TW & C dramas

C-actress Sun Li on Strike in New Drama with Chris Wu and May Get Replaced by Another Actress

So this is like a High Noon standoff and I’m fascinated on the eventual outcome. Top C-actress Sun Li started filming a new thriller modern C-drama with award winning TW-actor Chris Wu (Wu Kang Ren) in his first foray into C-ent. She’s filmed for over two weeks but then went on strike (did not officially drop out of the drama) last week reportedly due to her concern with Chris Wu did not sufficiently state his position/support for the Mainland Chinese government and country on his October 1 SNS posting. To make clear, Chris Wu has never spoken against Mainland China not now or before, but her position appears to be that he needs to proactively and clearly state his support for. So it’s not enough to be silent or neutral, he needs to now take a stand for Mainland China, which we all know isn’t something many TW-stars do openly. A lot of top stars have worked in China from Ariel Lin, Joe Cheng, Ethan Ruan, et. al. but it hasn’t been requested to be actively supporting Mainland Chinese positions as long as one did not openly oppose it. It is likely a changing political climate and it’s not clear how this standoff will resolve itself but C-ent insiders are saying Chris Wu’s new Mainland Chinese agency is fully in support of him and the drama production will likely replace Sun Li if she doesn’t come back willingly.


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  • I don't know this actress, but if this article is true, when she looks ew to me. To demand to a person to show full support for something, while he didn't suggest it himself, sounds just like a dictatorship to me.
    I'm glad his production company isn't like that, although things can be tough for them.

    • That’s Empress Zhen Huan to you :). She knows, as an icon, she’ll be judged harsher by her government.

  • Yes, kick her a** pls, she should just do what she paid for and stop flaunting her nationalism where it doesn't belong.

  • This sounds kinda extreme. Sun Li is a professional actress and very good at her craft. She's never been like this before - and she can't possibly vet every single actor/actress she works with - so I don't think this article is true.

    The concern about this new project not being aired because of Chris's political associations also holds no water. The production selected him and he hasn't been banned in China, so what's the fuss?

    • I am wondering about it too...but things can be so unpredictable...she might really be concern if this drama might get shelved.

      But I agree, her reaction is quite unlike her.

    • I'm surprised no one mentioned about Wu Kangren's team generating nuisance on the filming set, acting haughty and demanding higher treatment than Sun Li. Seeing as the rumours are now saying Sun Li will be replaced, it seems to confirm the above. Wu thinks he's a bigger shot than Sun Li in China after parachuting into this production using his backers. I think Sun Li is already dissatisfied with his working attitude, coupled with the current negative public sentiment against him, she doesn't want to work with him anymore. Who would want to waste their time and effort on something that's obviously gonna tank?

      • I didn't hear anything about Chris' team causing a ruckus on set, also surprising if true, considering he's a newb on the mainland so should be more humble.

        I'm not really a fan of his, and though I like Sun Li, she hasn't had a hit in a while also lol. So I don't really care if they both don't film together, but this behavior and mudslinging allegations on both sides is immature.

        To date, I've never heard of Sun Li acting like a diva on set. I've also never heard of Chris behaving like a prima donna. But if he was, I can see why Sun Li is backing out.

      • To be honest I’m more in line with this news, I don’t think sun li have ever been reported with such attitude. It feels more like media play trying to make wu into some politic victim

  • Reminding me more and more of a cult, if you don't agree with our views, you shouldn't be here. Chris, get out now. Save yourself.

    • It does seem like straight up brainwashing... but maybe she's just trying to ensure that the authorities can't find a reason to prevent the show from airing after the fact? I think quite a lot of people in the mainland are pragmatic to the core because they have to be.

  • China's money must be too amazing for him to ruin his reputation. Is it really worth it?
    He should stop before it gets too dirty of a mess to the point of no return and go back to Taiwan. Netflix is there and he have worked with Netflix before with really good projects.

