Song Hye Kyo Dons Modern and Sleek Look for Fendi Event in Hong Kong
This is probably one of my least favorite looks on K-actress Song Hye Kyo but she’s there for a brand event which means her outfit was selected for her and she can only do her best. She was in HK this week for a Fendi store event and was pictures in an olive and milk tea color block mock neck long sleeve dress with a front split pairing with long flat heeled riding boots. Her hair was pulled back with tendrils on the side and the makeup went for strong eyes and nude colored lips. She was carrying a current season large sized Fendi black purse. I think she suits daintier looks overall due to her petite frame and this look just overwhelms her.

I admire her for aging gracefully. She’s full of confidence. You go girl!
I don’t know why but in the first photo she gives me a vibe of Uhm Jung- hwa . I find that she is more beautiful and looks younger with no make up or a light one .
I agree too…
I have recently been active on Allkpop site, watching the new MVs, the latest trend in makeup in SK is the peachy look with slight tan and abit of glitters … it is in so many videos…I think Zhao Lusi was in afew photos with that makeup colour palette.
I am glad Song Hye Kyo is not in that make up..
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The editing and filters in these pics are so obvious. She looked great at the Blue Dragon & Baeksang without her too much smoothening filters on her face. Hopefully her agency finally accept that she is aging and that it’s ok to show some lines and wrinkles and that she’s beautiful no matter what.
I am a bit younger and I have no wrinkles. Some Women don’t get wrinkles until they are 60. My mom got wrinkles after the age of 60, she is about 69 now. My auntie older than my mom has few wrinkles. I am East Indian. I stay in Singapore and don’t see women develope wrinkles until they are 50. Conversely some develope them as early as 30. I don’t think they are purposely trying to doctor her photos at all
Her photos are exactly how I look in photos. Of course I am nowhere near as good looking
Her deleted photos from the Chaumet event from 2022 tell a very different story and so do her candid pics from various events. I am East Asian myself and my 60 year old mom is only just starting to get fine lines. But there is a marked difference from the unnaturally smooth pics that Song Hye Gyo and her agency choose to posts and publish publicly to the ones that are taken by fans bystanders. As I say she is still very beautiful but these pics are the approved versions, not the realistic ones, whether they are agency approved or not. Even Song Hye Gyo herself rarely posts unfiltered & non-B&W pics in her IG these days.
@ Faye. I don’t think fan clicked videos will be the same. When our photos are also clicked by our friends and family rarely are they flattering. Candid photos will always be more “realistic” than photoshoot ones. Even younger women don’t look as they do on photos. None of the blackpink or aespa girls look anywhere close to what their photos are on Instagram. SHK is no different. In fact I would say the younger they are the faker they are due to beauty standards. Koala herself has posted how Zhao Lusi keeps looking faker. Honestly I don’t care. If you look pretty to me you look pretty to me, I won’t dig deeper. I am not dating them, only looking at them. So why does it matter. She is just such a stunningly beautiful woman to me.
Asian beauty! The symmetry of her face is perfect.
I like this edgy look on her for a change. I wish she’d do more edgy and avant garde and not play it safe as she usually does.
1. Celebs need to start saying no to some of these outfits they’re offered. This dress looks like prison garb.
2. SHK and her stylist don’t seem to know how to dress for her shorter height. This isn’t the first disproportionately fitting outfit she’s donned. You need Gisele’s proportions to pull this off.
3. Fendi in general seems to fail Korean celebs.
She is obviously a beautiful woman but that is an ugly dress. The high neck, the dull colours wash her out, the grey looks like an apron, the boots are ugly and chunky, the bag looks huge. I don’t find the hairstyle with the tendrils very flattering either.
Do they not at least give her stylist outfit options for events like this? There must be something better in the collection. Seeing this look would not make me want to spend my money in their new store.
A part of me get an itch to iron her dress lol I know it’s fashion but it looks so wrinkled like it was not supposed to be but it probably was? 🙃
She looks amazing. I don’t swing that way but damn girl. Wow.
The difference between her edited and filtered pics and the raw ones are so jarring. Like who are they kidding.
And the photoshopped ones are the only ones that shk posts too.
I think that screams insecurity and a fear of aging.
Hate this look on her. Theres really nothing to compliment from her dress, to her make up or her hair. She’s always gorgeous so this is obv a Fendi issue.
1st, I’m not a fan of FENDI. 2nd, the boots are ugly. 3rd, this outfit is for a tall person, not for short KHK.
I’m not surprised that SHK and her team only posts edited and filtered pics. They are still so protective of her eternal goddess persona from the height of Tae-Hye-Ji era. Her publicist/manager even DMs fans who post “unauthorized” unedited pics.
It’s not what’s on the outside it’s what’s on the inside life’s about being loved and loving other people I sure wish some of the young people in South Korea would worry more about their elders instead of designer clothes and handbags you’ll find out eventually life is more complex