
Kim Soo Hyun’s Next Drama Knock Off Will be Split into 2 Seasons with 9-episodes Each — 37 Comments

  1. At this point I’m just glad that he’s doing a project right away. Because god knows with his mood he can go on a 3 yrs hiatus and we’re only going to be able to see him cycling and hiking.

      • I was just thinking that it’s still better than Won Bin! It’s like you read my mind… 😂

      • KSH is now years older than Won Bin was when he did his last acting project T_T

        I think everyone’s just accepted Won Bin has now retired from acting and Ajusshi was a good note to end on if that was it.

      • @Royal We

        Lol you’re very unfortunately right. Won Bin’s not returning. He very recently stopped endorsing Maxime Coffee which he’s been doing for over 2 decades which I feel is nail in the proverbial comeback coffin. Sigh.

      • Yeah the recent headlines about his return to the big screen after 14 years that wound up being the 4K remastered rerelease of Taegukgi was seriously cruel clickbait.

      • @Butterfly /sigh indeed.

        It wouldn’t bother me if he was just a pretty face but the man is an enormously talented actor, ah well if he doesn’t want to act anymore and is now basically pulling out of the public eye with longtime CFs ending, I have to respect that.

      • @Royal We

        One of the most talented actors of any generation full stop. His pretty face is just a bonus. Its just so disappointing. Lee Na Young also did not renew with Maxime but at least she has been somewhat active so I wont take that as a sign for anything.

      • Agree. He’s not just a pretty face. He was an incredible actor. I always held out hope that if he’s given an interesting enough script he might consider coming back, but he’s probably also set for life. If I didn’t have to work anymore, I probably wouldn’t either. Can’t blame him!

  2. Too bad it may be on Disney plus. Their way of promoting series is still not as great as Netflix and fans from overseas may have to watch it on Hulu

    • Disney+ also has Kang Dongwon and Jun Jihyun’s drama so RIP any chances of it ever getting popular unless it pulls a Moving, they’re so bad at promoting their kdramas.

      • I think Worst of evil and Shop for killers also was popular (and maybe Vigilante).

      • Disney+ line up is actually quite ambitious that I feel they cannot afford not promoting them. I saw a list that included LJS’s comeback drama 1 second, Kim Hye Soo’s new drama, PBY-JJH’s lightshop, potentially Knock off and some other high profile ones. I think they are getting better and like @Ksena said, Shop for Killers was quite a hit this year.

        Hopefully they get it right and not screw up KDW’s comeback drama or we will never see him in another one for the rest of our lives lol.

  3. Him choosing a streaming only(?) project seems like a perfect follow up. No unneeded pressure of keeping up the momentum of QOT’s rating hype. The supporting casts looks solid and promising so that’s a good sign.

    My favourite drama of his acting wise is still One Ordinary Day and that’s exclusively on streaming site so this just hype me up even more. Granted it would be better if it’s on NF but like above comment, I’m happy that he signed on to a project right away.

  4. Rather than 2 seasons, pretty sure they’re just trying to go The Glory route like Koala said and will cut it to 2 parts. Difference being that it’ll be filmed altogether and just released separately. Knowing KSH, he wouldn’t come back to do any character after he’s done with it so for example, dramas like Taxi Driver or Flex X Cop aren’t ones he’d ever take on.

    Anyway this drama is just super exciting and everything about it makes me grabby hands lol.

  5. D+ lineup of K-Dramas is crazy impressive and they have a line up of S-tier celebrities doing exclusives amongst who KDW and KSH who were just mentioned in the other article. Since they are investing this much so why is it not available in many countries it’s so frustrating and stupid and annoying and I wish they capitalize of their own investments and not make it so difficult to access. I still haven’t not seen Moving due to this. Grrrrrrrrr

    *rant complete but not really*

    • Its not official yet to be on dis+ so there is hope hehe. It was rumored early stage but now kmedia pointedly keep saying no broadcasting or ott are finalized really.

      There must be a lot of negotiations bts prob due to the potential for it being a big ratings hit. The pd co is also a JTBC subsidiary so there is a chance to air on cable bit still dis+ might be the ott distributor. Min it can be promoted well seriously

      • @MEL:
        Amazing!! Praying for Netflix to snatch it up somehow. tbvh it wont change things for me if it airs in JTBC vs stay as D+ Exclusive since I cant stream either. If D+ is a go I will subscribe to HULU when both the guys drama comes out for the month release.

        *Heavy sigh*

    • Haven’t watched Moving? Such a pity. It’s the best K drama I’ve seen in 2023-2024. Daesang award is well deserved.

  6. Eeeeep! More Kim SooHyun is always a good thing but the time between should not be too long around 3 month max would be best like TheGlory since it is being announced from the start.

