
Johnny Huang and Wang Yibo’s New C-movie Formed Police Unit Gets Backlash for Blackface Scene Set in Africa — 100 Comments

  1. I am wondering if he will loss CFs for this? The Chinese may not be fuss over blackface but the Overseas Brands might take action…Just wait and see.

  2. Good Lord. I’m laughing at the pics. That would not go well with American audience. What was the director thinking?!

    • C movie doesn’t have a significant market in the US anyway. LOL.
      Only WYB rabid fans in the US would be willing to pay to watch his movies, which aren’t many TBH.

  3. The c-industry will never. How in the world did they think this was ok to pass and see no big deal in it? This is super racist and very disrespectful. They deserve whatever they have coming for them.

  4. I don’t think it’s completely true to say that it’s not the fault of the actors. Everyone involved had a role to play and the actors sat through the make-up being applied and walked around for hours without them or anyone else for that matter raising an issue. This has gone through the scrutiny of a lot of people before the movie came out. It’s horrifying that no one saw a problem with this.

    • how is this not the actors’ fault too? they are not children nor are they small time actors who cannot speak out against the production. it’s about time to stop coddling these actors (and productions) bc the only way they agreed to something as offensive as blackface, is if they themselves had no issue with it. moreover, yibo taking a selfie as pictured above just shows that this is a fun getup to him and not a racist caricature.

    • These actors are ignorant at best and dumb at most to go along with the makeup. It just shows that how isolated and alienated they are from what’s happening around the rest of the world. They are fooling themselves and others too (自愚愚人in Chinese). This kind of movie won’t sell anywhere outside China.

      • i mean sure but this is also exactly also what i mean when i say they’re coddled when ppl say stuff like they’re out of touch or its just ignorance when this has been a persistent issue in a lot of asian media that has been called out over the years. how long can they stay ignorant for?

        they sure aren’t that alienated or isolated when they sign contracts for high end western brands that they endorse in china and internationally. i mean, considering how rightfully vocal criticism from china is when they face racism (D&G, for example), its ridiculous that they turn around and do the same thing and no one involved in the production, including the actors, thought that they were doing something wrong.

      • Maybe for others, but certainly not Wang Yibo. This is not his first, and there was a time some of his fans even tried to educate him about it, but it all goes unheeded.

  5. I really don’t understand how chinese entertainment industry operates. They keep referring to Africa as if it is a country whereas it is a whole continent with over 53 countries.

    This is like a caricature of blacks which is highly disrespectful and sensitive. I really wondered what the writer and producer were both thinking coming up with this. I guess this portrayal will definitely go unnoticed for the intended domestic audience.

    Let’s see if there will be any ripple effect.

    • I really see movies ab other cultures as awareness weapons and ways to educate ppl but seeing that they just spread misinformation, stereotypes, wrong attitudes just makes me cringe and piss me off

      • Just then I read article I thought, maybe it’s some black comedy like “White chicks”. Or maybe not, idk context.
        But thank you, I will read this.

    • “White Chicks” doesn’t apply because racism is not just about discrimination but also about power differential and oppression. Black people have been systematically oppressed and slaughtered for centuries whereas white people haven’t. So 2 Black comedians can make a comedy parodying “white chicks” because at the end of the day, it won’t make the “white chicks” more targeted. But blackface perpetuates robbing them of their identity and continues the subhuman treatment of Black people. It’s complex, one has to view how this is a culmination of history and not a one moment in time. But we can do better and should do better.

      • @Guest, yeah, I definitely should check more info about this, because, honestly, there aren’t many black people in my country. But there are many people of other different races, and none of them were in slavery, so racist jokes here are perceived differently. Thanks for the detailed explanation and links.

        @ockoala it makes sense, thanks for explanation

        @Somebody, well, I know Black history, although not in detail. This is not about education, but more about the cultural differences of different countries. Since I live in a country where was no open racism, I may not understand some things like in this article, and it’s good that people who know can explain them to me.

      • Exactly! You hit the nail on the head. A lot of ppl apparently are ignorant of Black history and need more education. We who have lived and worked in a multiracial society are very sensitive about it.

    • You dont think painting ur face black to portray another race is racist, so you also don’t think someone using tape to turn his eyes to slanted eyes is racist too ,WHATS WRONG WITH YOU

      • Have you seen my comment in which I wrote “black comedy”? In Hollywood there was a movie “Tropical Thunder” with a similar character (although he didn’t painting his face, but had an operation to change the color of his skin), and “White chicks”, and I didn’t see complaints about it, so because of this I was a lil confused.
        So yeah, I need to know the context and opinions of people who know more than me before judging.
        I’m glad that people here explained me differences, but don’t try to made me some dirty person because of one question.

