Producer Yu Zheng Thrilled with Wang Xing Yue’s Breakout in The Double as He Banked on Him Initially Because He Looked Like Young Wallace Huo

So troll producer Yu Zheng is cackling all the way to the bank right now with his period revenge drama The Double being the buzziest currently airing C-drama in June. I hate to support anything that slime touched but the drama is hella addictive and well made in that low budget but money spent in all the right places way. Male lead Wang Xing Yue has finally gotten his breakout drama and character, and he’s only 22 years old. He first gained notice as the baddie in One and Only ruining everyone’s fave OTP, then after supporting roles in Story of Kunning Palace and Amidst a Snowstorm of Love and the male lead in Scent of Time but none of those generated buzz for him (yet). The Double is it with his Duke Su/Xiao Heng being totally swoony and the right blend of tightly wound predator and secret soft marshmallow core only for his bae. Yu Zheng is apparently going around telling everyone that his selecting Wang Xing Yue to promote as his next male lead four years ago when he was just 18 years old was yet another confirmation of his Yu Zheng’s great eye for talent. And the reason he picked Wang Xing Yue out of the lineup was his resemblance to a young Wallace Huo, who ten years ago Yu Zheng tried desperately to sign but Wallace was never interested. There is also talk that Wang Xing Yue looks like another former Yu Zheng protege and now top actor Chen Xiao.
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Wang Xing Yue looks like Chen Xiao. Not Wallace.
I started noticing Wang Xing Yue since Your Sensibility My Destiny aired in 2021. I think he was around 18/19 years old but he had a depth to his acting. And he certainly gave life and sparks to the role of an emotionaless young Lord with his subtle expressions and nuances. I was expecting his breakout but it took a few roles for him to do so. I guess maybe he was being sidelined in favor of other uprising and older actors. Now I am glad his talents didn’t cause him further delay and I look forward to his other roles.
Rather than looks, I would say he chose based on Chen Xiao’s vibes. Notice how Xu Kai also has the same vibes?
Yeah,you can hate him,but he really have eyes for talent
All these actors mentioned are wonderful. I like them all. They probably resemble each other bcuz of some expressions when they’re acting. Ah, im so happy for WXY. I hated him in One and Only. Loved him in Scent of Time and had high expectation when watched him in Admist. But in The Double, he becomes one of the actors that i’ll watch every project of his. Young and talented, love it. Hope he’ll get more various characters later.
Sorry it not supposed to be a reply.
So true. He doesn’t look even remotely similar to Wallace Huo, but after watching his scenes, I noticed he exudes similar vibes to Chen Xiao. And I loved Chen Xiao because he’s similar in acting to another actor that I love from Pakistan – Fawad Khan. It’s all in the eyes. All three actors have a way of pulling you in with their expressive eyes.
Never thought I’d see Fawad Khan mentioned in a CDrama article haha…I agree though, he has mesmerizing eyes and a way of looking at his female leads…
Wang Xing Yue looks like Wallace Huo ? I feel his eyes in “The Double” look more like Chen Xiao imo. Plus boy is really good at dubbing himself so far and at playing authoritary roles way beyond his years. I am cheering for WXY because I think he brings his own flavour to the industry among the batch of actors born in 21st century.
Oh, he’s dubbing himself in The Double? To be honest, I think the voice over for him sounded kind of weird, but if that’s his real voice, well, there is nothing I can say.
This is his voice. Wang Xing Yue, so far, dubs himself in his works. That is one reason he is blowing up in China
Yu Zheng might have the eye but no interest in developing talents into proper actors and tends to overwork his stars. They do non stop drama, one after another, with so-so production values. Some occasional hit here and there, but none would stand the test of time, with the exception of Yanxi Palace. After awhile you can tell the passion isn’t really there anymore or they are simply too tired eg. Bai Lu, Xu Kai. He prioritizes popularity and money. I am glad Chen Xiao is out, hopefully Bai Lu will get out in due time. Yu Zheng is a good gate to enter entertainment industry but that’s it.
Yu Zheng is a businessman. Nothing wrong in banking more money 💰 Just like how the farmers milk their cows 🐮 The main point is how much he is rewarding his artists 🧐
The supporting male cast in Amidst a Snowstorm of love was pretty good. Wang Xing Yue and Chen Jing Ke were pretty charismatic in their role. I only watch modern cdramas and I’m curious to see them in new roles.
I always thought he resembled Lin Geng Xin because of his nose. A skinnier version. I don’t see the other actors as him. Dylan wang looks a lot closer Wallace huo atleast with how skinny he is and how his ears stick out. Chen Zhe Yuan To me looks a little bit Chen xiao a little when he was younger. I’m sure there are other actors who resemble but this is all I could think of lol
I always thought Dylan Wang looks like young Wallace Huo too, especially during the peak of WH’s career when he was the most handsome….haha There is an individual head shot of DW and WH in white polo that if we put side by side we can really see the resemblances.
I agree on LGX. I saw a pictorial of his a few days ago and had to double take coz I thought he was WXY. Maybe in a decade, WXY would resemble LGX. 😉
I thought the same, he looks like LGX because they have similar nose shape, however I think WXY has Wallace’s eyes. Truly expressive.
