Queen of Tears Becomes tvN’s Highest Rating K-drama of All Time with 24.850% in Final Episode Delivering Happy Ending After Excess of Ridiculous Plot Elements in Final Episodes

I had such a good time watching tvN drama Queen of Tears live. THIS is the spectacle and feels I live for as a K-drama watcher, we all want to see dramas that arrive which bring out strong emotions, This was my personal favorite Park Ji Eun penned drama, which just says I liked but never loved You From Another Star, Legend of the Blue Sea, and Crash Landing on You. The closest vibe was CLOY for me but all of Park Ji Eun’s dramas need to be watched for the satisfaction or lack thereof and she’s got enough ridiculous plot elements to never take her writing seriously. Once you strip out the thriller elements with cars of doom, gunshots that never hit a critical spot, and incredible live saving memory erasing surgery, this was a lovely and meaningful look at life after marriage, at what happens behind the scenes, at what it means to live daily and not for the moments. Park Ji Eun needs to thank Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won for making what is a 6/10 story into a 9/10 drama, the leads performed the best kind of alchemy and are rewarded for setting the ratings record for tvN. And we were all here to witness this.

What an utter waste of the leads and their chemistry with the shoddy writing in the second half. I wanted to see the leads repair their marriage painfully one step at a time. Instead we get corporate shenanigans, psychopath stalker ex, and terminal illness/amnesia. I guess we should all thank the stalker ex for bringing the leads together.
I agree. One of the most over rated dramas I have seen. It’s ok not to be ok was so much better dealing with autism, abandoned children, trauma. This was oh my god, it was an 90s mills and boons. The author had zero creativity. It’s almost like she looked at these old romance books and wrote a story. Kim Soo Hyun has some of the worst inane dramas in k drama-land.
Thankfully one ordinary day, it’s ok not to be ok are so good. I hope he does more dramas like one ordinary day.
Kim ji won, her my liberation notes and fight for my way were tons better than this god awful drama. Especially fight for my way has a special place in my heart.
“It’s ok not to be ok was so much better dealing with autism, abandoned children, trauma.”
Lol, I’d understand comparisons with CLOY since both were written by the same writer. But where from this comparison to iotnbo when both dramas are completely different and NOT even dealing with the same subject matter and themes? Seems fans of iotnbo AND a certain actress are bitter at the massive popularity of QOT. Lol. Y’all really need to move on.
@winter – this. So. Much.
What is with IOTNBO fans always bringing it up like there is any similarities minus the male lead. I am a KSH fan and while that drama was good, the comparison here is absurd. Like the fuck? What is the basis of comparing the story? One is about a man taking care of an autistic brother and falling for a woman with an antisocial personality disorder. The other is of a man who finds the love he had forgotten for the woman who meant everything to him. There is literally zero similarities.
if you dont share ur opinion is better..coz it look like ur opinion come from such an idiot..i feel embarrass just by reading it.! what a stupid brain! clearly know nothing!
the person you’re replying to is an obvious ksh-seo ye ji shipper. they’re such sore losers lol, they should just go back to twitter where they can all worship their manipulative
flop queen together lmao.
also, iontbo is also overrated, it literally perpetuate the tired ol trope of
true love
curing mental illness. and the female lead was abusive towards the male lead too (i.e. perving on the male lead and forcing him to sleep with her) but no one wants to talks about that because everyone is obsessed with
girlboss bad b*tch
characters like ko mun yeong *pukes*
Geez can you not rant about SYJ whenever IOTNBO is mentioned? One commentator mentioned their opinion and your responses are uncalled for.
@winter: No, fans of YJ + IOTNBO are not bitter at the massive popularity quite the contrary really so stop the cap. We have moved on to SYJ new IG so gosh stop reaching.
@saebyeok: Your comment takes the cake. So at one opinion you jumped at the assumption that the poster was a HyunJi-that’s the name of the ship just like SooWon is the same of KSH/KJW ship. Hyunji’s are not sore losers and saying SYJ is a manipulative flop Queen- haha really? Triggered much but if it warrants you being a happier person then go for it. IOTNBO is KSH post military drama and one that ‘he’ chose upon reading the first draft from a rookie writer.
I agree with you it’s the worst ksh drama but atleast he’s getting love and has an award nom. He seems to be too loyal to PJE unfortunately, I did admire when he took risk and work with rookie writers. With kjw, I agree again works better in lighter romcom roles. I don’t think this role suited her she doesn’t have that icey aura. I hope ksh next pairing is one of his calibre I’m thinking Kim taeri or park eun bin (who was rumoured to be the lead in qot)
Lol what this sudden hate toward IOTNBO, overrated really? He didn’t even have high ratings and netz dismissed it. Atleast unlike qot it got recognised in baeksang with 8 nominations and an international emmy. Most actors would take a critically acclaimed drama over ratings, reborn rich has the 2nd highest ratings and who even remembers that show.
I feel none of the people have any reading comprehension. I am actually super fond of the leading actress Kim jin won and loved all her works where she is the lead, minus this drama which I did not like at all. I don’t want watch dramas because I am a fan. In this capitalist world where actors and actresses and singers become millionaires and billionaires I don’t understand this hero worship. Kim Soo Hyun I liked in movies and ordinary day.
Basically I was trying to say I liked all the actors in their previous works including the second male lead and his Gauss electronics which I loved too.
This drama was decent but I am amazed and what made it get the hype it got.
I agree with the ridiculousness of the final 2 episodes.
Like I said before, I like this drama enough but never loved it. It was an enjoyable watch.
In term of story, I prefer CLOY but I like this couple better (since I prefer the secondary couple in CLOY).
The final 2 episodes feel kind of rush. Some plot are just nonsensical (ie the diary that survived the incineration) and feel rather jumpy. The drama also over-saturated with “meant to be” of the main couple and too much miracle (how the heck Hyun Woo managed to escape from hospital and walked on miles of snow covered field after an accident). There were quite a lot of LOL moments in the finale.
Anyway, it was good and fun. Not on my rewatch list but good enough to last till I find a new drama to enjoy.
Where are the feel good happy times and sweet passionate kisses after all that suffering? That was the only thing missing.
I really liked the OST by Kim Soo-Hyun!
It was a fun ride! Like an old kdrama-esque soul in a modern setting.
Park Ji Eun didn’t write Dream High as far as I know?
Yes, that was written by Park Hye-ryun!
