
Lee Min Ho Pulls Off Head-to-Toe Fendi Attending Fashion Show and Sits Next to Song Hye Kyo in Rare A-listers Photo Op — 32 Comments

  1. Pingback:Lee Min Ho Pulls Off Head-to-Toe Fendi Attending Fashion Show and Sits Next to Song Hye Kyo in Rare A-listers Photo Op - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

    • I have nothing against her, and in fact have always supported her. But whoever is dressing her should be fired. The hair looked raggedy and old style, and with an ill-fitting dark/black dress to go with it, plus a stoic face like that, she opened herself for criticism. It is still summer and she’s even wearing a stockings. Just ugly, unfit, out of place, looking outfit, sorry. The girl in white, in contrast, is chic, fresh and totally fitting the event.

  2. Personally, I don’t like her hairstyle here. It just framed her face weirdly. I don’t like the printed tights too, it looked busy.

    No hate on SHK but she seems to build this ice-queen image that modeled after her character in “Encounter”. I don’t remember she exuded that icy vibe prior to Encounter.

  3. SHK looks old with her sagging cheeks and greasy looking hair. And the obsession she and her team has with filters and photoshop. It’s all for nothing anyway as raw pics of her real appearance are going viral.

  4. That hairstyle is not doing her any favors. The way if framed her face really emphasized her sagging cheekbones. She’s gorgeous but her styling at the Fendi show aged her a lot compared to her more natural look in her IG post the next day.

      • She has success but a crap love life and bad rep. There’s a hundred other actresses’ careers id have over hers.

      • I’m not sure about that. She is only known for her face. There are far more pretty and successful actresses that do not garner the same type of hate. Pretty people are a dime a dozen in showbiz, I just find her bland and boring. She looked pretty old in her last drama and her acting sucks.

  5. Im no hater here but I don’t like Song Hye Kyo’s mid part hair either and the way it frames her face. The hair styling isn’t great and doesn’t fit the outfit. I also would have liked the outfit stylist to go with colors instead of dark ensembles too.

  6. They’d be a good-looking couple in a drama – or real life! Would like to see it. I think her best look was the very straight hair dramatic eyeliner she had going on a year ago, but she’s beautiful beyond the dreams of most of us and I like those tights. LMH, handsome, wears clothes well, but has he aged well? (I’m just playing.)

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