
C-actor Xu Kai Cheng’s Currently Filming and Recently Completed Dramas in Jeopardy After Cheating Scandal — 12 Comments

  1. Pingback:C-actor Xu Kai Cheng’s Currently Filming and Recently Completed Dramas in Jeopardy After Cheating Scandal - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

      • I don’t get the correlation of your comment to mine. These two photos don’t really look like the ladies themselves, that’s why I said there’s better photos of them out there.

      • For ZTA, depending at what stage you are referring to in her PS journey. There is no need to search for better looking photos when the article is not about pretty faces to begin with. My comment relates to the context of the article, not visual.

      • Girl, “Don’t really look like themselves” have nothing to do with pretty faces. We are not on the same page here so don’t reply to me anymore.

  2. I get cheating is not a good thing but they aren’t hurting anyone but themselves since its a personal matter, why waste perfectly good money on a drama that’s already been completed.

    • Guess ZTA wants to ruin the career of XKC, not realizing she is actually wasting a drama… Chinese actors really have to guard their conduct! Different cultures different expectations. What a shame!

      • I thought so, too.
        None of these three is making a good figure.
        Even the ex is no snowflake.
        With the current Chinese entertainment policy to make such an audio file public is petty and plain wrong. Too many third parties involved who could get damaged in the process too.

      • Cheating is never right, but to have your career destroy because of it is quite sad. She is wrong in disclosing the video recording especially when they had an on and off relationship that didn’t work out. The “cheating” occurred during their break up. I’m not sure about the 3rd person, but if she’s is, she deserves the scrutiny.

  3. Well, there are many C-Dramas around, airing concurrently. So if there’s negative news on the cast, it will affect the viewership. Rather than take the risk, the producers, advertisers and TV/streaming networks will usually shelve it until some positive news emerge. It’s not just Chinese Dramas… showbiz in countries also have similar take; South Korea, Hollywood etc…

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