  6. I guess 90% of Chinese audience don’t really care, but @Chanel your ambassador is making a fool of himself on the big screen over here!

  7. Last time they made a big deal out of Dylan Wang’s LV fashion even it wasn’t anything to do with racial appropriation IMO. Let’s see if they’d make a fuss about this movie too. Were Chinese soldiers really dressed like this when doing peace keeping in Africa in real life? I’m sure thy would get ambushed by African ppl. LOL.

    What a clown show!!! Can CCP state propaganda get even more laughable? LMAO

    • Dylan Wang was wearing dreads and throwing gang signs. He is as much of a clown, maybe even bigger considering he chose it for himself, not forced into it by a script. BFFR!

      • LOL. There’re already quite a few ethnic black coming out in that thread saying DW’s styling at the LV FS wasn’t offensive. Neither do I as an American who are very sensitive about racial issues consider DW relevant to racial appropriation at all given my understanding of Black history in the US and how they’ve been unfairly mistreated.

        Kids (of all ethnicity, but specifically of Hispanic descent and some of Asian descent who idolize hip hop) wear dreadlocks as a trendy fashion in the US. But nobody nowadays still paints their faces in any shows or dramas, which appears as a caricature and is blatant racism definitely subject to scathing criticism.

        Ignorant and dumb for actors to go along with a script with any racist symbol like this in WYB’s film. They might not have done this on purpose or any malicious intention. But they are definitely uneducated and ill informed. LOL. It’s so embarrassing!

    • Is it really based on a true story or is that one of Yibo’s fans deflection points? I’m honestly curious. But I also find it hard to believe Chinese soldiers would have mashed in with Africans by painting themselves. In a way, it’s almost insulting to think Africans can’t tell a black person apart from a pretend blackface-painted person cause honestly they’d look like clowns. They can tell their fellow Asians apart but they think Africans can’t tell apart a black person? I don’t expect them to make a fuss about it though. As you said, they are very ill informed.

  8. C-netz are criticising him too, but his fans and water army are doing their best to delete any negative posts and comments. He also did slanty eyes a few years back, his fans kept washing it as eye exercises but which eye exercise on earth requires you to push the outer corners of your eyes diagonally up?

    Anyway C-netz didn’t nickname this guy as hopeless illiterate for nothing. Hopeless illiterate means someone who just doesn’t bother making any effort to learn anything to improve himself.

  9. So, um, I have gone through about three articles in this site and what I thought was this; why was it the same few acc that were blaming him? Why so bitter? I get the impression that it’s very personal.

    • Lmao his fans are hilarious. There are viral tweets going around with people sickened by this. Over thirty thousand likes and around 3 million views. Are these “same few accounts”.

      But yes, why could people possibly be bitter about his blatant racism. What a conundrum.

      • I said ’’this site’’, didn’t I?

        And we should focus on the intention of it more than trying to see it as racism because, they didn’t do blackface but they were undercovers. They were not mocking or joking, it was in a movie, and they didn’t do it in real life.

        If the actors should be blamed for this, there were also black people they interacted with in this scene and majority of the movie, no? Shouldn’t they have said something too since they were victims of this racism? And please don’t come with they were only extras, what can they do. If so, the actors were only actors who acted according to the script that was written.

        Honestly, I couldn’t stand the fact that there were a whole cast that did this but somehow Yibo was the only one blamed?

      • @Sunny

        Ah, a little toilet.

        They did blackface, period.

        They are all to blame but as you toilets like to boast how Yibo is the great world superstar then yes, of course the attention is on him. Your racist idol did blackface before, this is hardly his first time.

        Of course, keep saying all these nebulous nonsense. Sure, black extras should have stopped them. Wow. But the more you toilets open your mouth, the more people see what racists you all are along with him, so keep going. I see people all around me shocked by both him and you, finally seeing who you are. Good job!

  10. It absolutely is the fault of the actors or are you going to say someone held a gun to their heads to do this?

    Of course it’s not just their fault. It goes to the whole production, from the writer to the director. But they are all at fault here.

    Wang Yibo knows this is wrong. He has a history of racism. He has done blackface before. It’s not that difficult to find all the racist stuff he has done but his fans and agency have been managing to either harass away people who talked about it or to bury it.

