TW-singer Hebe Tian’s Upcoming Performances in Mainland China Hastily Withdrawn After C-netizens Still Cancelling Over Her Pasta Incident Two Years Ago

Sometimes pasta is just yummy pasta but for TW-singer Hebe Tian it’s the source of two years and counting being cancelled by Mainland China. You would think she doesn’t care, and so far she hasn’t, but she was invited to two singing events in Mainland China in May and was planning to go until last minute the whole thing blew up again. C-netizens raised a ruckus over her appearances as they consider her pro-Taiwan independence, all due to her posting a picture of herself eating pasta during the time period of US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan two years ago in 2022. The pasta was supposedly showing her support for Nancy Pelosi who is of Italian descent, and Nancy was super pro-Taiwan rights at that time during her visit. Hebe never issued a statement for or against anything and just went about her life and now with this sudden performance cancellation she did post a statement just being sad she won’t be able to and sing for her fans in China. Girl, it’s their loss lol.

Wasn’t it because she removed the words 一家人 in her retweet of the event organiser’s original weibo post and refused to add them back through an edit when C-netz were questioning her about it?
what do those words mean in English?
It means family, which alludes to China considering Taiwan their land, hence their citizens are considered family members to China. Since she had intentionally removed those words, it shows she doesn’t agree and hence the conclusion is that she is indeed pro-Taiwan independence.
TBH I don’t get some of the whining here. She has the rights to be pro-Taiwan independence, but similarly C-netz and China also have the rights to reject pro-Taiwan independence people’s attempt to earn money in China. And unlike somebody’s claim about her being too wealthy to care, she obviously still wants to earn money from China seeing as she had planned to attend this singing event.
Ah so it’s like that. Well they have the right to do that then, this is like when jang nara got boycotted for saying she come to china to make easy money.
@Yuhyi Yup!
Of course it’s people’s right to reject her if they so individually choose to. But to cancel her all together and not even let some netizens who might be rational and a fan not even get the opportunity to see her is unfair. We shouldn’t talk about cnetz like they’re one entity considering its a country with over 1.4 billion people. But I guess it’s be silly to expect any thing else from a communist country.
I still think all this is conjecture whether it’s about spaghetti or three little words meaning family. But even if she is pro-Taiwan independence doesn’t mean she’s anti-Chinese people. She could be perfectly open to performing there, doesn’t mean she’s in need of their money.
@sostrange – Unfair? How is it not fair to not hiring a performer for a concert? Do you think anyone can just go up on the stage and sing? At the end of the day, this is all money talk. Will she perform if not getting paid??
@sostrange Are you claiming that the people who reject her are not rational? That’s a very biased statement, you know. This singing event consists of mulitple singers. If her performance wasn’t cancelled, the other singers’ fans who reject her for her political stance will be forced to endure her presence or miss the chance to see their idols all together, wouldn’t that be unfair to them as well?
If she really doesn’t care about the money, why not just hold a free concert for her Chinese fans in Hong Kong or something and everyone will be happy?
@Lilith yah I consider this irrational only because she never outright said anything. she can’t have a neutral stance? it’s one thing if she’s actively promoted Taiwan independence or going to protests screaming about being anti-CCP like some of those HK entertainers, but she’s not doing any of that. this is all assumptions being made about a plate of spaghetti and the absence of some words in a report. but yah I get your point about other people at the concert might have issues with her. that’s fair.
@sostrange It’s difficult to remain a neutral stance nowadays, especially for entertainment industry. Perhaps she can consult with her groupmates Ella and Selina on how they do things as C-netz doesn’t seem to have any issue with these two and both can freely go on Chinese variety shows.
For 10000 reasons, it is the right decision to cancel the tour in mainland China. There is no freedom of speech, why you want to go there.
I adore Hebe, she’s so talented and just the coolest. Hopefully Cnetz get over themselves and her fans are able to see her perform.
I wonder if that was really her message?
well, if they are cancelled her for that reason, then they don’t deserve it.
Well said.
LMAO. She has made enough money and is too wealthy to be manipulated by CCP. Taiwan and China are two separate countries. Taiwanese citizens hold a different passport as Chinese citizens. How the heck two sides are 一家人? LMAO. CCP stooges have to stop propaganda in every corner so desperately.
So, some comments are blocked cos of criticism of CCP? LOL.
If she has made her statement clear then just stick with it. This is political and she should not earn a single Chinese Yuan to avoid being ridiculed in the future.
You are right. She should stay in Taiwan and help fix the dying entertainment industry there. I’d rather go back to watching Taiwanese content too.
Well said. Pro-Taiwan independence people should stop whining about not being able to earn money from China.
she posted an apology for not being able to attend anymore, and wishing everyone the best. how is that whining?
@sostrange It doesn’t apply only to her.
I was just surprised Hebe was even listed, to be honest. Since she made her opinions quite clear…she should know she can never work in China in public anymore.
No offends to her at all as I too see Taiwan as a Country on her own…
@HL Yeah me too. There’s a consequence for every action taken and 落棋无悔.
It is their loss. I admire Hebe for not giving in to these people and just keep doing what she loves to do (which is to sing while being herself).
I just lost few brain cells reading this
You’re not the only one, lol
Did she really think she can oppose the government and then be able to perform there? So naive.
Hahahaha this was ridiculous when it happened, and even more ridiculous now that its been so long as still unforgotten. C-ent is so much more unforgiving than K-ent.
If she was so rich that she doesn’t care, she would have never agreed to go back to China in the first place.
She has the right to her own opinions just like cnetz have the right to their own. Consequences of this particular one is that she can’t earn money in China. She made her bed, now she gets to lie in it.