
K-netizens Discuss When Seasons Evoke Specific K-dramas Such as Spring is Associated with Another Oh Hae Young and More — 9 Comments

    • Sometimes a drama falls into our lives on a more emotional or personal ground that one can’t explain objectively why it resonates so much. That drama doesn’t have to be good or pass the test of time. Nevertheless, it feels like home coming watching it again. The familiarity is comforting and it’s brightening up a bad day

  1. Aside from the OG seasons series, one drama that came to mind immediately to me was Love Alarm, for some reason.

    Love Alarm season 1 has a strong autumny aesthetic and feel, while the season 2 feels more spring-y to me. There’s probably some symbolism going on with the choice of seasonal aesthetic, vibes, and color palette for each season, but I’m not eloquent enough to give an analysis, maybe someone here could lol

  2. Aside from the OG seasons series, one drama that came to mind immediately to me was Love Alarm, for some reason.

    Love Alarm season 1 has a strong autumny aesthetic and feel, while the season 2 feels more spring-y to me. There’s probably some symbolism going on with the choice of seasonal aesthetic, vibes, and color palette for each season, but I’m not eloquent enough to give an analysis, maybe someone here could lol

  3. For Christmas , i think of My girl . Agree with most of the ones that were chosen . Even if i wasn’t into Goblin and You from another star . I miss you goes for the beginning of winter and for summer season i think about Full House and City hall too ( i don’t know why, i just feel it like that)

  4. Cherry blossom scenes feel spring-y to me. The King 2 Hearts proposal is one that always pop into my mind (beside others). Admittedly, a lot of Kdramas use cherry blossom back drops 😉 😀

  5. Under C drama posts, we discuss drama off screen. Under K drama posts, we discuss drama on screen. LMAO

    Back to my pick. I agree with the last set of 4 dramas: IHYV, MNIKSS, YfAS, and TWtWB. Those are among my all time favorite.

    That being said, the fist set of the picks were what got me into Kdrama. So they are unarguably considered the classics of the Hallyu trend.

    All the picks are worthy of mention.

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