Chen Fei Yu’s Agency Admits He’s the Man in the Recently Leaked Bed Pictures Scandal But Denies it was a Cheating Relationship
Welp, Ah Se’s reputation just went into the gutter but it will need to be seen if this is an unforgivable (to C-netizens and Chinese moral police) transgression or just the the garden variety you’ve been a bad boy living up your playboy life type of tsk tsk thing. This past weekend C-ent was lit up with a bombshell gossip blog release of pictures of a man topless in bed with a woman, he’s asleep and the implication is that these are post coitus pictures taken by her. The blogger claimed the man was Chen Fei Yu (Arthur Chen) and the woman was a small time internet celeb, that the two have been hooking up since 2021 mostly in a hotel room in Changsha. After the news broke, netizens sussed out that she was actually a Chen Fei Yu fangirl from his early days AND that she was married so it was cheating.
Today Chen Fei Yu’s agency make an official statement that it was not cheating and both were single when they dated and the circulation of these pictures if a violation of his privacy and the agency will be taking action. Chen Fei Yu’s side is saying that she got married a year after they broke up. Reportedly the pictures were leaked by her husband after he found them and got mad and there are rumors more will be leaked include a video. Yikes, I hope Ah Se fans are either fine with him having a personal life less pristine than they imagined or time to leave the fandom. If there was no cheating involved and it was two single people dating then I think Chen Fei Yu will get a slap on the wrist by the C-ent moral police but no cancelling of his career.

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Major invasion of privacy here. He’s an adult, he can sleep or be with anyone, don’t know why its a big deal or such a surprise. I’d punish the person who released these. And damn girl, way to ruin it for all the other fangirls who dream of falling in love with their bias. lol
Simps thirsty for male celebs are so embarassing, even Cnetizens are more rational saying actors and men have it so easy because “Boys Will Be Boys” and other men and women defend their shitty behavior. But if it was an actress that had photos leaked of her in bed with a married guy, she would be slutshamed and her career is finished.
Another former fansite of his leaked his xiaohongshu 小号 which follows a lot of pretty influencers and said that he has an apartment in Shanghai where they come and go. He shouldn’t be cancelled of course.
We live in the 21st century, if a actress sleeps around, that’s her business. Many people disagree both men and women sleeping around but many people really don’t give a shit either. As long as both parties agree and they aren’t hurting anyone, shouldn’t have to be a problem.
C-netz brought out old photos of Wu Yifan’s bed photos and compared them, saying that Chen Feiyu is copying Wu Yifan to the tee, LOL. A bit of an exaggeration I would say, since this scandal is of a much smaller scale and there’s no crime involved.
Keeping such pics of your ex after you’ve met someone new and married this other person….is really weird and gross. Also creepy to be taking such pics of him while he was asleep.
@ prettyautumn
@ Kelly
These husband & wife couple really deserve each other. They both are horrible people!
Lol… sounds like the pimp did not get paid enough to shut up. What kind of a husband would air the wife’s dirty laundry?
You sleep with a married woman, you suffer. He has been dropped by brands and fans are defanning in droves.
It was so amusing to see his father’s old pics with his boy toys show up. I mean everyone knows in China but still. Not to mention the other dirty laundry with his wife. Me thinks papa is going to be furious.
This won’t cancel him but he is going to have to wait for a significant time to try and come back. What is funny is that it’s well known his mother keeps an eagle eye on him to try and prevent stuff like this. Guess he slipped the leash. Bye bye nepo kid, see you later.
A lesson for the boy here. But honestly no agency would say that his artist was sleeping with his fan while the latter was married
He could sleep around if he likes to sleep around since he is single…even married men sleep around and got naked photos….LOL….probably he forgot to pay her…LOL….
Yikes, you simps are so cringe, it is unbelievable.
What’s the big deal? He’s an adult and whatever they had was consensual. Do people really expect celebrities to be virgins or saints or something?
I’m not a fan of his but this doesn’t seem newsworthy at all.
I hope the husband get what he deserves. Shame on him for doing that to his wife. Not a smart move man.
Yea way to ruin other people’s opportunities haha