
TW-entertainers Join Public Calls for Reform to Laws and the Prison System for Sexual Offenders After Disgraced Star Mickey Huang Gets a Wrist Slap for Purchasing Child Porn — 8 Comments

  1. Whenever I read about this I am once again shocked their laws are so terribly weak when it comes to CP. He would have gotten at least 5 years in jail, at least, in many other countries and it would have been a slam dunk, celeb or not. Look at late Mark Salling. Instead he walks.

    Good on these people trying to get it to change, even if they don’t succeed now.

  2. Not only sex offender law, many other laws are also crappy. The worst is that the Legislative Yuan is known to be a circus of political clowns. Taiwanese voters are serious about the presidential election cos they think the president decides the fate Taiwan. But voting for local governors and legislative representatives are different stories. You could find quite a few of these elected officials oftentimes had been embroiled in some serious legal cases, e.g., insider trading, briberies, and other financial fraud including the most recent high-key scam involving an out-spoken online influencer-turned lawmaker. LMAO. Most of these crimes were committed by members of the former ruling party KMT of dictatorship.

    Both Mickey Huang and his mentor in the T-ent (Chang Hsiao-Yen) are out-spoken pro China entertainers.

  3. I’m glad some people are brave enough to call out this and request real legislative change. This whole thing has me in utter disbelief about the weakness of the laws to protect children. Sadly, it says a lot about a country when a negligible fine and “writing an apology letter” for purchasing graphic cp is considered acceptable punishment. What an utterly disgusting insult to the victims.

  4. I’m really glad the entertainers are adding their voice to it. It’s simple logic I think. Children are the future of a nation, they are the leaders of tomorrow, a nation that doesn’t take child protection seriously of all things is digging it’s own demise. The law makers have to wake up truly and reform laws. Also, I don’t watch Taiwan movies or dramas so I’m not sure, I’m just guessing right now, but if there movies and dramas are mostly always about love and romance and what not then the entertainment industry itself should do better and take their share of the blame. I’d think they should use the movie industry to address issues that are ravaging their country. Take for example, the movie Silenced led to a demonstration in South Korea and also I appreciate the movie Kim Ji Young born 1982, it addresses issues that are very much faced by some korean moms/women. Even the glory drew people’s attention to the level of bullying that happens in their educational system. So if the industry isn’t taking societal issues seriously they really need to buckle up, not just talk and do nothing from their own space.

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