  7. There is a new trend of releasing a series in 2 parts… Bridgerton did it just a few weeks ago despite only having 8 episodes… I despise it with a burning passion… The biggest draw of OTT is that they release all the episodes with one go and there are no ads

    Netflix did away with both and obviously the other platforms will follow… What is now the difference between regular tv and OTT when everything is just being converted to glorified cable… Meanwhile, I am still the idiot sucker because not only is it KSH… it is also a really interesting synopsis and genre so I am seated. ATP its better to have it just air like a reg. tv drama ala QoT

      • it started with Stranger Things in 2022, Netflix split the fourth season into two parts released five weeks apart and I guess they found it kept the hype/subscriber count going for longer than releasing all episodes at once.

        Now it feels like every big show on streaming is getting split, reminds me of when Harry Potter began the trend of movie series splitting their final films into two even if they didn’t need to 😛

      • @Royal We

        Just realized I’ve been replying to you a lot today in multiple posts LOL. I havent seen Stranger Things and for some reason assumed it was Glory that started the trend. It definitely works for Netflix and while it kills me to admit, its a good ploy.

        This is the first time Disney+ is doing this (i think?) which is already weird to me because its not like they release all the episodes in one go. They do weekly format which is basically just tv schedule without broadcasting on tv. So they will do 9 episodes in 4 weeks or something, then wait another 3 months then release the remaining 9 episodes in another 4 weeks? Someone mentioned My Dearest… its basically like that? Hate it lol.

      • @Butterfly – lol and likewise.

        I am not at all a fan of the American-style ‘seasons’ format for kdramas and I resent Netflix’s influence in forcing it and refusing to let dramas have complete endings. But a split season is the closest compromise I can accept, at least Disney+ airing all episodes within a few months of each other >>>>>>>>>>> the absolute mess Netflix made out of Arthdal Chronicles (wasting a year of the actors’ time to shoot only half a story and then having to recast because – naturally – Song Joongki and Kim Jiwon got better prospects and don’t want to come back to shoot a whole other ‘season’).
        I would have still preferred Disney doing a weekly release like they were doing for their other big shows like The Mandalorian and even earlier kdramas. The bigger issue is whether they’ll make it available to watch for all of us, I hope they don’t do this limited territories business and then have the audacity to complain – like they did before Moving – that they weren’t getting viewers.

  8. I have a strong prejudice about 2 seasons and 18 episodes, as it’s not a common thing for dramas maintain good interesting plot during all these series. Taxi driver was able to do it, but it was an action detective with one storyline throughout episode, so it’s a little different case. I wonder how they’ll do it with a drama about 90s crisis and counterfeit goods.
    The plot sounds interesting, so I hope everything will work.

  9. Newbie to this site and loving the discussions!

    I was had at KSH. Fingers toes everything crossed it airs the first season by EOY. According to his twitter fans, they start filming July!!

  10. Hate hate hate seasons. Please let it at least be parts instead if they feel the dire need to milk the drama out. My Dearest and Glory was like that and while it sucked, it’s way better than waiting till the cows come home for another season to drop and the story to finally continue.

  11. holdyourdamnhorses ~ is the setting 30 years in the past??? why did i imagine a glitzy and glamorous world set in the ~REAL~ luxury brands vs ~FAKE~ with people being scammed dosed with morals of plagiarism??? i imagined the lesson was to stop chasing fake luxury and find your inner worth or something along those lines. in reality it about how the counterfeit luxury world was created during the world crisis by someone desperate to survive. wowow okay suddenly the whole picture looks entirely diff~ and here i was thinking ~eh boring~ when it was all my lack of imagination lol. now we are talking. bring on the real stakes with an anti hero i can cheer on. hellyeah!

  12. Haha yes I too have a lot of faith in KSH and his career management. Plus there is an industry insider rumor that Knock off has very interesting synopsis from a few months.

    I hope it’s fun with a new genre challenge for him. Maybe the YJM and 90s era connection is the reason I keep getting reminded of Itaewon class

  13. Glad to know I’m not the only one who dramas broken into seasons. I’m still waiting for kingdom season 3 if that is going to ever happen

  14. Super excited that it will be relatively normal in legnth. Initial reports said 8 episodes and that would have been too little KSH for me 😅😅 He is pro of all pro at script picking but glad he is not going for something as dreary as One Day. Knock off sounds kick-ass already so I am going to wear my seatbelt and be ready for it.

  15. I do not like this splitting into two parts trend. It’s not even like they do it because it’s two seasons but they just split up a regular drama run. It’s only 18 episodes so why not just release two episodes weekly if they want to sustain interest?

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