I genuinely love the drama
Yes some parts are ridiculous and just rating bait but that ok like you said – you watch her dramas and you know tropes are her favourite and she runs through them but very quickly and you cannot say it’s not entertaining
But I really like the story basis (she has a knack for creating the context – North Korea, aliens, idols, housewives you get the drift) this time I really like the “no happily after – unhappily married” background. And I love the ending note – that it would have still be imperfect. How much I love that even hyun woo isn’t confident he can beat daily life and little fights – even after the bullets, car crash, first loves and fate. If he’s not sure / and she wasn’t too – what does that say about the rest of us lol but sometimes you just stick together and stay around – that’s all you need. And I love the callbacks – the final one being he got picked up at the end of his life by the one who he loves. Very nicely done – and gosh so well acted! Entertaining and thoughtful at the beginning and end. I have no complains
Well that about sums it right. The last two episodes were all sorts of ridiculous but saved by the cast. Such a waste for having started out quite good. This drama worked best when the focus was on repairing a marriage that got inevitably broken along the way (but the love was still there). And yet we get psychopaths, truck of doom to the nth power, and injuries galore. Probs shouldn’t have expected more knowing how little I liked this writer’s other dramas. Still, husband and I enjoyed watching this live, something we haven’t done in a long time, and for that I give it a 7.5/10
I feel the opposite! Drama was so promising at the beginning, I LOVED it until around episode 10 when things turned non-sensical in a rather unsatisfying way (IMO). Definitely the writer’s weakest along with Legend of the Blue Sea. My faves are YFAS and Producers. Again, IMO.
Would not bother with her dramas again unless KSH was in it.
The last episode felt so rushed and the special story behind the fountain scene that Joo-Bin told us to look out for was cut
There was also a post I read on X that the Korean community sites sed that Hae-In was supposed to die in 2034 not 2074 because the cancer will relapse, but the grave photo leaked and all hell broke lose so they changed it lol I really wished we got the lamp post kiss at least. I guess all those 2 second kisses in Germany are just to to tease us viewers lol darn I hope these two reunite for another drama in the future their chemistry was beautiful.
Nooo I prefer this ending then her dying that soon would be so bleak
I agree we were robbed off the kisses in Germany somehow when I saw the trailer I had a feeling we’d see it as a montage. But the fact all their kisses were in germany is funny. Credit to them though to do all those emotional scenes and fluffy ones within one month, damn. I too hope they reunite, usually I’m not fond of leads working together again but this pairing is an exception maybe something more slow burn.
Did you mean Producers maybe? Because PJE definitely did not write Dream High…
Anyway, I loved this drama through all the whacky plot. It’s a regular PJE drama and something I’ve come to expect from her. It does nothing to mar my enjoyment because her dramas aren’t about being realistic. I mean… someone crash landing from SK to NK, an alien who finds a wormhole so he can stay with the one he loves, gun shots that always seem to hit the male lead yet never one that actually threatens their lives, etc. it’s all rather crazy but I fall for it each time because she writes in such an entertaining way.
It is amazing that KSH led the last miniseries to have achieved 40%+ ratings and now leads the highest rated tvN drama in different decades. Basically, his record is 50% of tv dramas he led are mega hits. That is remarkable. I loved this so much and let’s just say I can’t wait for the next time KSH-PJE works together again!
@Butterfly I loved this drama too, despite wanting to smack my head against the desk at some of the repeated ridiculousness in the final week, koala’s description of it as a 6/10 drama turned into a 9/10 by the cast – let’s be real, mainly the two leads, that’s who everyone was tuning in for – is very accurate.
It’s true PJE dramas are very tropey and the endings can divide opinions (imo the best drama ending she ever wrote was The Producers) but she writes characters who are so engaging and casts actors who make them so which means I end up coming back week after week lol.
Completely! PJE is a character writer without a doubt. Yoon Seri, Chun Song Yi, Do Min Joon, Baek Seung Chan, Cindy and now Hong Hae In, Baek Hyun Woo – they are characters names that stick and people talk/will continue talking about them for years.
I also loved Producers’ ending, but her best one for me is MLFTS. I love this ending too. I think it would have been less memorable in her mind to write a “normal” ending where the characters just live their regular lives. So she went for something more grand. They even changed the years Hae In lived since they knew people would riot if they went with the OG plan. If they wanted to, they could’ve just removed that whole scene but they kept it. I think it was the most she was willing to concede. I don’t mind it at all, but I can see why it has a different affect for some. I do respect that she stuck to the story she wanted to tell. This was always called a miraculous love story, and she wanted to hold onto that tag and come full circle which I can’t fault tbh.
@Butterfly – absolutely, this is the kind of drama where people won’t just remember the actor, they’ll remember the character names (and this is absolutely going into the kdrama canon as one of those dramas that hooks people in).
I understand what PJE was going for by emphasising the bittersweet part at the end but I wish they had given us a few more passionate scenes between Hyun Woo and Hae In, they gave us that hilarious ‘stripping off his shirt to check for injuries’ scene in ep 10 and it’s clear they are very physically attracted to each other but the last couple of weeks of the drama just forgets that and we don’t even see them in the same bed after they reconcile except when it’s….a hospital bed. lol. This is kind of like the happy version of the ending of Titanic, the pictures show you that they lived a long and happy life together and had a daughter and then ends with her coming to take him at the end of his life, like she promised. Beautiful in its own way, but now I want another KSH/KJW drama which isn’t quite so chaste (even if I know it isn’t going to happen lol kdrama costars rarely repeat and we’re going to have to wait another 7 years at this rate)
@Royal We
I totally get what you mean. TBH, I loved the coming to full circle angle PJE was going for, but I don’t actually love the ending in itself per se. I think my issues lie mostly in not giving the chairman’s girlfriend motive. She was such an interesting villain and I never figured out if she had any true love for her son or if he was just a pawn in her game of chess. Her breakdown in the car, then the subsequent ruthless way she blamed everything on him was fascinating. I wish we got that in the previous episode and explored it. I am left feeling like I don’t know her enough which is frustrating. I found Eun Seong a lot less interesting. He was just an abandoned child who did not know love and turned into a psycho after experiencing crumbs. Sad in some ways but cliche. His mom was another story. I wish we knew her motive and why it took her 20 years to make her move, why queens, why no further attempts to kill Hae In, why keep her son distant but also within reach. I feel like there’s so many unresolved questions with her and it drives me up the wall.
On the other hand, I love what they did with Grace. She was the one that kept me on my toes till the literal final moment. I never seen a character change sides and play quadruple agents to this extent. It’s rather hysterical but also perfectly written. She is not a good person and does not even try to be. So the way PJE redeemed her without exactly changing her essence was superb. She was way more interesting than Da Hye to me. Her and Soo Cheol got quite repetitive after the first time she ran away. That was tiring. Wish Da Hye got to spend more time in Yongduri, getting to know her in laws etc.
