
Namgoong Min and Jeon Yeo Bin’s Romance K-drama Our Movie Moves From tvN to SBS After Success of Good Partner Spurs the Network to Restart the Mon-Tues Timeslot — 7 Comments

  1. Surprising move from TVN to SBS. I hope there isn’t any messiness like with “Jeongnyeon” drama how MBC is now suing the producers for taking the drama to TVN.

    I am looking forward to the drama so much but I wish they had kept it in the Fri-Sat slot. Fri-Sat slot gets higher ratings because it’s a weekend slot. A Mon-Tues slot drama is limited in its ratings. Not even Good Partner would have had such high ratings if it had aired in that slot

    • Sometimes it working. Good bad mother aired on Wednesday-Thursday, Marry my husband on Mon-Tues, and they got decent ratings. They aired on cable channels, SBS as a channel have more opportunities for ratings, so who knows.
      I’m glad that it seems they made accent on quality of dramas. Maybe more good dramas will air like that.

      • That’s true too. I just looked at previous dramas and the Mon-Tues slot has had some high rating dramas over the last few years such as VIP, Stil 17, Dr Romantic 2, Business Proposal and some acclaimed ones too. I think it will be tough for this drama though as they will be re-establishing the slot after a nearly two year hiatus so people no longer have the airing slot in their evening TV routine but fingers and toes crossed it will do well as I love both the leads.

  2. Pingback:Namgoong Min and Jeon Yeo Bin's Romance K-drama Our Movie Moves From tvN to SBS After Success of Good Partner Spurs the Network to Restart the Mon-Tues Timeslot | Parlour News Korea

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