    • He did basically nothing in this article. Seriously, what's wrong with you talking about him ruining his reputation, when all article tells nothing about his wrongdoings at all?
      You didn't even said a word about a pro-"patriot", while all article about her. She's not ruining her reputation and doesn't gets things too dirty? It's amazing how people closing eyes on one part while criticise another.

    • It's already happening. His celebratory statement on CCP national day has irked both sides. Once he signed up with the Chinese agency, I expect him to focus on the projects on that side and his career will go downhills in Taiwan as those who made any open statements to appease China although it didn't seem well received in China either. LOL. It's impossible to work successfully on both sides nowadays unless you're as iconic as some singers like Jay Chou or Mayday.

    • But thinking about it, it may be best she takes a stand. In case this drama is shelved due to male lead. Anything can happen these days in he land of C-dramas. Sun Li is protecting herself too.

      Such a shame as I really would have loved to watch this 2 actors working together.

      • Yeah netizens are already crucifying her and saying she will do anything for money when news broke out she was acting alongside Chris Wu. If anything this is to save her own reputation and career. They should cast a Taiwanese actress alongside him.

      • @Dee, backlash is happening already from some C-netizen, that is not unusual. The c-netizen will jump at any thing especially when it comes to loyalty to China.

      • @Mercy, I really had hope to watch them together.
        So many Taiwanese are earning money in China... and many top TW artistes worked in China before Chris got here too. They earn the money and left. His timing is just too late and time sensitive.

      • There are many risks for celebs to not openly and loudly pledge allegiance to the CCP. It's not simply about not getting cast in a particular project but also a lifeline threat. I understand why Chris Wu congratulated CCP's national day to irk Taiwanese people and why Sun Li went all her way out to denounce CW's statement for not being sincere enough. The crying giant baby CCP authority is the one to blame for numerous frivolous redundant ridiculous annoying ass-kissing acts from celebs to constantly contemplating politically-motivated manifestos, just to secure their jobs in C-ent.

        Fans should expect this won't be the only time neither the last time that CW has to make a similar statement. His career in Taiwan is doomed since T- filming market in Taiwan isn't as impactful as pop industry. Popular singers like Jay Chou and Mayday are able to do business and make tons of money on both sides bcos of their huge fanbases across the Strait. Not CW though. CW can be easily replaced in the Taiwanese market like singer Jam Hsiao. CW may as well just stay in China till the end of his career not expecting to keep his business floating in Taiwan. His career in Taiwan is literally doomed and done!

      • LOL if producers, investors, and directors and HIM dont give a shit; why would a mere actress that already got paid for her job do this, she should just worry ab herself not getting into a tax evasion scandal that how dramas get shelves all the time, this is just ridiculous.

      • @Somebody, I suspect Chris must be invited to work in China for many years now. He finally took this step. A risky step for him and his investors. Similar to some veteran HK actors, I feel Chris Wu can really add more flavour and colour to C-drama and C-movie land.

        But you and I know China needs artists to stay within a box even when they are creating. They do not like those that goes out of the box..out of their control.

        Taiwan industry is quite forgiving...even if Taiwanese will get upset...Chris Wu have a strong network of industry close knitted connection, he will does go back, they will welcome him. At least, I think so.

      • @HL, nope! Chris Wu is done in Taiwan per my understanding of how Taiwanese society has been reacting to his announcement. In China, he may be just some nugu compared with some liuliangs like my fave. He is, however, not a nobody, in Taiwan although not as huge as Jay Chou or Mayday. Taiwanese fans will eventually forget about him, just like what happened to Jam Shiao who used to be so popular before shifting his career to China but now just a subject of mockery in Taiwan. Jam Shiao has had no market in Taiwan anymore since he started his career in China. Everyone regards JS a Chinese citizen now. Not T-ent, but Taiwanese law is too lenient on two timers. LOL.