As for the leads, I also agree. I wish we spent more time seeing their lives together before getting to that final scene. It would have been more satisfying. But I am not overly bitter about it. I guess after the episode 15 which seriously scared the ever living daylights out of me on whether Hyun Woo would survive, I’m happy with the ending. I genuinely wavered in my PJE trust and got flashbacks of Gu Seung Jung. That is the one reason I can’t ever love CLOY. I had no issues with the ending of the leads. But Seung Jung dying killed me inside due to how unnecessary it was and if Hyun Woo had somehow faced the same fate, I would have probably never touched another PJE drama in my life. I don’t care that KSH will almost surely do another drama with her. I am out because the trauma would be too real
Sorry this is a long comment, but finally – I agree that after the first half, this drama became somewhat chaste lol. I adore all the hug scenes. We need more of them in kdramas. So much more. But the lack of kisses annoyed me too. The lack of sexual desire too. But the one thing that pissed me off was them not releasing all the honeymoon kisses. Maybe they are keeping it for the blu-ray with is kinda a jerk move but oh well. Loved KSH and KJW but let’s be honest it’s unlikely they’ll ever be paired again… the drama is way too huge and popular. I can’t think of any major pairings reuniting after such a mega drama. But i can’t wish I was more wrong. Even if it’s just a movie. Or maybe completely different genre like a period or sageuk. Tbh I still want it to be a romance, but the setting and characters can be entirely different. Let’s keep hoping!
Pje drama’s tend to be chaste but since they’re married I was expecting more nearly everyone was, we’re not asking for a bed scene but just more kisses and skinship, like how I could you waste the intense chemistry like that. Even mlfas had a kiss scene in the finale. I’m also hoping jiwon and soohyon reunite in a more mature romance. Reuniting is not that impossible unless the couple are dating, it just takes a while to happen.
@Butterfly I personally didn’t have a problem with Mistress Snake not having some grand motive against the Hongs, for me it’s just the story of a manipulative woman with established criminal tendencies inserting herself into a rich family through a service role (she was a housekeeper) and putting money above all, seeing her getting taken down was very satisfying for me. She doesn’t need to have entered the household with some existing vendetta, she’s just an opportunist who took the chance to ingratiate herself with a rich man and alienate his family which is not surprising because it’s something of a real life thing too.
Agreed that I liked the way they handled Grace and Dahye too despite how repetitive Da Hye/Soo Cheol got, I guess the message there is that people can genuinely change and repent which is not inconsistent from episode 1 given how Hyun Woo and Hae In themselves were at the start of the drama even if they weren’t committing crimes.
@alyza @butterfly – I agree with you guys on this, they are a married couple and I’m not asking for bed scenes but – a little skinship would have been nice instead of making them repeat their confessions for like the third, fourth? times! What is up with that. But it doesn’t ruin what has been so far my favourite drama watching experience of the last year, maybe the ending doesn’t live up to the greatness of the drama up to episode 10 or even 12 but I’m still thrilled I was along for the ride even if I’m shaking my head over the car accident+hospital escape+walking through snowy fields for Hyunwoo lol, if these leads had been played by anyone other than Kim Soohyun and Kim Jiwon I would have probably tapped out after episode 14 lol.
Ive com across so many comments that they’ve stayed for the leads even though they didnt like how makjang the plot became. Its really the exceptional acting of the actors that in the end capture this rating.
Absolutely. The success of this drama in Korea and on Netflix is mostly, let’s face it, due to Kim Soo Hyun’s cuteness. Remember that episode when he is drinking with friend and sobbing , “Why oh why I’m so cute when I’m drunk!”? That’s a new classic people will never forget. I shared it everywhere on my social media platforms and people in my circle, (very serious professional political pundits) who despise my Kdrama addiction and even ridicule me on air, loved him.
Heh. They even went and start watching Queen of Tears on Netflix. Tho I’m afraid I will get even more flack from them when they finish this drama because of that stupid shooting scene in episode 16. Anyway, the power of cuteness force is strong with KSH. That’s why I think he might get Baeksang reward I don’t think he deserves. Other nominated actors are better than him, BUT… KSH right now is saving Kdrama industry that recently started losing its foreign investors. With QoT buzz in the world the investors will reconsider so everyone in Kdrama world is kissing up to KSH. Oh well. Even if I personally found QoT underwhelming, I want them to get as much funding as they can for future dramas. So cheers to the talented, hardworking Korean actors!!
Where did you get the idea Kdrama is losing foreign investors? I think to the opposite. Netflix just doubled down on Kdrama investment early this year. That was announced in big media such as CNN. lol.
Seems Koala was in a bit of a rush to post this. Lol. Please correct the actress’ name (Kim Ji Won, not Kim Ji Eun). And as others said, Dream High wasn’t written by Park Ji Eun. It’s a Park Hye-Ryun drama.
KSH’s OST made the drama’s ending feel a lot more wistful than it probably would have been otherwise. I had no idea he had such a soulful voice. Anyway my favourite drama of the year no doubt and my fav love story of this decade. Hope the leads can reunite one day because they had the so much chemistry despite the lack of longer kiss scenes. I’ll miss QoT so much!
Wistful is the perfect word. KSH’s OST was written particularly for the final scene so the words summed up the entirety of BaekHong’s love story. For me, the impact of the last scene is mostly credit to that song. It was perfect and no one could have sung it and had anywhere close to the impact of Hyun Woo / Soo Hyun singing it.
The female lead actress is Kim Ji Won not Ji Eun. Please get it right. She deserves the big break and correct name spelling for all her spectacular hard work leading this ridiculous drama.
Its Kim Ji Won and not Kim Ji Eun. Get it right.
if u read the korean reaction most of them stay for the leads. the leads are so well loved there. They love their visuals, acting and chemistry not a single neg comment about the leads. park ji eun needs to thank ksh and kjw cuz these two hard carry her stupid writing
Apparently, Park Ji Eun copyrighted this drama in 2010? And Hae-In was supposed to die way earlier? No wonder the writing jumped the shark towards the end. But I’m so happy for the cast and crew for the mega ratings. Too bad they messed up the timing of the drama and missed out on Baeksang. Hopefully, they’ll win big at other award shows.
