The Prisoner of Beauty is the Enemies to Lovers After Political Marriage Dysfunctional Sexy Romance that Works with Liu Yu Ning and Song Zu Er Basically Perfectly Cast Stepping Right Out of the Novel
So I marathoned the C-novel adapted into the C-drama The Prisoner of Beauty (also called The Marquis is Innocent) during a long flight to Asia this week and good lord I need this drama to air RIGHT NOW. It’s the perfect combo of enemies to lovers like Story of Kunning Palace but with a lot more sex. Haha, there will probably be no sex in the drama but in the novel there is so much boating the two leads basically do all their relationship development in bed. It’s also the perfect time to air right after the buzz from Liu Yu Ning in A Journey to Love but this time his character is way more angry, feral in battle, and is a master in the sack with his wifey. A Journey to Love started off way more interesting with the OTP romance but fell flat once they got together early on because there was no conflict, misunderstandings, or even insurmountable obstacles, i.e. they were so adult and boring. In Prisoner of Beauty, the entire relationship is one big F*ck You to each other’s family’s hate and the two leads ignore each other, fight, have sex, make up, misunderstand, have more sex, grow closer, and keep rinse and repeating. All joking aside, Song Zu Er is basically a spot on casting as the beauty to topple kingdoms with intelligence and plotting and the first trailer was so full of raw controlled angst it captures the story so well. This is one story where the female lead is written so well, so smart, and keeps growing up, I really hope this airs in some shape or form.

Preview for The Prisoner of Beauty:
There’s sex in these sort of novels? Its just alluded to sex right? Sanitised etc in the novel.
I am trying to imagine this in drama form.
“There’s sex in these sort of novels?”
Yep, there is. Some of the older ones even used to be quite explicit (off the top of the head, I can think of 插翅难飞 as being quite intense, starting all the way from the setup–the FL is a beautiful sheltered girl who gets kidnapped by human traffickers, ML is a Golden Triangle militant who saves her from her kidnappers, but only because he wants her for himself), but then censorship was amplified and amplified, and nowadays writers mostly have to write fade-of-black to get release approval from the site editors. Some of the writers can get very creative with the metaphors, though. 🙂 And some are very good at conveying the chemistry and the intensity of the intimate scenes without touching trivial language (凝脂美人在八零[穿书] is one example).
“Prisoner of Beauty”, if I remember correctly, falls kinda in the middle between super explicit and fade-to-black, but it’s very well-written.
can you please give us the english title of the first drama you mentioned? if there’s one
Sorry, Rea, but my reply was strictly about novels, and there is no drama adaptation, past or future, for 插翅难飞 (lit. even given wings, you couldn’t fly; fig. impossible to escape). The novel itself is now locked on jjwxc, where it was originally serialized (i.e. it can’t be accessed anymore), presumably because of all the violence and explicit love scenes contained.
Hehe, I still reread this novel from time to time. Feel sad for the FL character and she did what she could to survive. I understood ML too since his hate is justifiable. If only SZE hadn’t had her scandal then this drama could have pushed her because FL was a good character – beautiful, smart, righteous, and caring to those close to her.
In c ent with historical drama, that sex scenes will be removed. Honestly I would like to read the novel too but knowing that this might not air or might air with a different actress which might not meet expectations if song zher is found guilty, I would rather not. Or the other option is, I will read after the show is able to air. Let just hope SZ is proven innocent.
Exactly @Koala I got intrigued with the story and about this pairing and went to check out the novel and holysh*t! Even if obviously the s*x won’t be in the drama but you kinda imagine them as you read the novel. I was wondering if you read the Chinese version or the translated one as this one surprisingly has the translation completed, which means might be quite popular with the international readers.
Just to add, LYN might not be considered handsome to a lot but I think he can act, has good timing, his diction is ok, and has the height. And I think when styled well he looks really good in costume drama as a strong character, e.g. General, King, Prince, Warrior… etc. And on top of that he is a popular singer who sings most OSTs out there and considered a liuliang. It’s nice to see someone working hard and getting the breaks. To h*ll with the naysayers, let him forge his own path.
LYN isn’t the type with striking on your face type of handsomeness like XZ or GJ but he is very pleasant and nice looking but of course those long legs are to die for…. LYN improved and keeps improving acting wise, he didn’t go to drama school but he does have a personal acting coach hence the improvements. The good thing is he is his own boss so he is the sole decision maker about his career. So far I think his choices are good.
As long as he’s not being called dashing throughout the show or supposed to be acting as some hot 20 year old, I think he looks fine in general, not the most handsome but decent enough. It’s all about suitability for the role and compatibility with their costar, visually and age wise, so that I can actually believe their love story. A lot of the most well loved Korean actors aren’t conventionally the best looking (Cho Seung woo, Namgong Min etc come to mind) but they suit the roles they take up and they act well. Conversely if the role calls for the most handsome in city (or a big beauty where all the males fall at her feet), then he/she should at least look like one. (I think SZE is stunning)
You can’t imagine how disappointed was I when I saw the news of her tax evasion because I know that this drama will be shelved. This is a very good production with a mixture of veteran seasoned cast and young upcoming ones. The sets are beautiful, the styling are drop dead gorg. SZE as Xiao Qiao is indeed a Helen of Troy while LYN as Wei Shao is positively a lethal red flag.
I read the novel and I was totally surprise as how sexually explicit but at the same time a very well written characterization. The story telling style is deep. LYN did mention in his livestream that those HOT parts won’t be shoot but I do think there will be a lot of implications because unlike some erotic novel that use eroticism for the sake of eroticism, this novel use the their sex scenes as a bridge or a vessel for the CP to overcame majority of their “problems” (I know I sound insane….haha).
Who knows maybe it will air drop in January 😊
I thought the 2 leads’ relationship in A Journey To Love is interesting and I like that they have no conflict. Their very romantic way of dealing with issues in adult way is fascinating to watch where 20min straight of conversation was like very theatre style which I like. Not everything has to be angry, loud, emotional. The 2 leads had conflict from other people, so their relationship between the stabilising factor is actually rather nice watch.
Umm….where can I read this? LOL Since the drama probably won’t air now…I’ll read the novel.
I second this.
You can google The Marquis is Innocent novel and click the Galaxy Translations
I read this a few weeks back in the midst of AJTL bcs LYN AND I saw the trailer and BTS videos…amazing shots and cinematography and beautiful costumes and sets.
The translated novel is on Novel Updates translated in simpler English, not the best translation especially if you understand Chinese because the original prose has so much depth. It is still a good read to get the plot in its entirety and it’s pretty epicly written.
LYN and SZE fits the novel imagery to a T. Like many, I’m really hopeful this drama can air.
FYI this director also shot ZLY’s upcoming Legend of Phoenix drama.
Girl no!! I thought that this airdropped silently and was so happy…..only to then see that you are talking about the NOVEL! TT_TT
Sounds like there is too much money to be made from this drama, China 😬 just drop it!
How can this man not be considered handsome? OK, he isn’t pretty, but handsome yes he is.
I quickly browsed through the novel in Chinese. If the drama adapts those explicitly steaming bed scenes in this erotic novel, it will be turned into a porn on screen. LOL. There’re plenty of such erotic web novels available online in China, very prevalent like night markets in Taiwan, very accessible day and night. LOL. I wonder why a political system as conservative as China that always has a tight control of online activities including speech and writing doesn’t censor this kind of porn market! LOL