and the most current episode 8 came in at 3.6%, which is higher than the low point which was episode 5 at 3.1%. I watched four episodes and bounced, it was just low energy and dull I can’t describe it other than all the characters felt overly manufactured to fit a stereotype and role and the events following a stepping stone. And this coming from someone who hasn’t watched any of of the other versions and I still felt like the drama was trying to push Woori and Raphael together (if they fell for each other organically sure) because she was carrying his baby by artificial insemination and there was some fate/true love/baby parents end up together fairy tale in the works. It’s like two decades old school and we don’t get to truly experience the nuance, complication, and resiliency of a weird Modern Family possibility, just an old school K-drama way of putting a round Woori into a square Raphael box. It’s underwhelming to say the least.


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I first watched Jane the Virgin when the US version was aired in my country, I liked the humor and the phase of the story, I also loved the plot, it’s not the best but entertaining, however this version actually doesn’t gave me the feels when I watch the US version and the original one, hope it changed my mind in the future episodes
Can’t act and overhype. And Koreans might be bored with romcoms these, judging by the fact that most romcoms in May fail to get beyond 6%
I don’t think so… There’s a lot of romcoms in kdrama watched by many even thought it’s not that good so simple story line just like business proposal which some of the scene obviously copy from what’s wrong with secretary Kim and yet go soany positive reviews,I guess it’s also about the actors some of kdrama which have high ratings are young actors and actresses of Korea since there’s a lot of youth watching kdrama and also added the chemistry there’s no chemistry in the cast.
The reason why I don’t watch this is I don’t like the female lead, I distracted with her nose I don’t know why I tried to watch ID is Gangnam beauty I just can’t watch her lol sorry
I totally agree. Her botched-up alarplasty draws my attention, but not in a good way. Superficial expressions with poor acting skills throughout all the movies and dramas she’s ever made, akin to her superficiality in real life. I think she’s the worst Korean actress ever!
I love this drama so much.
You can’t judge this drama now , it’s not over until it’s over. I also watched the USA version and the latin version.
I’m expecting more
So ,stop badmouthing and do you guys think acting is that easy ??
They’re also trying their best.
Let’s spray love not hate
LMAO Stop with that “spread love” toxic positivity bullcrap FFS. What do you want, people just hold hands and say only positive things about everything? The world doesn’t work that way. Stop being fragile and accept constructive criticism. It doesn’t equal negativity or “badmouthing”, so you can stop with the annoying fakeness now 🥱
And no, we don’t think acting is easy… That’s why none of us are acting, no sh*t, Sherlock! Acting is literally their job, and people have the right to criticize actors and actresses if they’re bad at their job, just like how is ordinary people are criticized when we’re bad at our jobs. What makes you think actors and actresses are so special that they’re immune from any criticism?
I’m an American and I really like this version more than Jane the virgin. I look forward every week for a new episode. It’s a tv show for entertaining. Not a documentary or something scar worthy art. Just enjoy . If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all😊
You just seem like an angry person who can’t even participate in a discourse without putting people down and using words with asterisks. I don’t care if you criticize the drama or the actors but the way you go about makes it impossible to take anything you write seriously.
I’m with you!
It’s not a good drama and the male lead is not good as raphel
i’m sorry but by looking at the stills alone, i can feel the stiffness of ISH. She gotta do something to get rid of that bad trait.
The last time I watched her on Five Enough, her acting wasn’t that bad but that could also be because she’s not the main lead, therefore less acreen time and more free time to do better
IMO, Im Soo Hyang is fine… there’s something so greasy about Sung Hoon. I’m also not sure why they aged up the female lead or made the male lead (from the 2 episodes I saw) a frivolous chaebol type.
The original telenovela(s) remain unparalleled for me.
Im Soo hyang as the heart and centre of this drama failed to deliver through her performance. Most of the times she is awkward, stiff and has bland expressions. She couldn’t pull off innocent kind of character, she needs to stop taking such role. Surprisingly both male leads are more watcheable than her. The execution of this drama is bad too.
