
SBS Drama Revenant Through Episode 4 Toggles Supernatural Scares and Heartbreaking Mysteries with a Tight Script and Natural Acting — 6 Comments

  1. I saw the comments on theqoo about this drama and knetz were saying the acting was bad for both leads and the writing was boring….and I was like WHAT??? I think they’re just hating (The ratings are good and currently popular).

    I love Taeri in this one, I found her acting in 2521 badly, but now she’s proving her status as a once again reliable actress; Oh Jungse is really attractive in this character I don’t know how to explain it, and the story is very interesting. The show is not scary; it is more about folklore and people, and I love it for that.

  2. I’m also really enjoying Revenant! It has the same vibe as The guest and it’s nice to have a HQ kdrama to follow again after a bunch of mediocre kdramas. That and See you in my 19th Life is making me really look forward to the weekends 🙂

    • I’m not into this genre but gave it a try because of Kim Taeri. It’s not scary as I initially thought and got me hooked at the very first episode, I was expecting that the actors are good but KTR surpassed my expectation by a mile, her acting is in another level in revenant.

  3. I opened social media to discuss the plot and share the excitement, but what I found was people fighting over dramas and unhealthily promoting their favorites by talking bad about other dramas. Ugh. I currently have 5 dramas ongoing and gladly can enjoy them without worrying about ratings or top 10 positions.

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