
Dispatch Drops Dating Bombshell Between K-pop Idol Aespa’s Karina and K-actor Lee Jae Wook and Both Sides Confirm — 32 Comments

  1. I’m guessing this was actually going to be Dispatch’s New Year reveal that never happened and that they’ve actually been dating for longer. Congrats – both are beautiful people!

  2. She is so plastic but considered new gen itgirl along with wonyoung malnourished and minji. Only newjeans minji looks natural compared to these two plastic malnourished dolls

    • Well, it is obvious he has done his surgeries too, so if they like how they look like, and like how the other looks like, why should we mind?

    • Yup super plastic but praised for her “beauty” lol. At least we now know what he likes. He also seems to have had gotten some very small/ minor tweaks in past years. Minji at least has a personality. The shippers who shipped him with GYJ – tho it was pretty obvious he was just in character – must be laying up in bed crying now lol

      • Like Joan Rivers once said… Cars need tune up every year (ie. old gas cars, no e-car back then) and so is the face. LOL.

      • Kim Go Eun? I know she’s bashed for her looks (or lack thereof) but it seems like she’s one of he very few who didn’t any surgery

  3. So sweet. The first pic is the event they fell in love at first sight, apparently.
    I’m surprised their agencies confirmed so fast, as Karina is so popular.
    I like them both, and wish them well.

  4. Guess what, that fashion show where they first met is Prada 😉 And I’ve just talked about C-ent rumours on Prada too in the previous post on Yang Zi’s casting rumour.

    • …That you mentioned Prada somewhere else in the previous post and suddenly we have a new Prada couple from a different country?…uh…Suuuuure. Lol

      • Lol are you Yang Zi’s fan? Otherwise I don’t get why you’re so affected about me mentioning this coincidence.

    • @Lilith

      Who’s Yang Zi? I had to look that name up and look at other posts on here. I’m just curious why you had to bring that into this post when it really has nothing to do with her. Its like you wanted to throw her name in this for no reason. Talk about the couple, its their post. Its not a coincidence, you purposely wanted to mention this Yang Zi. Why?

      • Lol because that post’s title literally has Yang Zi on it, duh. What do you want me to do? Copy-paste that post’s link? Ok here you go.

        I just mentioned about Prada in the previous post and shortly after this “scandal” happened and there is some relation to Prada. If that isn’t a coincidence then are you saying I’m related to Dispatch and deliberately released this dating news after mentioning Prada in that post? LOL

        And don’t play dumb, you clearly know Yang Zi very well when you posted in that post under the name “bean”. Looks like it’s the case of one person posting under multiple names here again @Koala.

      • What the hell are you talking about? You’re not even answering my question though. This post we are posting under, has nothing to do with past posts about Yang Zi. So I am questioning why you feel the need to mention this Yang Zi? So from now on, any posts about Prada is a coincidence with your past posts? I’m so confused. Who is Bean?? My name is Sean. S, not B. How did I become Bean??

      • @Sean

        LMAO Don’t talk sense with this person. You’ll have a hard time and get no where. Move on. Don’t waste energy like this person is. They are already accusing you of being someone else. 😆

      • @Lilith

        I have just realized how much time you do spend on this blog by reading the past posts you have. LOL WOW. You really have time. Minus well call this Lilith’s Playground. Anyway, I shouldn’t argue with people who can’t give me answers. Can’t believe I got accused of being someone else. Weird.

        I am a fan of LJW since Alchemy, so it doesn’t make sense to talk about off topic subjects. I am happy for the new couple, they are a great looking couple. May they continue to build a good relationship in the new year.

      • Lmao anyone familiar with this blog will know that each email is assigned a unique avatar. It’s impossible for 2 different people to have the same avatar unless they share the same email. Look at you changing emails immediately now that I’ve pointed it out. Guilty as charged 😂 And your “friend” Voo here posting shortly after you.

        Lol this is so entertaining 🍿

      • @Lilith

        You’re right. This is entertaining. LMAO. My “friend” Voo?? Lol delusional. I guess this really is Lilith’s playground.

      • @Lilith, you’re right. this is definitely the same person who was writing under the name “Bean” in the other thread you linked. The picture is exactly the same. I seriously wonder what goes on in the mind of people do this kind of stuff.

  5. With the way the media is jumping over this news I strongly suspect that part of this is being staged by their agencies. Where’s all the hue and cry from their fandoms that follow announcements like these? It always amazes me that certain celebrities get a pass and public approval to date openly, while other celebrities have to date in secret and hide their relationship from their fans. Wishing them the best, but it can’t be healthy for them to have their relationship splashed as front page news so early into their relationship. Hoping they can last the distance.

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