Filming Kicks Off with Official Character Stills for Period Wuxia C-drama Calming Waves with Wang Xing Yue and Xiang Han Zhi

I’m not terribly picky with my drama posters especially the early stage ones that much effort hasn’t been made on it yet. But these for the kick off filming of period wuxia C-drama Calming Waves is just sooooo bad it’s embarrassing for the cast. The drama stars Wang Xing Yue and Xiang Han Zhi, with both having other finished period C-dramas as leads on deck not yet aired so honestly I have no clue what to expect. I’ve seen them as supporting leads but this past year both have leveled up and on one hand it’s nice to have more names to throw in the casting roulette but on the other some of these newer names are just not yet proven and able to hook me to watch just for them.

For a second the first pick did not look him. Must be the editing. I was like who is that? I don’t recognize any of them. Weird moment lol
It’s not thaaaaaaat bad. Pretty on par with majority of drama posters these days (lots of wispy streaks, PS’ing, singular character photo, etc.) I will say this style is getting kinda old and common though. Even donghuas change up their animation style every year or so, but C-dramas tend to be stuck in the same mold…
I think they look great. Nice to have some new folks, instead of recycling the few in every drama. Looking forward to this.
I did not mean it looked bad. Just that I did not recognize them because they look flawless in the poster almost. He has a distinctive nose and for some reason it looked different in that picture is all I meant but truthfully he is the only actor I know of. The rest of the cast I don’t remember them too well or not sure if I have seen them before. Hope it’s entertaining.
You probably know the girl if you watch Neo Hou’s dramas,she acted in two dramas with him, the recent drama “Young Babylon”
WXY is better looking in the poster than all his dramas so far. He was somehow made much older looking in the dramas. I’m surprised he’s so young. Nonetheless, the posters look tacky. They simply don’t have money for graphic artists to refine the works. It’s kinda obvious for many drama promos nowadays – a sign of financial constraints.
I’m not a WXY fan, but he looks good here. I’ll definitely check out the promos and teasers to see if it’s something I’d like to watch.
In the past dramas used to tell a story , kind of getting a glimpse what the drama is about from the poster but now it’s only ab making the drama look aesthetic with some weird color grading