
Lin Geng Xin Dating Rumors Reemerge After The Legend of Shen Li But Appears Not to Impact the Fans of the Show — 21 Comments

  1. LOL Anyone who is rooting for ZLY and LGX will probably have to wait until pigs can fly. I’ve enjoyed both their previous dramas and never rooted for those two in real life. Sure, loved them onscreen but unlike his best friend Mark Chao, you know LGX is not serious about dating or settling down.

  2. Creepy men just can’t date someone their own age. Gross. And I don’t trust any man who dates girls that have barely been legal for a few years. It’s like they’re trying too hard to show that those girls are legal but it just proves to me that these men are creeps who obviously like minors but don’t want to be labeled a pedophile. They’re acting like they got smart about it. These men need to be castrated seriously. Such a hazard to underage girls. Unfortunately people have become so desensitized when men do this. If it was the other way round though, expect a whole circus about it.

    Uncle Lin also looks extra creepy with his caterpillar eyebrows. Poor Zhao Li Ying who looks like a legal loli had to swap saliva with this guy for the drama

    • He is 36. 36-11=25, not an underage!! Are you sure that’s a female? Does not look like one to me…. 🤔 Too much PS has altered the natural face. Before you condemn the uncle, please check the ID of his partner who seems willingly following him 😂

    • Always looking for something to hate when there is none here. Croaking with excuses and arguments at something there shoudn’t be.
      Unless he is a cheater and groomed these women at a young age, then its pretty obvious you’re coming from a place of obvious personal hate. Good luck with that.

    • Well, this is a serious accusation so I checked if his previous relationships were public. And it seems that his previous girlfriend was Claudia Wang, who is 3 years older than him – she was 32 when they started dating. So basically you are full of bs.

    • LOL, go and watch dating videos and women interviews on Tiktok, all young women are dreaming of dating an older rich guy who can spoil them; no girl wants an immature broke guy the same age as her who will ask her to split the bill and make tantrum if she does not s** with him on the first date

  3. Why wouldn’t a 36 year old man date? I don’t get Netizens obsession with their actors being celibate. Please separate reel from real. Now I might understand why censorship doesn’t allow time travel dramas. People can be that foolish to believe what they see onscreen is real.

    She looks comfortable and low key with him.

  4. Pingback:Lin Geng Xin Courting Rumors Reemerge After The Legend of Shen Li However Seems To not Affect the Followers of the Present -

  5. Why would it affect The Legend of Shen Li? Only ZLY sends her water armies to go make trouble. Nobody has water armies like her, to come attack her, so ofc she will never get any attack. Normally, things like this, competitors would be disguising people as her fans or Lin Gexing’s fans to stir war already.

    Besides, ZLY is interested in Wang Sicong. Lin Gexing is the dog who did everything to please WSC and friends him closely. Kris Wu was in their circle too, but rumors said WSC took down Kris.

    • Not sure how delusional you are to know all of this and accusing people you don’t know. Should go check a mental asylum and weird conspiracy theories. I forgot some people are crazy enough to believe what they feel is the absolute truth. This is an America website most likely, no one pays over here.

      Doubt she would sabotage her own show. Like stop with the jealousy.

  6. Its so weird to want to ship this couple in real life. She was married and has a child with his former costar FSF, who I am sure LGX is friends with as well. Stop hoping, it ain’t ever happening. LOL

  7. Born in 1999… these actors are so predictable. But, people shipping CPs in real life needs to touch some grass. Enjoy it while the show airs, don’t overdo it.

  8. LGX is the DiCaprio of China…haha. He loves them young (but never heard of any underage) but won’t commit anytime soon. In fairness, so far none of his zillions exes ever came out to expose any of his dirty underwear..YET.

    Anyway as a rich, young, good looking (beauty is in the eyes of the beholder) and famous, girls will always flock to him and he embraces them with open arms and pull down pants. Both parties get what they want and part happily after, so all good.

    • Believe he dated people his age and even Wang Likun who is older than him. Lol agree with you like 11 years might sound crazy but at 25 meeting someone handsome with money why not?? Females his age probably don’t want him either is a real thing since most probably settled down already or just want someone even better. A lot of successful actresses don’t just want an actor (limited amount of income based on age and popularity) but businessmen and rich 2G with multiple streams of weatlh and security.

      • There is a few younger ones he dated. Yes he dated Wang Li kun who is older and Cass Gai who is over 30. There is wide range of ages. He doesn’t cheat or treat at them bad so what is there to exposed? He never hides to who he is dating. That’s really his buisness.

  9. Wow a grown up man going on dates with his girl after months of busy work, DiSaStEr ,these guys should shut up and thank him for being professional and didn’t bring her to set or to his hotel room during filming

    • ZLY brought her CEO boyfriend from the United States on set during Legend of Chusen and that bf was even married already!

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