Dispatch Outs Lee Do Hyun and Lim Ji Yeon of The Glory Dating in Real Life and Both Stars Confirm Through Their Agency

Hot diggity dog is this fantastic and fun dating news! Dispatch kicked off April 1 with breaking exclusive dating news of K-stars Lee Do Hyun and Lim Ji Yeon, the unlikeliest couple if you think of their characters in hit drama The Glory but obviously in real life they totally click. The tabloid snapped the two since December 2022 on sweet dates in ordinary settings such as running errands and the report was actually super positive and complimentary towards them. Once news broke within hours both stars confirmed through their respective agencies that its true they are dating, it’s a new relationship, and ask the public to wish them well. Those who watched The Glory will find their visual pairing just weird since she was the ultimate baddie and he played a guy who loved the victim she tormented, so K-netizens are thankful Dispatch didn’t out them earlier otherwise it would be hard to watch The Glory without being taken out of the drama seeing them doing their scenes together. Congrats to this new couple and wishing them all the best!

No wonder K-netizens in theqoo thought they unexpectedly have lots of chemistry. Turns out they’re together in real life. Congratulations!
It was very unexpected. But good for them 🙂
It’s a trick to make viewers rewatch “Glory” to see their scenes 🙂
This was a reaction to a disgusting comment which is luckily gone now.
It’s not a comment on the dating news itself! Wish them all the best. Consenting adults’ private life is their business.
I applaud celebrities being honest about their relationships. They should have to hide. If it was c-entertainment they would be saying how they stumbled out of bed and rolled into the same frame, accidentally. Lol
Good luck yo the new couple. Love well
Wow! Wonderful news! Best wishes to them!
Wow this is completely unexpected but it does the explain the chemistry I felt in their scenes. I was hoping to see them in a romcom one day but guess that won’t happen anymore. Super happy for LJY to have both career and romance highs this year. 2023 is looking like her year and its been a long time coming. Was surprised at LDH confirming the news because he still feels like a rookie/rising star but its actually been more than 5 years since his debut and his breakout with HDL was 4 years ago plus he’s 28 next week so not exactly young. Rumors are he’ll be enlisting this year so this is actually an opportune time for a dating announcement. Wishing good luck to couple and can’t wait to see more good news for them.
Speaking of HDL, I just realized both FL (IU) and 2nd ML (LDH) have already confirmed their relationships to the public this first half of 2023. Feels like a long time ago when people were arguing about the Chansung-Manwol-Chungmyung love triangle lol. Now I wonder if we’ll also hear such news from YJG in the future. 😆
I wonder if April Fools Day is a thing in Korea too. I mean, could this be a 1st of April lie? (Not that I am hating on the couple or anything, I wish them the best if this is real)
No, this is actually when real news of dating are punished by Dispatch.
Anyway, good luck to the couple and normalise dating of celebs yay!
Their agencies confirmed it within an hour of Dispatch’s release so definitely not an April Fools thing.
I was just wondering why did he took a role on movie that didnt matches him outrageous!oh bcoz his noona!congratulation both!
I thought this was an April Fool’s joke at first
No, news was out yesterday, at other news sites/sources, BEFORE April 1 today.
NOT a joke. Happy for them 🙂
Koalas posted it a bit later than most sites but Dispatch’s report came out on April 1 in Korea. And news sites like AllKPop, Koreaboo and even Soompi also posted it on April 1.