So much fuss about her having 2 ongoing drama at the same time, but imagine if her performances are disappointments in both.
I agree. I think she’s great at playing feisty type of characters, like in Graceful Family. She gotta stop taking these wide-eyed innocent characters and start playing badass characters more
She isn’t exactly outstanding in playing those feisty characters either,but better than innocent kinds. My other issues with her is her diction and her voice is weak too, basically I don’t find she is a good actress
You don’t know what you are saying it’s a good show. I think it is a good show for me
A simple script helped by some good acting esp. the actors and good looking cast just that there is no chemistry all round and the lack of conviction for her role by the female lead.
Stop comparing the original version from Korean Kdrama if you do not like the movie please do not watch and stop bad mounting to the actor and actress. Just spread love
Enough with that “spread love” toxic positivity bulls*hit, please. Sounds so fake and annoying. People have the right to criticize dramas and actors, it doesn’t equal negativity as long as the comments aren’t attacking the actors/actresses in a personal way (ie. insulting their appearance). It’s called “constructive criticism”. And judging by your name, you’re from that country that starts with P, where toxic positivity is so rampant. No offense, but that’s why your actors and actresses don’t improve, it’s because of that “spread love only positive vibes ✌️” nonsense y’all are spewing, ugh.
To me the drama is off beat, like the characters aren’t sure what they’re esuppsoed to be. It’s hard not to compare with the original and US version. The US version which I’m assuming they used as the source material had a balance of heart, humour and that good old telenovela crack. The casting was never strong for me, none of the actors favourites of mine, after watching I just didn’t get what they were trying to be. In honesty I particularly dislike the depiction of Wooris father, I just can’t like him. He’s less heart and more swarmy as opposed to the fantastic ROGelio, who really sold the immature get well meaning father role.
What’s missing between woori the virgin and jane the virgin is Latin lover narrator which starts every episode and says something at every funny turn or to spice things up. Apart from cultural differences, the writers, director and the cast are trying hard to make the story both interesting and humorous as the original. Wondering how this show is going to end as there were 5 seasons in the original. While i am enjoying the kdrama, I am feeling it’s missing something somewhere.
The drama has weird editing. Like it takes you out of the drama and also looks cheap. Like the cases the police handle is severe and cruel but the villain is cartoonish.
Woori as character is hard to relate and Raphael is such a good guy after all.
I thought this would be underwhelming from the start because the leads can’t act IMO. They both are so lifeless. I do think an adaptation of Jane the Virgin could have worked if they really leaned into the makjang. Getting rid of the narrator was such a stupid choice for that reason and also, because the narrator is awesome. Business Proposal was partly successful because it was tropey as heck but made fun of the tropes. That’s what Jane the Virgin was all about, making fun of the ridiculous things that happened, but the adaptation plays it too serious. These actors couldn’t have pulled it off though even if the writers had gone that route.
As for me woori the virgin is great and worth to watch i love im soo hyang acting…i like also sunghoon and kangjae
I like all the casts. I also like the story.Looking forward for the next episode.
I just don’t like the flow of the story, it seems like they rushed woori and Raphael to fell inlove. Sadly I’m dissapointed to the reason why Woori and his long time boyfriend break up it’s not that heavy. I felt so sad to kang jae because he deserves the love because he’s been faithfull to Woori.
Waiting for the next episodes of Woori the Virgen, 1st time to watch the three leads and liked Raphael, more5🤩😍🤩
I really think it’s good it’s not better than the original but it’s good 100%
I feel like her relationship with the male lead was force. The second male lead treated her really well and their relationship was perfect. She forgot him too easily over a little mistake
I’m enjoying this drama. I have never seen any of the other versions of it It is more of an old-fashioned drama. They are using all of the troupes. I find it entertaining, I think all of the actors are doing a job, and that’s all that matters to me.