    He won’t have problems with this in China but he is with Chanel and some other big companies that absolutely do preach how they respect diversity. They don’t really but it’s good business these days to pretend. They may drop him. Hopefully they will because the guy is really racist.

    • Is he even an ambassador for Chanel still? There were rumours going around about him attending the fashion show with invitation card meant for the brand’s VIP customers and wearing clothes from outdated seasons. Plenty of Chinese celebrities had used such tricks before to fool unwitting people into thinking that they were very relevant internationally, usually to scam their local businesses into signing them for product endorsements.

      • @Lilith

        He still seems to be with them and Lacoste. Everything else is gone. Moncler, Audi, Swarovski, all gone, even though they are still pretending it isn’t. They are definitely pretending it isn’t but it is.

    • Calling someone toilet is jus as racist. He looks hilarious but didn’t kill anyone. Slavery and oppression is not only about colour

      • @Nata


        Toilets really are as uneducated and illiterate as their idol.

  11. Is this movie supposed to be a comedy? 🎭 The production team probably don’t expect to market this movie outside of China. WYB also probably does not wish to venture outside of the Chinese market anymore.

  12. What you guys don’t get is that racism is rabbid all over the planet, only the West really cares about it. My husband is Asian, there were children running after him doing slant eyes and calling him “Chinese!” while we were visiting in Kenya, and the people around us found it hilarious. In Morocco and Egypt, people only talked to me, and seemed surprised that the “Chinese” could understand too (husband is Japanese, by the way). On the other hand, we visited Korea with a couple of friends from the Netherlands(Blacks), the man had trouble getting in the bar we were supposed to meet, I guess he was too dark for the bouncers. In Japan, I had the same experience of people only speaking to me and not to my Black friends (unless my husband was there too, so I think it was normal to address him in Japanese).However the weirdest experience was in French Guiana, place of origin of a very good friend of mine – people there, Creole themselves, would literally ignore her.

    What I mean to say, we rightly call the Whites racist because of the past (and, unfortunately, to a big extent the present), but we ignore that all societies , all countries are extremely racist to everyone else. And yes, this is why in C-dramas, K-dramas whatever “Africa” stands for an underdeveloped country with poor people wearing dreadlocks. Or that people of Arabic descent are pictured the way they prince or sheikh was pictured in that Yoona hotel drama. And I am pretty sure that an Asian character in whatever Nigerian, Egyptian or Kenyan drama is pictured as Fu Manchu or a laundry owner lady.

    • And that is not OK and needs to be fixed gurl , my brother in law also gets called Chinese in Italy and they even used slanted eyes to mock him, brushing it off as all the world is racist is not the right attitude

      • I am not brushing it off, I am just explaining why one shouldn’t fall from the clouds seeing that it is everywhere (and should be fighted everywhere).

    • Ah yes, Nene defending Yibo, right on cue. But but all these other people!!!

      Good effort in trying to divert attention and muddle the issue. The best here probably.

      Except no. This is about Huang Jingyi and Wang Yibo doing classic blackface and being racist.

      • She’s not defending WYB. Where did you read that between the lines? LOL. My take on her points: Racism has been prevalent around the world but a lot of ignoramuses love to name the White only the racists not others.

      • But it is not just the Whites…we know that..even as Chinese, I have seem so many ugly and awful racism against people with darker skin… In fact, even many fair skinned Chinese looks down on have darker skin . They just associate darker skin to looking negative. I would not say it is just Chinese. I heard fair skinned Indians thinks they are higher class then Africans…
        Skin colour is one of the reason to many racist behaviours, thoughts.

      • @HL, it’s a mystery to me why a lot of C actors look whiter after years of acting career in the industry. LOL. I know many Chinese worship fair skin. Are there any cosmetic tricks to whiten skin though?

        While many Americans are obsessed with looking tan, Asian celebs are desperately looking ways to look whiter. It’s so amusing!

      • @Somebody, I do laugh, in UK, the spray tan culture is very popular…they love to go under the sun.
        I China/SK, they love to whiten their skin. There are cometic procedures that whiten skin but it really thins the top layer too much. There are risk of skin damage/cancer being exposed to sun for long.
        I personally love healthy skin tone. I was travelling up north recently in UK, due to weather conditions, people have a glowing fair skin with beautiful rosy cheeks…. the skin tone was just so healthy and nice.
        I also love Italian natural tan skin tones.
        Just yesterday I watched a eps of Uncle Roger in Japan on Youtube… He was demonstrating how he looked under filming filter and without…I laughed so much by the bid difference. Asian just love the filtered look.

