Period C-drama Hidden Charm with Zhang Wan Yi and Wang Chu Ran Readies for Early August Premiere on Tencent
So word on the street and all signs point to the imminent release of period C-drama Hidden Charm on Tencent. It will either be next week or right after the Olympics but either way the amnesia with fake marriage turned real love between secret enemies drama is coming. Starring Zhang Wan Yi and Wang Chu Ran and adapted from a romance C-novel, the initial posters made it look more intrigue and false identities but the first teaser was so comedic it took me for a loop. Then the long 10-minute preview dropped and I think this drama is right up my alley combining the cohabitation hijinks and slow burn of two sharks circling each other with plenty of secrets in between.

Teaser for Hidden Charm:
Long preview for Hidden Charm:
I can see the trailer appeals. But the ML and the FL don’t float my boat, unfortunately.
@Somebody, I also don’t like them but The Double has changed my views. Wu Jin Yan is not pretty in my book, but I like her in The Double A LOT. Even when she doesn’t fit her character descriptions about being beautiful, I can ignore that if there’s good directing, writing and acting.
I did watch some of WJY’s past works before the Double and I didn’t dislike her. She had at least one drama that I finished among very few such C dramas, Story of Yanxi Palace. I think she did not have successful hits after Yanxi Palace mainly due to poor writing or directing of those dramas that actually has been the main issue of C dramas. I’ve never disliked her, to be short.
But WCR is a different story. I watched quite a few of her dramas with her as supporting roles. I don’t think she’s a FL material or not there yet. I don’t get her visuals either and her acting doesn’t help. Ok, that may be my bias, but enough to turn me off.
I can watch ZWY in modern drama. He’s not “afraid” of acting out anything including flirting. LOL. But I’m not so buying into his costume visuals though. 😂
@Somebody As long as he is not described as handsome, I can take him seriously if he is good at acting. I’ve watched quality C-dramas without good-looking leads (Chang Chen, Ni Ni, Bai Yu), so it’s not a problem to me. I love K-dramas the most but I don’t think South Koreans are strong in terms of visuals.
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Wang Chu Ran is pretty. Questionable acting skills though.
Zhang Wan Yi is not good looking at all but he is playing the ML who is supposed to be very good looking…
I am not sure about him and romances. His intense eyes and slight smile in the drama with Sun Yi was a bit creepy. But it may be the heavy handed plot that I was responding negatively to.
Whaaaaa?? I think he’s so cute and handsome. Lol. It’s so weird what we all consider good looking. I like him most because of his aura though. And I think he’s talented. I do hope that someday soon he plays a really intense character out for revenge or something to change up his image and give more depth to his resume. Haha.
True! To me, at first, his modern profile pic wasn’t all that but when he’s in traditional clothes, that’s a different story; It’s his aura.
These two might just work for me. Will certainly check it out.
Wow! Looking forward.
Another flop about to drop. I am sure it will be watered but lbr.
The real conversation is actually about the low quality of cdrama and the watering practices. There is so little real heat and so few real people. How long do they think they can sustain this, especially in this economy?
@Smh, didn’t you write the same about THE DOUBLE? 😂 And then you swallowed your words?
Wang Chu Ran is pretty indeed. She got a lot of flak for her previous drama with Yang Yang. I did not watch it but after watching this trailer I want to catch this. Was worried she would bring down Zhang Wan Yi initially. I want to watch him act after Lost You Forever. He has Charisma and I like the way he speaks in period dramas. Good visuals too. Hope this drama is good!
Zhan Wan Yi grew on me too after LYF. I think he’s not the most handsome guy out there but he does have some charismatic aura to him. As for WCR, I think she’s very pretty but I haven’t seen any of her work before as a lead. This one looks interesting so I might just check it out.
I’m excited for this!!!
Did you guys see all the previews and trailers coming out?
ZWY’s acting looks so so bad. He will certainly get lots of hate towards his acting.