
TW Singer-actor Aaron Yan Accused of Secretly Making Sex Tape with 17 Year Old High School Boy He Dated Which was Later Leaked and He Threated to Have the Mafia Take Care of It — 17 Comments

  1. Checking, the age of consent in Taiwan is under 16 years of age. So, he barely got away with statutory rape. Then again, there is filming without permission, I hope there are laws in place so he can be reported.

    • Yeah, and what’s worse is that Aaron Yan had the nerve to show up at the guy’s presscon to stage a public apology. That poor guy had a mental breakdown upon seeing his predator.

      • Seriously?????? Even till the end, he wants to be the center of attention, with blatant disregard for the fact that his presence near the victim is secondary assault.

      • Reading other articles, the victim was 16 when they had sex and the hidden camera happened. Hope he gets criminally charged for statutory rape (I’m assuming that due to the victim’s age, even if they were in a relationship AY would still be charged). Also, Aaron Yan was in his early 30s, while the guy was in his teens then. And he is claiming immaturity, try predatory. Then, the gaslighting by Aaron at that press conference. Charge him with everything that they can.

  2. Pingback:TW Singer And Actor Aaron Yang Accuses Him Of Secretly Making A Sex Tape With A 17-year-old High School Boy Who Was Later Leaked And Threatened To Kill Him - Koala Playground - Google Trends Now

  3. Would this openness or disclosure/confirmation of wrongdoing have to do with Netflix’s WaveMakers drama? Sexual harassment was one of themes in an otherwise political campaigning storyline.

    • There’s also speculation that it was politically motivated behind the scene because of presidential election campaigns running hot right now until the voting day early next year. At the very beginning of #MeToo wave, many politicians in all major parties were accused of sexual misconducts.

      I bought this theory!

  4. I actually liked him but he turned out to be a toxic predatory ass hole. So disappointing. I hope people who suffered because of him get some justice legally.

  5. Being a decent human being is already setting the bar really low…and yet all these people can’t even do that 😮‍💨

    • The bar is in hell for men. It’s literally so easy to just not be a predator and they can’t even do that 🙄
      Men ☕

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