I don’t know if you would call that a happy ending. I personally wouldn’t. I think the writing tried too hard to leave things on a sad, bittersweet note. Especially after all the Makkah elements in this drama. We get it, it’s the Wueen of Tears, so we must end every episode with tears whether it is necessary or not. What’s the point of showing scenes of an older Hyunwoo all alone years later after Hae in had passed away? We all know that everyone dies, that’s inevitable. Imho no need to remind viewers of that fact especially when he tried so hard all his life to protect her and keep her alive. A truly happy ending scene would be all the family sitting down to dinner with the kids running around the table playing hide and seek. Anyway, I have to give kudos to all the actors, supporting cast included, for doing truly amazing and phenomenal work. Even if the writing left a lot to be desired. I’m not quite sure if I will revisit this drama to rewatch it.
*makjang* elements.
Thank you, autocorrect
I know the mothers discussed it, but unless I missed it, I don’t know if Hyun Woo knows he saved Hae In’s life. Hae In believed Eun Sung saved her life before she lost her memory. I loved the cast, but truth be told, I would’ve loved this drama more if all the makjang ridiculousness was cut and the whole drama revolved around the couple. Instead of glimpses of their past, they could’ve spent whole episodes showing their romance and the breakdown of their marriage.
I think everyone complaining about the makjang elements totally missed the point of this drama. Love it or hate it, that’s what the writer was going for. And inspite of, or because of, it made the drama what it is now.
I also think the same. I think that’s why recent KDramas that are tropey and have that old-school KDrama charm, like this one, A Business Proposal, and King The Land, became big hits, because people probably missed watching dramas with those elements that make KDramas KDramas. Many people are probably tired of recent dramas being too gory or westernized, so dramas like QoT are a breath of fresh air. I myself have found myself watching pre-2018 dramas these days because I really miss that old KDrama vibe. So I’m thankful dramas like QoT exist, they have that old KDrama charm without the problematic elements like wrist-grabbing and one-dimensional characters
This is one of the most meaningless comments I’ve ever read.
So people can’t complain about makjang elements because it’s what the writer wanted to do and made the drama what it is? And what if we think it turned the drama into crap? I bet more circular reasoning is on its way! No one cares what a writer ‘is going for’ – we care if the end product is good.
I didn’t say they can’t complain. You totally missed my point. That being, they didn’t get what the writing was going for. Of course people can complain whatever they want, but the writer has a reason for why she put all those tropes and drama (not just in kdrama but any) cliches in. The drama is still good in spite of, and not everyone has to love it. But I think it achieved what they wanted it too. For sure the actors themselves thought all these things. It’s not their first time acting, but they went for it because you feel all the feels.
One of the finest drama in the past year or two finally comes to an end, and it was quite a ride. tbh i wouldn’t call it a classic like Itaewon Class or CLOY – more a really superb drama that you won’t re-watch like TWOTM and Reborn Rich. the last episode was needlessly long – could’ve been done after 1 hour plus with Hyunwoo waking up, a kiss or a wedding, and 10 minutes epilogue montage, but they opted for a long but lifeless encore instead
I knew it would get mixed reaction. I loved the ending so much omfg. So so so much really. That was so poignant and beautiful. To have lived a whole life with the person you love the most and then meet them again (maybe one day later?) to spend forever. I mean, I couldn’t come up with something better in my mind. That’s really the most beautiful thing and KSH’s ost was probably 80% of the reason I loved it the way I did. The lyrics is so deep and simple at the same time seriously. His voice is divine and really brings out the depth of Hyunwoo’s love.
Baek Hyunwoo, if I don’t meet a guy like you, I don’t want a husband at all lol. The kind of love he had in the end of Haein had the power to move mountains. This is a great love story from every perspective. I wish we had more kdramas like this.
Now KSH, go get that Baeksang you deserve. You were nothing short of brilliant!
The drama begin great but the 2nd part was “too much” , and then i continue to watch it for the “old fashion love story” , it was like watching or reading a romance of the 90’s with love conquers all concept . A lot of things didn’t make sense but it’s a fiction and the goal of a fiction is to try to make us dream on . I will not rewatch it but it will still a pretty memory . I’m happy for Kim Ji Won , after a decade of work she got a big it which may change her actress life, as for KSH it’s another win and he became the King of tears !
Yep, this is the situation where the acting absolutely elevated the script, in hands of weak actors, we all know this show wouldn’t have been a such a hit.
I was wondering if because it been a while since I watched korean drama, that I feel the romance scenes where less but it seem that is not the case from the comments in this section. It such a waste , considering the comfortability between the leads.
Despite the complains on the plot, this writer knows how to write a high rated and hit drama like no other. She never wrote a single low rated drama in her life lol.
Queen of Tears is now the 3rd highest rated cable drama of all time. That after being marketed as a rom com which has a younger audience who don’t want dramas on tv. QOT also ranked #1 in Gallup this month with 4th highest score in Gallup’s history which is a huge huge achievement and really shows how far the reach was.
This is now PJE’s third hit drama with KSH. 2nd mega hit. It’s a very formidable combination no matter what anyone feels about the drama itself. The numbers don’t lie. Hats off to the whole team. Everyone expected it to be successful, but I don’t think anyone thought it would be on this level of syndrome.
KSH’s filmography is incredible. I am new to kdramas and only heard of him as “highest paid actor” but he hardly does any dramas or even movies. I binged the drama last week, first time watching him in anything! Now I’m slightly obsessed and went back to see what I can watch. All his dramas in the past are that successful? His historical one is over 40%??? How does a weekday drama even get that many people to watch is so impressive. I will be going on a watching spree now.
Queen of Tears is so epic. I did not watch live so maybe it helped not feeling all the anxiety and stress but gosh it’s beautiful. The cinematography, Germany, the chemistry, everything! And that last scene in heaven with KSH’s voice will stay with me for a long long time. After finding out what the lyrics meant, it made me cry again. I guess it could be considered a sad ending in some ways but to me it’s poetic to live a long life on earth with the one who loves him the most, then have her pick him up when it’s time in heaven.
Moon Sun was really huge when it aired. Even Yoon Yujung was watching and gushing about it while shooting K2H which was the follow up drama haha. During that time, MBC has a strike but if it wasnt for that, the drama likely would have reached 50%, it was that huge really. And back then weekday dramas were the big deal too!
25%?! That is an incredible final number. On cable too, like how tf?!? Congrats to the whole team!
I did not watch it but feel like I know everything that happened because my sns algorithm exclusively seemed to be set to this drama. It was everywhere. I will see it but it will feel like a rewatch
Unpopular opinion, i felt like the writer’s goal is to utilize all classic 2000’s kdrama tropes in one drama and see if the audience will still respond to the mentioned tropes, drizzle it with some fantastic acting and meta’s… it worked! What is not to like? You got everything you want in a kdrama in one series, it is pure entertainment! I absolutely loved it !!!!