    • You just named a lot of racist acts…? In the end, WYB along with the whole cast/crew of the film thought it a good idea to use this in film. Its 2024, people will call you out on how racist you are. Thank God the West is awake enough to stop taking this as a joke.

    • Other people being racist doesn’t make this less racist.

      Unless, I am misunderstanding your post. Do you mean it is good to call it out in every instance? Then yes, we should call this out too.

      • Indeed, we should not be surprised that racism is everywhere – and we should call it out everywhere (including in this dumbass film).

  13. I really dont get it , so many ppl working on this movie, did they all think this OK, is this ignorance or what?

  14. People who are saying this is a disguise or not racist, be serious. Look at those egregious hairstyles and pink lips. They pulled a page out of textbook minstrelsy.They’re standing out more than blending in. Huang Jingyu looks straight out of Jim Crow era. Wang Yibo’s fans on the Chinese side of the internet have been laughing and making memes out of his blackface. They said when the scene came, everyone in the theatre started laughing. It’s not hard to guess what the punchline is.

  15. Geez Westerners should stop trying to impose their value on others. To us non-whites, who does not carry your colonial/ slaver guilt, there’s nothing wrong with this. Just because you mistreated blacks in the past, doesnt mean the whole part need to live your guilt with you. We can make our own judgments thank you

    • Is racism a past thing? If you think that, you are part of the problem. You can be racist and non-white. Also, it’s not guilt causing people to call out racism. It’s ethical to treat people fairly.

    • It is not Western values not to insult other races or their cultures. If it were Tom Cruise with Oriental makeup remaking The Good Earth, you would question the decision to do that, right? Your shrugging it off add to the insult of many generations of struggle against this kind of prejudice.

      • HA! If The Good Earth was made in 2024 with a white cast, I can see Chinese people starting a war.

      • No I wouldn’t question that decision. I believe in artistic freedom. I am okay with white (or black for that matter) opera singers to wear Oriental make up taking up roles in Madam Butterfly or Turandot. If you can have black actors playing originally white roles, the opposite should also apply. And if it requires blackface, so be it, as long as it is done in serious acting. Unless of course, they do it as a mocking caricature of a black person, like in Backstreet Rookie (Penthouse was ridiculous and stereotyping but i wouldn’t call it mocking)

      • “artistic freedom” Are you having a laugh? What about using blackface for bottom of the barrel “humour” is artistic?

        Frankly, speaking why do you think you have the right to say “there is nothing wrong with this” when you are not the one whose skin colour and race is being mocked for funnies. Who are you to say other “non-whites” have no problem with this when there are plenty of people of colour here and all over the internet who DO have a problem with this which is why it has become an issue. Racism is racism and this IS racist whether you are Western, Easter, Northern or Southern. You should only speak for yourself because you sound like a ignorant fool.

    • LOL Which non-white are you? A lot of Asia was colonized, you know? tell me, you are from a country that was never colonized? Colonization has left countries still very broken. To this day, there is still hostility between these countries because people died. Yet, you just leave arrogant comments on here saying to stop this guilt? You are the problem, not people who find this offensive and not funny. Go correct yourself.

      • Asian. My country was colonized by Japan, and my grandparents still talk about how cruel they were. But we move on, because it’s more important to build a future together rather than dwell in the past. It’s easy to talk about past guilt, ethics, and woke stuff when you are on welfare or living off mommy and daddy. People who have to do business with anyone and everyone are more concerned about how we can keep our business afloat.

      • It’s easy to talk about past guilt when you’re woke and living off welfare? So this is how you see Black Americans? Lol I also work with people on welfare in the U.S., it’s pretty damn balanced out who seeks welfare. Btw, there are many successful Black American business owners and even some of their culture is borrowed in entertainment we see everyday.

        Also, your grandparents never moved on if they still talk about Japan, they will get triggered by events that happen around them, similar to how blackface is considered racist for Black Americans. Stop making excuses about moving on, people don’t move on, they are good at hiding it in the art they create to remind others of the hurt they went through.

    • NO western here, why make you think racism is a Western invention, this has nothing to do with slavery, do you also think taping ur eyes to slanted eyes to imitate Asians is also OK? let’s not play the “I am dumb” game, this is racist and has nothing to do with Westerns

      • I find it funny when they do that. Russell Peters (an Indian Canadian comedian) likes to make fun of Chinese people – is that racism? No it’s not, it’s art. Is it racist if black people make fun of white people from the hicks, redneck and such? Haha no one would dare call it out. Koala said, you can punch up, but never punch down, and this is what I disagree with, especially in art – it’s either everyone gets a free pass, or no one get’s a free pass.

