
TW-star Aaron Yan Reportedly Considering Legally Changing His Name in Order to Make a Comeback After Me Too Cancellation — 16 Comments

  1. Lmao, the fact that he thinks everything happened because of bad luck rather than it’s his own wrongdoing. I guess there is just some people that can’t repent

    • True. Unfortunately, lots of men really can’t hold themselves accountable and would rather act like victims (ie. incels). To these men, everything bad that happens to them is the fault of those “eViL wImInZ” lmao

  2. Hard to make a comeback with many upcoming and established actors around. Producers and directors are also unlikely to select actors who won’t be able to play romantic scenes with females/actresses anymore, unless it’s BL centric or action packed non romantic roles.

    • Even if it were, I wonder who would want to watch someone with ephebophiliac tendencies on screen. Grooming minors is a big offense in some parts of the world.

  3. This guy has been accused of sexual exploitation of a child, in this case a boy who was 16 yrs old at the time. The last news update a saw earlier this year was that he was being questioned by police. Don’t prison inmates get called by a prisoner number instead of their name let’s hope he gets his wish for a new name /number in prison.

    • “Don’t prison inmates get called by a prisoner number instead of their name? Let’s hope he gets his wish for a new name number in prison.” I LOVE THIS COMMENT!
      I too thought the police would charge him. But sadly it doesn’t sound like they did much. He’ll most likely get a slap on the hand.

  4. Him being gay is his choice. But to use his position to abuse someone younger…that is sick and unacceptable. But he is not caught or charged, I doubt there is any proper investigations. He will just go free..

  5. Who will watch his dramas again? He can change name but he can’t change his face! LOL. Perhaps get PS done? Isn’t his dad a doctor? His dad should have network with PS surgeon. Why did male celebrities always fall on sex scandals?

      • He’s born to a wealthy family. His dad graduated from the most prestigious med school in Taiwan, very well respected. Physicians in old days in Taiwan made tons of money and also had very high social status, very similar to doctors in Japan and the US, among the 1% wealthiest. Not sure about the general financial status now since Taiwan has been on one-payer health system with national health insurance, for which doctors were said to make much less than before. Aaron’s mom used to be a model who’s very beautiful and also owned her own business. Aaron inherited his beauty from his mom, I guess. LOL. They also spent quite a few years in the US when he’s young. Therefore Aaron can speak quite decent English.

        It’s a shame Aaron’s unscrupulous decision of his dating life got him in such a quagmire. He could live a very comfortable life given the wealth of his family, enjoying his celebrity fame without having to deal with all this mess. I heard that he was very popular among young ppl in Taiwan even he’s getting older since he had been very vocal about social justice etc. that young folks are concerned about. He’s eloquent and seemed very brainy. I used to like him a lot. Well, very unfortunately he made that choice of his dating life.

      • @Somebody, thanks for background. Yes he is very brainy, even Chen KaiGe said if a number of times on a variety show. I too use to like him since his early days… watched his shows for decades..till the new of his scandal… I got so turn off by how he handled the case and even gate crush the victim’s press conference.

  6. Even if it were, I wonder who would want to watch someone with ephebophiliac tendencies on screen. Grooming minors is a big offense in some parts of the world.

  7. The only answer for Aaron to become anew person is to ask Jesus God’s perfect Son into his heart and life and change him into a child of God .This will give him life eternal in heaven 🙏

  8. Jesus died for are sins so He is the only way we can be free from the punishment of eternal hell!!! When He lives in us He is our promise of being our guide,protector,supplier of everything we need,He takes care of us because He loves us enough to die on the cross .

  9. Hi Aaron! I was your fan since fahrenheit days till now who iam to judge you nor hate, Maybe people hate you because of your scandal but not me love you for a long time just to hate you cause of the issue or messy. No! I always fan of your talents and you as an actor, Your always on my prayers.

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