That is exactly what I think she was going for and since she was going to do it she went all in! Lol
Yes!! It’s soo daring but it paid off! Gosh that ending was well done, hyun woo visiting her grave, walking up the stairs to meet hae in in the lavender fields with him narrating, singing in the background omg my tears just fell helplessly. What a ride! This is like one of the best endings from this writer imho, represents love that ran its colorful course on earth and carries on even in the afterlife. Romance like no other.
Last 3 ep turned stupid. But I suppose it is about quality of time isn’t it? It started well. I think Kim soohyun made this series work. I would love for all the efforts the villain put into their schemes to win. Anyway I didn’t think the actress was good. There’s no depth, no connectivity just scene per scene.
Wow this is the first time I am hearing criticism for Kim Jiwon otherwise it’s only been praise everywhere.
Mostly it’s been the other way round with people liking her than the ML
@bn, nope. Go to theqoo and you will see most of the Queen of Tears hot posts are about Kim Soo Hyun with hundreds of comments each on good of an actor he is. Stop it with your bais against him.
This is completely incorrect and you keep posting things against KSH like you have a hate boner against him so I need to clear it up.
I am Korean, can read fluently, and can link you literally hundreds of posts over the past 2 months with 500+ comments worth on every single episode talking about how great KSH is in this drama. Or you can check Naver TV comments too. Every single video is flooded with KSH praise making up 90% of the comments. Instiz, Daum Cafe, Naver Chat, you name it. KJW is a great actress and is getting her deserved due but I have no clue why you are determined to demean KSH here when he has been the one Korea is taking about nonstop for his acting. You might be a fan of another actor or just dislike KSH which you are free to express. But it is in fact a lie to say its the other way around when talking about praise.
I want to believe this because I actually like KJW more than KSH but I highly doubt that. Because all I’ve been seeing is him getting the most buzz from this drama and even given the better scenes to show his range. The drunk scene in 1st ep, that two characters he played, that on his knees crying after he found out she’s safe and not in the car, etc. Like I’m lowkey salty that he got the meatier scenes. And he did amazing in those so I can’t really be mad at him lol.
I want to rant more about her not being given enough in the drama but what’s done is done. Just hoping now that she has a mega hit under her belt as the lead, she’ll be given more options for projects.
the ending song ripped my heart out. the meaning behind it and HI coming as an angel to pick HW up is gut wrenching. tbh i was a little confused initially if i was crying because i was sad by the ending or happy. but i think i was overwhelmed and happy for them. the music team did well by getting ksh to sing it. he has such a great deep voice and resonated with me so much because it felt like HW himself was signing it.
The drama had so much potential but charted like a parabola. I was super into the first half, but the awful writing in the second half overshadowed all else for me.
I’ve seen PJE’s other dramas and QoT had the worst writing, based on how much fast forwarding I did. The numerical success will give the industry the wrong lesson – focus on hiring star actors instead of getting a good script.
In some ways QoT showcases everything that is both good and bad about hallyu dramas. Good = sentimentality, focus on bonds of family, friends, lovers, classic destined-to-be-romance. Bad = elementary writing, excessive utilization of tropes, lack of substance, reliance on visuals to hold up the drama.
The viewing hrs on Netflix are pretty low for what you call a “hit” drama. It only has around 26 million total views (weekly netflix top 10 charts) even after 7 weeks. Never made it to #1 worldwide. So it was only a ratings hit (meaning SK only)
I’m genuinely curious which kdrama made it to number 1 worldwide? Not talking about a movie, a kdrama thanks
Squid Game.
Parasyte the Grey is the latest one.
Squid Game is a movie, and it was cited already Parasyte the Grey rank after Queen of Tears
When the hell did Squid Game become a movie???
I think it not being a worldwide phenomenon like Squid Game is because it’s mostly appealing to Koreans. Now, I’m not saying it’s not appealing to many international viewers, it’s number 1 in my country’s Netflix actually, but even in this comment section, you’ll see so many people complaining about the makjang-y tropes that Koreans enjoy, so I can see why it wouldn’t be right up many westerners’s alley.
Still, it’s undeniably a huge hit domestically, which is okay as it’s a Korean drama after all, and it’s obviously made with mostly Korean audience in mind, what with the inclusion of common KDrama tropes
From one search alone on twitter there was already update talking about qot have almost 300million total views on Netflix?
https : // twitter. com/soohyunupdates/status/1785200817966137729
Your twitter source didn’t even cite where he got his info. But if you go to netflix itself and add up all the weekly views since qot premiered until finale week, the total is only 30,700,000 views. Did the fans add another zero themselves? Lol.
It was only averaging 4 million views per week.
Seriously?! Here are your sources because you don’t know what you are talking about.
You’re welcome.
By the way, if you want to compare a drama to Tears, dont use Parastye… because Tears not only has more than views than Parastyte by quite some distance, that drama also beat Tears just twice since its release and Tears has surpassed it in rankings for weeks now
Parasyte is a Netflix exclusive not available on any other broadcasting platform. It is fully released and can be binged watched. And it is the genre that attracts fans from across the world. So technically, it has everything going for it to be beating Tears by quite some distance. It hasnt. So again, if you want to use an example, try another drama.
It made it to #2 worldwide, which isn’t too shabby for this genre. And the views are close to 300 million, it was reported yesterday.
I have not attempted to watch this yet and I really like KSH. However…now that I know there will amnesia in the story…I’m already disappointed. Why is this illness in so many love stories in Asian drama stories?! LOL Getting amnesia can’t be THAT common.
The amnesia plotline was like 2 seconds. You’ll be fine
Still! Just the thought they had no other choice but to bring this into the story. That’s a bit disappointing. I’ll still watch it since I like KSH.
I have watched afew eps but I did not enjoyed it much, thus dropped it. I did like Kim Ji Won….she keeps a low profile, she picks good scripts but always pace herself well. I would say this is a good project for her career. I may not enjoy this drama but it have many viewers. Well done Kim Ji Won.
I was wondering when you would quit. LOL. This drama is something either many nostalgic Kdrama lovers would love it but others like me consider uncreative and boring. Without KSH’s and KJW’s star power, there’s nothing in the drama to rave about. I watched 6 eps for their sake and couldn’t bear with it any longer cos it had been a snoozefest. LOL
Hi Somebody,
The thing is this drama has many nostalgic kdrama afficionados that it became number one in tvn history, definitely loved by an excellent portion of its intended audience. Unfortunately, this drama has KSH and KJW so it went crazy popular not to mention their acting skills were more than enough to keep viewers like me invested. I am sorry it was not your cup of tea, wish you find another drama that you will thoroughly enjoy!