      • I dont even who the f* this Russell Peters is and if he is racist, he should STFU and find better jokes or a REAL job, I don’t see racism as an “art” if anyone does he has bad taste and NO morals, and lets stop calling every baffling garbage an ART

    • @Conscientia So you are OK with Blackface because you think it is “art”? Despite multiple people explaining to you why this is hurtful and dangerous to those it targets? Art’s purpose is to carry messages. What message does Black face carry to you?

      And you belittle Black people by saying “It’s easy to talk about past guilt, ethics, and woke stuff if you are living on welfare or living off mommy and daddy”. Don’t you see how derogatory this statement is? It’s not that you can’t see successful Black people, but you want to keep them in your oppressive box. That way, you don’t have to examine yourself on why you perpetuate racism not only against Black people, but also yourself as an Asian person.

      No matter how much you adopt white racist views and parrot their slogans, you will never be white to those people.

    • There’s a subtle distinction here. I am not calling him or HJY racist. We are calling out the act of blackface as racist. It would be amazing if they or production respond to say, “We f’d up. We didn’t think about the implications and impact. We learned and will do better next time.” They probably won’t because they think it is bad PR, which unfortunately, is actually worse. They are poor role models.

      But if fans or passerbys don’t call out the act as racist, then that is being racist.

      • Also, a non-Black person can be racist or anti-racist. True “not racist” doesn’t exist because we all live and, in some ways, benefit in a system designed to be racist.

        This racism scale is more for the US, but you can think about how it may apply to other countries, because each country has its class of people deemed to be “lessor” than others.

        For WYB, because he participated in racist acts he is already not a “not racist”. He can become an anti-racist if owns up to his mistakes and does better, especially if he continues to be on an international stage.

      • He has done blackface repeatedly. His agency had to edit out the N word because he casually dropped it. Let’s not even talk about the repeated cultural appropriation he does.

        He knows what he is doing is wrong and he doesn’t care because he was told it was wrong. He is absolutely a racist pos.

  16. I don’t think they’re racist per se but incredibly ignorant and also embarrassing in this day and age to do black face. So stupid and tone deaf but this is what happens when Chinese people have no access or knowledge of what is happening in the outside world. All non-Chinese social media is blocked and the news is heavily controlled. Sure there’s VPN but only foreigners and Chinese who went to school abroad use it. Someone like WYB likely has no idea that this could even be considered offensive. They’re all like frogs in wells

    • WYB had promoted in Korea with an idol group for a good few years, no? Surely he would have access to the world wide net back then.

  17. @Smh
    You are the first one to call me by names and that shows your true self too. Very mature of you I says. 👏🏻

    Since you are pretending to care so much, let me say this; if they really did the blackface to joke about the black people or intended it as a mockery, I won’t defend them but you all are taking it out of context and making it something it wasn’t. And honestly, seeing your comments on other Yibo related topics, I am not even surprised for your replies. You have clear intention, you just want to ride the storm along with everyone to defame Yibo. So I feel like I am really wasting my times getting back to you.

    As for the first time he did a blackface, I assumes you meant the one he was covered in paints. So how is that a blackface? See what I mean, you are only bringing up old things and twist it the way you wants. I bet those who doesn’t know your intentions and the antis are the only ones that is riding together with you.

    I am done here. So this will be my last respond. Bye Bye!

    • Yeah, yeah, run little toilet.

      Your racist darling finally got exposed for exactly what he is. Nobody is defaming him that he is a racist when he is.

      Cry more about it.

  18. So confused on the racism bit. Movie was actually from true facts. Sorry that people can’t handle the horror of war. Maybe that’s why they are confidential when giving details about what happens,but people are so horrified when stuff comes out.Worse things than painting your face black have happened in wars. Check the Vietnam War and what American soldiers did to the people there. This is a war/peacetime depiction of actual events. If you cant handle some of the things that are shown in a movie, simply don’t watch it.

    • LOL. Whenever there’s something embarrassing coming out of China, Chinese always blame the US, Japan, or some other allies of the US. How dumb! The Vietnam War is irrelevant here. We’re talking about racism. LOL.