He’s got a great vibe. I also like his voice. Is it dubbed?
No this is his own voice. There is a video where he dubs himself
Great! I’ll look it up, thanks!
His voice stood out for me he sounds good. I thought he was going to be one of those actors where the voice actor does 90% of the acting lol
I second the voice
It is an added asset for him
It’s really quite expressive
Breakout? Where?
People should stop using these expressions. He hasn’t broken out nor exploded. His popularity rose but an explosion is something vastly different.
Not to mention Youku got caught in cheating with this drama’s views. Lol surprise.
It doesn’t matter though. He is getting popular anyways.
Chen Xiao it is for the resemblance and charisma
I like the way he acts with his eyes – not everyone does it well. He’s pretty good!
The drama is reallh low budget (I cannot help but laugh that the town folks measure up to like 20 people and logic tells you this is not mass threat….) but when he appears in his red drape it gets “leveled” up for me hahahaha yes I’m shallow. Watching it for his Royal duke hotness, the fluff and no logic revenge plot
I dont see the resemblance to Wallace who is more manly in aura even when he was young but I totally see it with Chen Xiao more in the vibe and mannerisms rather than facial features and i quite like him overall…
I usually only see one chinese drama at a time and chose this one instead of Tale of Rose which i dont regret since even if it is slightly cartoonish and illogical, I am hooked by it anyway like a trainwreck i cannot look away from…
I think he looks more like a combination of a young Hu Ge and Chen Xiao. But that’s just me.
Looks like Wallace huo? Which part? His nose hair?
I agree he has a good eye for talent, but he just doesn’t utilize his talent well plus he has a lousy personality. I will give him credit for all the folks he has introduced to the acting industry under his productions of which Zhao Lusi, Bai Lu, Xu Kai, Wang Xin Xue and a host of others. But the problem of him overworking his talents and not choosing the best scripts for them plus the way he treats them cannot be overemphasized.
This actor is like Hou Ming Hao looks like every popular actor but still look unique features in the same
I thought he kinda looks similar to the young Hu Ge in a way. He definitely got that screen presence like him.
I don’t care whom he resembles. I just hope WXY gains some pounds and put a bit more fat on his skinny cheek bones. LOL. He is so impressive in the Double and I do hope he will become next IT star in C-ent. He is a way better actor than many popular but useless liuliangs. I can’t take so many inept C actors seriously who are just taking advantage of their empty fame. Better have good riddance of those high-paid but low-value money grubbers from C dramas. They are one of the major reasons why C-ent mostly can’t produce good dramas. I seriously wonder if other crew members in the production teams of those so-called high budget dramas including writers and directors were even paid enough to flesh out good stories after so much had been invested to finance those crappy actors’ salaries.
I’ve been loving him so far in this drama- and I agree with you- his hollow cheeks are rather distracting! Love that he dubs his own voice and his expressive nuanced acting – I can’t stand WJY so he’s really the anchoring power of the drama
Aw that’s his own voice in the drama? It’s very sexy beyond his real age. LOL. He didn’t look this skinny when his younger as supporting roles. But he looked particularly skinny in this drama. I hope he won’t be Lou Yunxi 2.0 in visuals that I really dislike. Just eat more and put more pounds! LOL.
In the videos he has uploaded to his instagram he doesn’t have such hollow cheeks, I think it’s all about the makeup and editing. Even the promotional photos for The Double show the difference.
@Somebody your comments really make me laugh, it’s just that in a couple of months you go from negativity to positivity. I remember you wrote that he was overrated lmao and not good-looking.
@Jodie, how is this funny? There is no contradiction to my statements throughout. I didn’t really like him or was simply indifferent to his acting in all the prior dramas as supporting roles, prolly bcos those characters were just not very well written to my liking. I did not like his drama with Zhou Ye either, where he was the ML, I believe. He did nail his role in the Double and impressed me this time in every way including his hollow cheeks. LOL.
K idol-turned actors Junho and Suzy did the same thing to me, albeit these two had been even way more popular than WXY with longer acting careers than WXY. They transformed their unimpressive acting careers into ones with top-notch performances. Suzy, in particular, appeared to have made a quantum leap in her recent dramas. Junho used to be my 2PM bias but his acting hadn’t impressed me until his breakout hit, the Red Sleeves.
Well, it’s possible to change my evaluation of actors as long as they prove themselves through solid works. To me, popularity without evidence of great acting to rave about is all overrated.
@Somebody Character writing has nothing to do with acting talent. Also, I don’t like it ≠ Overrated. Art is measured with objective parameters, not with feelings. I didn’t enjoy The Untamed for intimate reasons but I won’t get subjective, it wouldn’t be fair. If I accept reality, I’ll conclude by saying that The Untamed has enough parameters that make it a good drama. We may have preferences, but the facts exist.
“Well, it’s possible to change my evaluation of actors.” I agree, nothing is fixed. But it wouldn’t make sense if we said that they are just personal preferences. Lol. If subjectivity is applied naturally, why question the tastes of others in the first place. If I write that Esther Yu is ugly, why should they bother answering that she is beautiful because beauty depends on who looks at her. I don’t understand those contradictions. Lol.
