
C-movie She’s Got No Name Hit More Bad Press with Movie Leaked Online Leading Fans of Zhao Li Ying and Yang Mi Pointing Finger at Each Other and Female Lead Zhang Zi Yi Not Happy with Her Scenes Being Cut — 25 Comments

  1. Wow and they were smiling so happily in those photos you posted earlier. Guess no one can be happy. Movies have always been too long these days. I remember when that Hollywood movie Australia came out making a big hype for being two hours or more long. That’s basically most movies today. But three hours long is something I would not got the theater for and just wait till it’s out on a pirate website or till it’s out for purchase. These days I can’t sit in theaters for long due to my arthritis and health issues. It was longer than three hours though lol Too much drama. Fan wars won’t make the movie better and endurable but I guess they all had a hand in the rumors flying like that. Why can’t they appreciate the hard work and the acknowledgment of Cannes and move on. Too much dramatic nonsense.

  2. Wow and they were smiling so happily in those photos you posted earlier. Guess no one can be happy. Movies have always been too long these days. I remember when that Hollywood movie Australia came out making a big hype for being two hours or more long. That’s basically most movies today. But three hours long is something I would not got the theater for and just wait till it’s out on a pirate website or till it’s out for purchase. These days I can’t sit in theaters for long due to my arthritis and health issues. It was longer than three hours though lol Too much drama. Fan wars won’t make the movie better and endurable but I guess they all had a hand in the rumors flying like that. Why can’t they appreciate the hard work and the acknowledgment of Cannes and move on. Too much dramatic nonsense.

  3. Eeekkk. Should of never put these three into one film to begin with. Each fan base think they are superior to the other…so…bad idea already. 2.5 hours?!! Way too long.

  4. This…is why C-ent hardly have top actors and actresses working together in the same project. I don’t pity the director at all, he knew these two actresses are bitter rivals and still cast them together for the sake of publicity.

    • Me too….And all three actress knows the game too.

      1: Thus I find the part where it said Zhao Liying is not going to Cannes is due to not wanting to be used as ‘herself against Yang Mi’ marketing tool very odd…
      I dont know if she really thought so…but if she did, it is very strange. Even a outsider like me knows how her and Yang Mi in the same film will draw so many melon servers online… Those rumours will just go crazy. Both actress knows this and still sign up to the role.

      2: Zhang Ziyi knows just how strong Yang Mi and Zhao Liying’s fandom are, she still join this project. She should know she will have to share screen with 2 other idols. Why would she be surprised by cut scenes?

      3: I dont know about Zhao Liying, I dont follow her career much. But with Yang Mi, I may not be a fan but she is in a number of variety shows. I highly doubt she will leak videos. Not in her favour to do so and she will not bother to play such stupid little games.

      4: This director decided on this line up… Likely due to investor demands. Anyway, I am curious about this drama.

      • @HL When the casting first started, both actresses didn’t know each other was cast for different roles, they thought they were fighting for the same role. Hence we have the initial hot searches and fandom fights between these two actresses over who is drooling over the project and who actually got cast. Both actresses are currently desperate to get into the movie industry to further their career, that’s probably why they are willing to be in the same movie despite their bad blood with each other.

        From what I’ve heard, ZZY may not be specifically referring to those two actresses regarding the cut screens, it could be the male lead or someone else. I have no idea regarding this leak yet though. It is very stupid thing to do if it’s done by any cast member of this movie.

      • @Lilith, Oh, I never knew. They both must be surprised to be cast at the same time.

        I honestly feel it is a miss opportunity for Zhao Liying not to attend Cannes with the cast. As this film is a teamwork of varies artiste, it is not about individuals. ..Again, it is her choice. And I am sure she must have thought it thru thoroughly before making the decision.

        As for Zhang Ziyi, is it good to see her at work after her divorce and happy in Cannes whilst her ex-husband recently started dating again.

  5. We seem to have a different definition of “funny”.
    I find it rather sad that a movie that could have generated enough limelight for the three ladies, instead has them competing in a rather childish manner with their misguided fandoms fanning the flames.
    As for the leaked parts of the movie, there is, of course, the third option that it was done deliberately to drum up publicity and get people talking about it.

    • These extreme fans are sad. Yes people in charge of casting should have known better too, but I feel that they cast the two to get more attention. I Know Zzy is big name, but honestly almost forgot about her. During the canes event didn’t all the cast of Shen Li and all the big names of Tencent, Mango and Xinli flew into Chongqing to celebs the suscess of Shen Li. The wrapped of ZLY new dream was also during that week. If she did go to the canes it would have delayed the wrap.

  6. These fandoms are so stupid and will be the downfall of these actors. I watched the Cannes panel and the director said that the original intent was for it to be a series because the story was so long with so many characters. I guess turning it into a movie wasn’t the best idea.

  7. If a 3hr movie can be Oscar worthy like Oppenheimer then surely the 2.5hr movie here should not be an issues, which goes to show that it’s too much unnecessary scenes.

  8. Can we just have a drama-free behind the scenes? That’s the classy way to do it, and actresses with their respective fanbases who can’t line up to that should take the proverbial hike.

    The gossip from C-ent these days is far more dramatic than the actual movie they are trying to promote.

  9. ZLY causes messes everywhere. Ma Li didn’t call her out for nothing, publicly, while accepting her award.

    Naturally then YM won’t keep quiet and will respond and there we have a real problem.

    ZLY isn’t there because they don’t want her there. Imo she is dumb and burning too many bridges. If she gets the reputation of really affecting the crews in the end, nobody will want her.

  10. It’s an ensemble movie that has other principal characters beside the 3 ladies. These ladies have been in the business for many years. Screentime will be divided and there will be cuts.

    Even if the screen time was small, making connections with the people who are involved in a movie that has made it to Cannes is a lot more valuable.

  11. They say the sword has two edges. It will bring in happiness or discord depending on how you use it.
    Sadly, one of the greatest drawback of fandom, it leaves the actors at the mercies of some vocal, but selfish fans. They want to grab everything for their stars, forgetting a movie or a serial is a collective efforts. Putting down the “competition” doesn’t guarantee your star will come out tops. It only shows he or she had some obnoxious fans. Time for fans to pull in their claws and hope for a good response to a good movie which the lead had done with an honest day’s work.
    Continue with your cat fight only to the detriment of your ‘supported’ star.

  12. Interesting to see Ci Sha in this. I wanted a Takeshi Kaneshiro Peter Chan reunion completely forgetting it would be a double reunion with Zhang Zi Yi there as well. Ci Sha at times can give me serious Takeshi vibes. I was doing double takes watching him in Forever and Ever. I wouldn’t be surprised if Peter Chan snapped him up for that very reason since Takeshi is M.I.A. But given all the drama surrounding this film Takeshi’s probably better off staying M.I.A.

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