
Period C-drama Love Never Fails has Reportedly Hired Actress Hu Yi Xuan to Replace Tax Evasion Scandal Lead Yuan Bing Yan with Reshoots Scheduled for February 2024 — 7 Comments

  1. Hmm thinking about it the replacement seems to look more suitable for the look than the original.

    I’m really curious but does that kind of bang even exist in ancient times? It looks like people cosplaying

    • I like Hu Yi Xuan. It’s just that she doesn’t get much offers. I’m not too fond of the ML so don’t know if I will tune in, but I’m curious how the end result will be. Guess we’ll have to wait and see how Yang Zi’s Golden Hairpin does.

      • This is actually a really good opportunity for her – because reshoots are so expensive, they probably chose an up and comer who they saw of as skilled, but cheap because she doesn’t have the popularity yet. That will help offset the cost. On the other hand, she would never get a role like this in NORMAL circumstances at this point in her career, so even if the pay is suitable for her current level but lower than this kinda role usually gets, it’s excellent exposure for her. If she does a good job and the drama performs well, this could be a major career shortcut for her.

        And while his fans would usually be mad at a “not worthy” actress jumping into a high profile role with there favorite actor, I’m guessing in this case they will be too grateful the drama is airing at all to be mad at her! They might even be grateful to her as well.

        So, win win if all goes well

      • Ah yes no problem. I’m curious too see whether these replacement projects will look good in the end

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