I almost forgot, Wang Xing Yue is just starting to become popular thanks to his work in The Double, how could he be overrated when he was only known for working under Yu Zheng? Lol. How can you wish he became an IT star when you don’t know if his performances are going to be good in the future? If he only impressed you in The Double and not in his other projects, what makes you conclude that it is enough to prove that he is now talented? It would be fun to read your comments if he disappoints you in the future.
I’m not trying to start a fight, I’m just curious because there are few consistent actors in C-Ent.
@Jodie, I said he was overrated to respond to a cohort of fangirls raving about his prior works that I didn’t like, either the dramas themselves or his roles. He just didn’t impress me that much as in the Double. I’ve watched so many dramas, both Western and Asian. It’s fair for me to dismiss him back then. If I had watched him the first time as I watched XZ in the Untamed, I would definitely have made different remarks about him. How would I know he’s talented without seeing any evidence from his prior works? LOL.
@Somebody Good Morning. You already made it clear that you didn’t consider him talented enough before because of aspects unrelated to the acting itself, but my questions are related to whether his work in The Double is determinant enough to consider that he will be talented in the future as well? You’d have to wait and see more. Or if not, it would also count as overhype/overrated LOL.
Certainly there are comments pointing out that he still doesn’t act fine, nor in The Double LOL. But if even an acting is subjective as people likes to say everytime, why shut up those who consider it good or bad if to each his own? LOL.
Oh Jodie, did I attempt to shut up any voice? We are all discussing with our personal opinions. We are all free to do so as long as no name calling or bullying.
Sorry I missed your questions about WXY’s prospects in the future. Well, I don’t know. But I like him quite enough in the Double to hope he will continue with this strong presence on screen in the future. It’s similar to how I felt about XZ when watching the Untamed the first time but not as strong cos XZ obviously carried that drama over his shoulders but the Double is more of female centric. Still, there’s no way for me to deny WXY’s charisma in the Double although he did not impress me in the past. How is this a problem for me as a drama fan? LOL
in the videos he has been uploading to his instagram he doesn’t look as skinny as you point out, I think it’s all about drama editing. and I wouldn’t be surprised. my favorite Xiao Zhan was also “slimmed down” virtually in an ad lol.
Great your fave is also XZ! XZ is the one leading me to check out numerous C dramas. In the past, I only cared about K dramas. Fans rave about slim version of XZ more than chubbier version. I personally like his muscular visuals when filming the Condor Heroes the best. LOL.
@Somebody XZ looks too skinny in The Longest Promise for my taste. But I also love his visuals in Condor Heroes the best, can’t wait for the premiere. He was the first C-actor on my radar. Even thought C-dramas are generally inferior to K-dramas, I prefer the visuals of C-actors/actresses. Have you watched To The Wonder?
@lyss, what is To the Wonder about? A C drama? Good? I googled it and only found an American film dated 2012. LOL
@Somebody Yes, it is a very good C-drama. Only 8 episodios.
@Somebody The Double is low budget but it’s better than many S+ I’ve seen. There are users acting like psychopaths just because they can’t accept when a drama has no artistics values. They also don’t like that Wang Xing Yue looks and acts better than many liuliangs (my favorites included).
I agree that he looks thinner here, I still like his looks, but his defined and strong features wouldn’t look good if he keeps losing weight 🙁
So far, he has the looks, the height and the talent. I just pray that he doesn’t become a “pretty boy” prototype like many actors in recent years. I like the way Luo Yun Xi acts but I can only tolerate his thinness in the xianxia genre because the costumes make him look less unhealthy.
Chinese people have a great diversity of features due to 56+ ethnicities but it is not nice if everyone goes the prototype route. Still, between the visuals from Japan and South Korea, I’ll stick with China.
What do they mean by “no artistic values?” Did they say the Double had no artistic values? LOL.
it wouldn’t be on his cheek bones but on his jaw area to being in par with his forehead , like in this photo:
he is good looking though.
@Somebody Good Morning. You already made it clear that you didn’t consider him talented enough before because of aspects unrelated to the acting itself, but my questions are related to whether his work in The Double is determinant enough to consider that he will be talented in the future as well? You’d have to wait and see. Or if not, it would also count as overhype/overrated.
Certainly there are comments pointing out that he still doesn’t act fine, nor in The Double lol. But if even an acting is subjective as people likes to say, why shut up those who consider it good or bad if to each his own? Lol.
@SOMEBODY Now that WYX is doing good in TB, there are already nonsense rumors like: He manipulates Yu Zheng. He is the secret son of a millionaire. Lmao.
But when his acting was not good, no one wrote anything similar.
Like you, I also hope he becomes the next IT star. He mentioned that he was going to improve and indeed he did.
Interesting, to me he looks more like a young version of the Korean actor Ji Sung.
Talking about JiSung I was just thinking earlier WXY would be great as the ML in a Cdrama version of Secret.
@Somebody Have you seen Story of Kunning Palace? I do think this Xing Yue guy acted better than the male lead, but they didn’t know how to style him. They even try to make him too pale and effeminate (?) 🤣