@Somebody, I stopped at eps8…in fact, I fast forward the last couple just to check if it can get better for me. But, it is not for me. But that does not stop me for being happy with the success of the drama… at least for the lead and supporting casts, they did a good job. Happy for them.
@Sera, no worry for me to find interesting dramas to watch. If Kdrama is getting boring like QoT, I still have British dramas which I had been a fan for a long time before starting to watch Kdrama. I’ve got more than enough on my plate of Kdramas to kill time off work. If not for quite a few good recommendations from commenters on this site, I wouldn’t have bothered to visit so often. Why wasting time messing around with so many rabid fans worshiping many different idols? It’s as if I had no real life but being a keyboard bot fighting against nonsense. LOL. I’m not talking about you though. So please don’t get sensitive. Thx.
Without two main leads and their star power, QoT is reduced to gimmicky nothing. LOL. To the contrary of Koala’s preference, QoT is the worst of PJE’s writing. I love CLOY and have rewatched the drama. I’m currently binging YFAS the 2nd time and found many plot details that I forgot; it’s almost like watching a new drama. Comparing boring QoT that’s full of old tropes and recycled concepts, the other two dramas have more creative writing.
Adorable of you to claim this is the worse. Could be except how would “Somebody” who watched 6 episodes – then claimed to not be able to tolerate it anymore – kow that its the worse? Did you have some spare 20 hours to get through the rest of the drama in the interim period of 3 days? LMFAO, you are such a tool, its most entertaining.
LOL. Viewers like me quit a drama just a few eps in. That’s how bad it is and as crappy as most of the Cdramas with bad writing that sucks.
Are you f*cking comical to force everyone deep in love with your preference? LMAO. Such authoritative personality! Zero tolerance for you to accept difference. Go live in N. Korea and be a subjective under Kim Jong Un. LMAO.
be a *subject….
Oh somebody, you continue to be such a tool and it is seriously hilarious. Your meldowns make my day LMAO
@Somebody Do you have any reading comprehension skills? You’re so desperate to believe that everyone here is out to get you just because you have opinions, which aren’t even controversial opinions lol, look at how many comments here said they didn’t like the drama either.
Because you have zero reading comprehension skills, I’m going to break it down for you. NO ONE is mad that you didn’t like the drama. People are just laughing at you giving your opinion like some kind of authority when you didn’t even finish the drama. So basically, you’re just regurgitating the opinions of people here who said that the last episodes are bad. We’ll respect your opinion if you have any basis for it. But you literally didn’t even finish it so again, you’re just joining the bandwagon here and your BrUtAL aNd HoNEsT opinions don’t mean sh*t lmao.
And what’s with you always mentioning CCP this, Kim Jong Un that? Overdramatic much?
Again, if you’re going to pull the victim card again, go look at the comments above who said they didn’t like the drama. No one attacked them because at least they finished watching the drama, so their opinion is valid unlike yours lol
Are you running out of vocabulary except for those few words of gaslighting crap? LOL, Cessy1. Who melt down? Don’t mirror your own internal turmoil on me. Other rabid fans already got a taste from stalking and attacking me like emos. They didn’t reap anything good out of that rabid behavior. So, they have learned to keep away from my opinion. That would make the whole blog less insane. But you’re still obsessed with me, trying desperately to muzzle me. LOL. I don’t have time goofing around with you after a busy day of work. Go close rank with your QoT clique and have parties! I don’t bother. LOL
Oh nooo… more meltdowns from somebody. Call the press lmfaooo
@Mirae, LMAO. You fans really have a strong fetish to gaslight people. When and where did I have any implication that my comments stand for any sort of points from authority? LOL. Everything is my personal opinion. If you don’t agree, either by pass my comments and don’t bother or just make your case with valid points in plain English to argue back. But where’s your legit arguments about the drama? Nothing! Instead, you rabid fans only focus on me as a commenter, not my comments. That’s called bullying and attacks. That’s why I consider you fans lunatic! Stop using sarcasm and mockery insinuating I have zero reading comprehension blah blah blah blah blah. LMAO
You rabid fans behave as an army of stalkers lurking to jump on me cos you know there’re plenty of QoT fans who feel butthurt reading my criticism scathing of the drama repeatedly. It must make you feel good with a pile-on over me with different opinions you dislike. LOL. Many rabid fans repeating their own personal boring compliments raving the drama to the moon. By your logic, it’s fine for them to do so. But my opinions should be muffled cos it hurts to read them again and over again. LMAO.
Where did you get the idea that I just repeated the opinions of ppl here saying the last eps are bad? You should question your own reading comprehension instead. My critique of QoT is based upon the first 6 eps that I have mentioned numerous time. The first 6 eps were too bad for KSH’s star power to save the drama so that I quit. If 6 eps already tells how boring the drama is, there’s no need for me to squander time and energy on the rest given that there’re plenty of good recommendations on my list to watch.
If a product fails to appeal to customers at the get-go, then it’s not good enough for customers to even buy it. By your spurious logic, only customers buying the product is entitled to customer reviews. Nah! You’re completely wrong from marketing and sale perspectives. If a product fails to encourage purchases, then it’s considered bad in the eyes of those targeted customers. Any negative reviews of the product are valid, be it from customers who have bought and used the product or from those who have tried the samples but failed to purchase it at the end, cos that’s how markets work. LOL. So ridiculous for you to say my points are not valid cos I just watched the first few eps. It’s ludicrous.
Also, It’s the same mentality as communists, be it’s in CCP China or N. Korea, that negative opinions should be stymied. My analogies using authoritative regimes are appropriate. You got offended? Then stop stalking me and telling me what to say or what not to say. Just mind your own business. You sounded as if you’re affiliated with those regimes though. SMH. So farcical. LOL.
@Cessy1, LOL. You literally remind me of underage school brats.
The North Korean setting made CLOY so magical. Unforgettable drama
QoT did recapture some of that same magic in its Schitt’s Creek episodes, when the chaebols went down to bumpkin-town.
CLOY is unique. There’s none in Kdrama so far like it. And it’s also well scripted and well directed. New settings and storylines that open viewers’ eyes to a new world. Plot doesn’t have to be realistic but has to resonate in sync with viewers’ empathy. For me, CLOY is a rewatchable drama that I definitely recommend to other Kdrama fans. It’s my personal opinion.
MLFS is similarly unique with a lot of creative writing in the making. But I personally prefer the romance in CLOY to that in MLFS.