  19. For the Chinese people who doesn’t have an issue…..ok….lets reenact the Nanking Massacre…Ohh no Chinese actors to do it??? No problemm…lets vet some black actors and have them do yellow face and squint their eyes…and get some Japanese actors and tell the story as accurate as its history😒….China would flip denouncing it!!!

    Even I stan Yibo as an Actor and I’m disappointed as a fan and angry as an Black Person whos directly descendant from slavery…His toxic fans keep using the excuse its a real life story where Chinese peacekeepers had to go undercover in Haiti to rescue hostages so he did nothing

    These peacekeepers did so because of a mission and life and death situation while Yibo other cast and production did so for entertainment and money!!!!!… plus no matter the context or plot, painting oneself Black to imitate a black person is historically racist!!!…the meaning doesn’t change regardless of one’s intention….and for Yibo who benefits from black culture originated from the West with a wider international audience than the rest and international brand ambassador….Shame on him!!!!!

    Atleat Xiao Zhan was man enough to face his past racist comments and this apologized even as his fan…now this makes me understand why many call him hopeless illiterate!!!! Like come on he’s expose to western culture which shows clearly and he accepted a role like this???

    They movie was delayed for about 2 or so years to edit out Zhang Zhehan because he got canceled for being ignorant of his history but yet all agreed to let this scene be included?? China the land of censorship anything the officials doesn’t like even when it’s historically accurate gay history in China…but yet they let this pass as according to them it happened in real life!!!!!….I am angry!!!!

    • When did XZ make racist comments? As far as I remember, that apology was for a past colorism comment made during his pre-debut days while chatting with his friends on weibo about how a particular actress was too tanned and they felt she wasn’t suitable for her role in a drama remake as the actress in the original drama had fair skin.

      Can WYB fans stop bringing XZ in whenever WYB gets into scandals?

      • No we can’t. They are never going to stop bringing in XZ because there is nothing else they can do.

        Didn’t you see what they did in Shanghai yesterday? Pathetic creatures, not to mention vile.

      • @HL Yeah!

        @Sigh I just saw a video of this movie’s standee with the numbers 0805 and 1005 on it. We all know what these numbers stand for, yeah? It’s so pathetic how they have to bring him in again, pandering to BJYX to boost up their miserable box office sales.

  20. I can’t believe we are still seeing blackface this in 2024. So lazy, ignorant and racist. And it’s definitely the fault of the actors too because they could have said NO! Neither of them are some little unknown rookie actors who have no power or control over their careers that they can’t refuse to film a scene or ask for it to be rewritten. People should write to any international brands they represent to have them removed. Let them stay in China with their racist, ignorant selves.

  21. This place is an utter mess. Wang Yibo fans are not making this better. It would make better sense to defend him by saying he had no choice vs actively posting racist comments in the pretext that the world does not need to be guilty of what the whites did. Each comment like that is like taking a tank of gas and pouring it over the fire. The smarter strategy is to back off, regroup and re-strategizing. Ideally that would involve some bowing, apologizing and vowing to do better next time.

  22. Read in some comments that WYB has done the “Blackface’ repeatedly, so he is definitely fond of painting his face black… Examine why he likes his face blackened? Maybe he has some underlying desire not fulfilled?! Instead of calling him a “racist”, please call him a “worshipper of the Black”!! Someone likes his face black so let him be….!!!!

  23. They’re in blackface because it’s based on a true story. The real Chinese officersdressed up as black people to blend in. It is what happened in real life. You can’t hire black actors to play Asians disguising themselves as black people.

  24. The IRONY is Chinese influence is huge in Africa! (new brand of 2000s’ colonization?)

    They’ve pumped so much $ in there.Some Africans can speak some Mandarin, or have gone over to China as exchange students. I met one from Nigeria, who wants to marry a Chinese dude!

    Whatever it is – implied Racism or complete ignorance – that picture up that is soooo downright hilarious-weird fugly. It’s Epic Fail, for the stylist if not meant as parody.

    ile I don’t think above is right, but I don’t think shoving Western ideals of what’s right/wrong/PC while practising their own subtle brand of racism-oppression/invisible glass ceilings … and white-washing residents to THINK that wa is right either. (and yes I am a SEAsian immigrant resident in a NAmerican Western country).

  25. I disagree with your opinion that it’s not the actor’s fault especially because for some like Yibo, this is not the first or second time he’s been called out for stuff like this. It’s definitely racist and very improper and they too should be called out for it along with the director. But I don’t expect there to be much fuss about it over in China. It’s just going to pass.

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