
Director of Upcoming Comedy Movie Killing Romance Tells Audiences to Watch My Ahjusshi Now Because After KR Comes Out Viewers Will Won’t See Lee Seon Kyun the Same Way Again — 10 Comments

  1. is the setting in foreign country or what? If in Korea why should I see a lot of foreigners in a Korean movie? Or is this the version of diversity-push done in Korea? 🤢🤢🤢🤮

    I watch East Asian entertainment for purity not multicultural. I miss a decade ago or even five years ago.

  2. Good grief you’re a terrible human being. Imagine being so racist that you don’t even bother to be subtle about it.

  3. Yes, LSK is a very versatile actor. I can’t wait to see what he could do with this wacky character. The teaser trailer just dropped today, and from the look of it, this will either be a wild hit or an embarassing flop.

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