Oh Somebody, you’re saying I remind you of… yourself?! No way

LMAO. It’s so amusing. I feel like been talking to minors whose brains are still underdeveloped. LOL
Ahh this whole team worked so hard! 24.9% ratings for any drama, let alone cable + rom com, in 2024 is insanity. Amazing seriously. 20-49 viewership is also crazy. Metropolitan at 28%. Even those who dont watch live tuned in to see how it will end. Everyone should all be so proud of themselves really.
I will always remember Tears for introducing me to the best male lead of my life and to KJW who I did not have an impression of before Tears. I started watching first and foremost for KDY, but I fell in love with KSH along the way. Without this drama, I think I may have remained a casual fan only. Instead I am happy to forever follow him and his career now. He poured his heart and soul into Baek Hyunwoo. I will miss this character so much. Hopefully KSH chooses to do a Sageuk next, but truthfully it doesnt matter what he does, I will be there for the next and all the following after. Still, I hope he doesnt rest too long. I dont think there will ever be a character that can top Hyunwoo for me but if someone can do it, its KSH! Please come back soon!
I also love Baek Hyun Woo as my favourite Kim Soo Hyun character, sorry Moon Gang Tae. There were so many memorable BHW scenes that I rewatched multiple times – the drunk why I am so cute scene, the bike slam scene, the yelling at Hae In so she’d hate him scene, the realizing Hae In is losing her memory scene, the fake Hyun Woo/Eun Sung scene, the panic attack after car crash scene, and the one that makes my heart aches the most, the breakdown scene after sending Hae In off for surgery scene. Gosh why is he so good, looking forward to his next project but I’m not ready to say goodbye to BHW yet.
Same boat same boat. Hyunwoo grew on me like mold haha. By the end, Haein called him perfect and her family too, but I thought each of those time was reminding us that he is not at all perfect. He makes mistakes, doesnt fulfil promises and even went as far as being okay with his wife dying and gold digging his way to her will. He is n-o-t perfect which is what makes him to so great as a character. Hyunwoo had so many memorable moments and dialogues I can recite in my sleep hahaha. But most of his best moments did not even have a script. It was all just 3 letter words or no words at all. Just KSH brilliance which is truly amazing. I feel also PJE wrote Tears for Hyunwoo/KSH first and foremost. It’s exactly why he was cast first too. He stuck with Tears for 2 years and did not pull out even after the flip flopping of many aspects of the drama. So it makes sense to me that the emotional weight and connection was heavy for him particularly in Korea.
I feel this drama was targeted for Korean viewers specifically instead of primarily producing it to make it a K-wave drama. Maybe mostly due to the success of makjang dramas in recent years. Married World, Chaebol House, Penthouse, Sky Castle are all makjang dramas and I felt the target was to be more like that even if it was marketed to be more like Crash. Tears became crazy popular overseas but maybe the target was always local and ratings. At least that’s what I feel.
About foreign investments in Kdrama industry. Netflix said that they will invest 2.5 billion in the next 4 years. Not in one year.Previous years they invested 500 million a year.Not a big increase for original content because it also includes licensed content. But there is also Apple TV, Disney + and Prime Video that produced some original Kdramas. They all are scaling down, especially Disney. Don’t know about Viki. Tough times are coming for all streaming platforms. It affects Korean entertainment as well.
It’s not “scaling down” though. This is how business growth is usually defined in financial reports. Company board of directors and investors expect executive management to project steady business growth from the prior budget cycle, not slower growth. “Slower growth” implies lower profits than expected, which would affect investors’ confidence and therefore slash stock price. Nonetheless, Steady or slower, growth is still growth, not declining. By definition in financial sector, if investment is declining, it wouldn’t have reported that Netflix “doubled down” on the Kdrama investment. Declining means taking money out of the production and the market like what have been happening to China in general.
There is no business growth for any streaming platform in the near future. Not even Netflix-they’ve reached their peak in new subscribers 1 year ago. No more new viewers to sign up. They don’t exist. Forget slow growth. It hasn’t been ANY growth for 2 years. Everyone I mentioned above is the red. Loosing lots of money. Too many streaming services when customers have no extra money. Besides, business CEOs know that Asian drama viewers have access to ALL new content on illegal sites. So this is not a reliable pool of subscribers. Especially it looks bad for Disney. No profits after spending tons of money to buy Hulu from Comcast. Forget Kdramas. They’re canceling most of their Star Wars future projects, TV shows, anime. They will have to come up with lots of changes and it takes time and money to implement. I work with entertainment business reports for my job, so we discuss the real things behind the numbers. Don’t believe everything you hear on TV. Most numbers are not real. Just like jobs reports are not real. All those numerous job hiring postings? Profits for companies? Mostly fiction now. They are for investors only, not for real. Yes. Just like in China. Companies, if they aren’t in energy and military sectors already run out of money – inflation for now, stagnation next 1-2 years.
Korean entertainment industry will not have as many foreign investors for a while, and they all know it by now, because contracts to produce original content AND applications for content licenses are signed many months prior production. Everyone hopes things will turn around, and they always do, in a few years.
Hmmmm, interesting. I did see Kdrama more flourishing than before. I took a hiatus from Kdrama. So I basically compare Kdrama now with the time before I took break. So many more choices in genres and more people are watching Kdrama on way more streaming sites than before (when I took a break). In the US, nobody knew what Kdrama was about a few years ago but now it’s in the media very often and almost everyone I came across knew Kpop and Kdrama. So, I got that impression Kdrama is just getting more popular not less. I did read some report (by a Korean source) early this year claiming that the Korean drama industry was facing concerns of contraction due to a sharp increase in production costs (e.g., CGI) and actor fees etc. But I always take any media news with a grain of salt.
Well, let’s see. I hope it’s going strong and doing better, not the other way around. Do you think reprising old tropes to woo nostalgic Kdrama fans will revive Hallyu again? At least it would not work on me. I found myself enjoying Netflix-produced Kdramas more in average than the old-school rom coms or melos like the Heirs etc.
So to conclude another overrated drama to pass on.
Thank you
Hi guys,
I see that many here enjoyed watching Kim Soohyun in QoT.
Would be great if you could vote for him to win the Baeksang popularity award here – https://global.prizm.co.kr/story/2024bsvoteen
Simple register with a valid email, enter the verification code & vote 4 times per day!
Maybe Koala can give him a shoutout too since he is a favorite lol
I have no idea what people see in this drama. Great acting, sure but I at least need good plot and this was trash.
I hated episode 15 so much. Hyun-woo in prison clothes and Hae-in forgetting him completely and then him getting run over which was so unnecessary. I just felt so sorry for Hyun-woo after everything he already went through.
