
K-actress Kim Sae Ron Attends First Court Hearing for Her Drunk Driving Arrest Asking for the Judge’s Mercy — 10 Comments

  1. I will never feel sorry or any pity for a drunk driver. There are so many options one could take besides jumping into a car drunk. Especially in Korea where alcohol is a big thing. Call a friend, taxi! They even have service where they can get ppl to drive them home in their own vehicle!!

    This is not the first celeb in Korea caught drunk-driving but I can’t name another celeb getting this type of punishment yet. Feels like just get a slap on the wrist and walk off scot free.

  2. If sexual assault didn’t get people permanently banned it will be interesting to see if this will truly end her career.

    I too have little mercy for drunk drivers. It was pure luck she didn’t kill someone and unfortunately many weren’t spared the consequences of horrible choices like this. She is rich and can’t call a taxi? A friend? A drivers service? Please.

    • it’s honestly up in the air about who gets cancelled or not; rap/sts, tax evaders, drug addicts, army deserters – some get permanently shunned by the public, some get away with it after a few successful projects afterwards *cough shk cough*

      but yeah, drunk drivers, especially celebrities in a country like sk where the drinking culture is incredibly prominent, have no excuse. you have the money, and you should have the common sense to get a ride from someone else. she’s 22 years old, so youth isn’t an excuse. the situation just sucks overall, and I hope she learns from this going forward.

  3. This is bad, really no excuse. BUT…why is she canceled but so many male actors can do worse and they seem to take a short break and then are right back on screen. I pray she learns her lesson and if this is due to an addiction gets help. Then if she can handle acting again give her a chance. Otherwise I pray she can live a safe happy life.

    • Agreed with everything you said.
      I think you and I both know the answer as to why is that.
      Unfortunately, people on this blog think you’re justifying a woman’s wrongdoing when you call out the sexist double standards. No, she absolutely deserves to be held accountable. The point is that the justice system and korean society and general should have the same energy towards male celebs who did far worse things.

  4. Drung driving is stupid but she should be punished for what she did and not for she could have done. She didn’t hurt anybody. It was her first crime. She’s young. It’s stupid to cancel her definitely.

  5. I think her immediate and succeeding actions did not help her. Not doing a breathalyzer onsite and requesting to be taken to a hospital, rightly or wrongly, gave the perception that she was “knowledgeable” about ins and outs of DUI. Also, her >0.2 alcohol level result is there on top among celebrity DUI cases. Then, that drinking bday party that she herself organize 2 months post-accident (during her reflection period). All these, really made her the poster child of DUI recently.

  6. Isn’t this double standard on the SK’s society? They promote drinking and so proud if females could drink as much as the male counterparts. Just like gambling…many games in variety shows also gambling based. But if anyone is caught gambling overseas, she/he will be fined and cancelled. Why do people find drunk behavior cute?

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