But the last episode made up for it for the most part. He still suffered obviously. He almost died in fact. And Hae-in did not remember him completely even if it was hinted that she does get flashes of her memories back as time went on. But showing us the closing scene where Hyun-woo finally gets to meet the Hae-in who remembers all of him and their love throughout their entire life was such a profound way of ending a drama that gives us a view of what happens after happily ever after. How relieved Hyun-woo must have been to not be the only one carrying all their memories as they move into the afterlife. Its equally heartbreaking as it was uplifting. And Kim Soo-hyun’s OST is the work of geniuses. Whoever wrote the song lyrics and composed the music, give yourselves a pat on the back because this was a masterpiece. And to the guy who sang it – you are absurdly and insanely talented and I am in awe of raw emotions you brought to life in this song.
It been a long time since i see 100+ comment in your blog, Miss koala

Parasyte has 21,800,000 total views after 4 weeks from release and only 6 hrs worth of episodes.
QOT has 30,700,000 total views after 8 weeks from release with 24 hrs worth of episodes.
The numbers speak for themselves. (shrugs)
Instead of comparing Parasyte which is a Netflix exclusive (and honestly a bit of an insult considering how low impact Parasyte is), let’s compare apples to apples. Some legitimate numbers for ya: after 8 weeks of airing on *both* Netflix and Cable (all dramas less 16 episodes or less so all episodes were available) this is the total hours of views for some of the highest rated and most popular dramas in the past 3 years:
Attorney Woo – 458M
Little women – 133M
Under the Queens Umbrella – 110M
Reborn Rich – 104M views
Crash Course on Romance – 157M
Dr. Cha – 148M
Hospital Playlist – 84M
Hometown Cha Cha Cha – 197M
2521 – 150M
Business Proposal – 208M
Our Blues – 96M
Queen of Tears – 373M
Other than Attorney Woo, as you can see… it’s a no brainer just how huge QOT is.
Oh so you included both Netflix AND cable views (cable meaning SK only). No wonder you are qouting 300M. Lol. I was counting ONLY Netflix views which is 30 million after 8 weeks. Qot was huge domestically I agree. The ratings show that. Internationally (Netflix wise) not so much.
But where did you get your numbers though? I can at least show the source for mine.
Dude wtf are you talking about?? Why would i include cable numbers in the Netflix views?? Like how would i even know what the total hours of view would be for cable tv. Thats how how ratings are calculated LMAO.
The current numbers you see on the Netflix Top 10 is the number of VIEWS. It is not the same as the HOURS OF VIEWS which is how Netflix used to calculate before June 5-11. The note on netflix’s page copy pasted says: Lists were ranked by hours viewed before June 18, 2023.
Source? LMAO the same source you used and put in here. I dont use twitter as my source because its all official from Netflix themselves: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/top10/tv-non-english
To see the HOURS VIEWED – use a PC.
Butterfly: one thing I can say about KSH fans is that you guys always argue with hard facts and back it up with relevant receipts. I learned a lot about his career via his fans in the past few weeks… He felt low key so for eg. never knew about his baeksand record before or gallup historical ranking before. It’s impressive
My first time seeing this list and some of them are very unexpected. I looked up HP bcz it’s shockingly low… Really interesting and I learned a new fact again this time…
Lol, some comments just manage to trigger me, but I try to ignore when I’m able lol. It’s also admittedly easy with KSH since he’s been at the top for a long time.
Anyway Hospital Playlist’s count is specifically for season 2. Just FYI. The rankings werent in place during S1 airing time. I did also expect it to be a lot more. Same with Reborn Rich and 2521.
Reborn Rich is not an apples-to-apples comparison because it was restricted to Netflix Korea.
Then that explains why the hours viewed are so low.
@Royal We
The comment reply thread was getting too long so replying separately. I think I do have to accept that the chairman’s girlfriend was just an opportunist. But to me that’s a huge missed opportunity of developing a very interesting villain played by an amazing actress. They could have cut on Hyun Woo’s siblings marital woe stuff. It was so unnecessary and added nothing vs developing a villain would have. Or Eun Seong and his obsession. Or Da Hye and Soo Cheol’s annoying back and forth. I would rather have a proper villain backstory.
Still, in closing I do LOVE this drama but I don’t credit KSH or KJW for me finishing it. I would have absolutely finished it irrelevant on who the actors were. I know yours is a somewhat popular sentiment but personally, I watched the drama because I loved the story and the characters – all of them. And that’s credit to the writer as much as the actors. The actors are only able to play the characters written on paper afterall. They can add heart and soul to it, but the foundation remains in the writing which was established very early on. I wanted to know what happens in Hyun Woo and Hae In’s story. Particularly wanted to know how Hyun Woo’s life would turn out, his relationship with his in laws, his fight to get Queens back, his determination to be by Hae In’s side no matter how hard it gets. And eventually after living his miracle life, finding her in the lavender field once more. All of that to me was beautifully written. It has its flaws, but I love the drama for the overall story as much as the performances.
Koala put it perfectly. Life is lived daily, and not by the moment. This drama really showed that. One of the lines that resonated with me the most was Hyun Woo saying he will never be scared of taking another bullet for her but that he’s scared he might end up resenting her again. That was such a true representation of life in general. That’s a human emotion. In the moment, we would all most likely be willing to die for someone we love. However, living for them, communicating and simply living is the biggest challenge. PJE has her flaws, but I’ll always love her for writing this drama and all the other ones before and the upcoming ones too lol.
Whoops. I was aiming for this to be a SEPARATE comment. Not a response to another long comment thread
Good god, you dont even know how views are calculated and you speak with such confidence is so embarassing. Please educate yourself ffs…
The numbers do speak for themselves. You just dont know said numbers. (shrugs)
I mainly stick to the end because I want to see more onscreen time of Kim ji won and Kim soo hyun. I watched all of their prior works but somehow I just like their chemistry together. Back then i will do kinds of shipping but I learn most couples will not be like hyun bin and son ye Jin. I’m happy if I can see their future collaboration again or stay in touch as friends supporting one another.
Everyone has said everything that needs to be said. I will just drop the last verse of one of the most impactful OST ever made. KSH’s Way Home:
I’ve waited a long time
So will you listen to my heart again?
In my life, the only miracle
Were the times I shared with you
At the end of our long journey
When I see you again,
I will hold your hand tight
And where I want to go together most
Is to our home
Both Queen of Tears and Crash Landing on You are super awesome, but I think I still like Crash Landing on You a little more as it has the best plot and message (where Se-ri has had everything in her life in South Korea but nothing in North Korea). But Queen of Tears brings out a good message of a married couple who has forgotten their love over years and then reconciled, which is a good reminder to all married couples.