  • Forcing someone to air their opinion publicly is pathetic, but I *sort of* get where she’s coming from if her fear is that the drama might not see the light of day due to this becoming a future issue. Honestly, there are so many dramas that got a red light for much much less so I get it? Unless that’s not her reasoning and she simply wants to short arm him into this. If so, I’d be delighted to see her fuck right out of the production.

  • Oh, again bunch of hypocrites in this comment section blaming that Cris for saying that he wanted to say without any hardcore station from his side, while that actress doesn't make fuss at all.
    "It doesn't look like her", "she protecting herself", "he should stop", yeah - yeah, keep going.
    How do you expect him to say the praises to Mainland China, while "China is likely to launch military drills this week near Taiwan"? Do you seriously expect from him to say any praises to chinese government?? And do you seriously think one person have the right to demand for other person to be "proactively support" on things he doesn't want to?
    As someone who lives in dictatorship country and seeing over the years how many amazing artists left the country or were cancelled because they said something against government, while celebrities who supporting government getting promotion by licking their boots, saying pro-patriot things, criticising others for not say pro-patriot things, and helping to cancel others, I just can't read this bunch of stupid nonsense about her "just being protective". Production company is the one who need to be protective. If she cares about her "reputation" she can just leave, not trying to force other person to lost his dignity by showing support to things he's not supporting. As to film in a movie is the most important thing in the world, the person even need to do things he doesn't want to please some pro-chinese.

    • Wow, You yap alot... I am surprised just how little but the same content comes out from your yapping all these days.
      It is forcing others to listen to you...definitely a product of dictatorship. You demo that well.

      • Lol, what exactly was a purpose for you to comment to me?
        I'm forcing others to listen to me, I'm a product of dictatorship... Are you seriously saying meaning that? You don't have anything to answer on main topic, so can only to attack me?
        The more disgusting thing, you found out I'm from dictatorship country and immediately call me a product of dictatorship.
        Keep going defending pro-chinese by saying "she's so right, she's protecting herself" why she demand for other person to support dictatorship government, and you can't even understand how shameful this thing for any normal person, because, obviously, filming a movie is more important.

    • I can't disagree with your points here. Nonetheless, I gather Sun Li might have to do so to broadcast her allegiance to the CCP party LOL lest she be targeted by the CCP for allegations like tax evasions etc., as some comments suggested.

      The wealthy including popular celebs in China are living in fear, TBH.

      • Even Jack Ma can be invited to coffee for days and now he moves to Japan... in the eyes of CCP, everyone in China are just another subject, everyone can be controlled. They will kill as many chickens to scare monkeys to behave..
        Sun Li is protecting herself.

      • @HL, I think you and Olesya1 might have some miscommunication. You're actually agreeing with each others' points. LOL.

        Jack Ma has been lucky to be still alive by now. LOL. Many wealthy entrepreneurs, including some pro-China Taiwanese businessmen who have invested A LOT to build up their businesses and assets in China, are already gone forever or missing. Many of them died of causes with repeated pattern that is pretty suspicious: jumping from high-rise buildings.

        I don't approve of Sun Li's action. But it's not reasonable for her to behave like this under CCP regime.

    • Coming from a dictatorship country, how would you feel about an actor that chooses to come to your country and grab the dictatorship's money? Noone is forcing him to work in Mainland China.
      I don't even know who she is, to be honest, but she lives in that country and has to live her life-and make a living- there. He, on the contrary, has a choice and he chose money, so noone is forcing him. He could just as well stay in Taiwan and have the freedom of speech he wants. If you sell out on your rights for the extra buck, this is what you get.

      • @Nena, well said. That's why Chris Wu is not respectable at all in my eyes. I despise him. He has freedom of choice, unlike his counterparts in China. I don't think he is in desperate needs for projects and money either. He chose to violate the feelings of his countrymen when Taiwanese citizens are bullied and threatened by CCP/PLA on a daily basis. I fully support Taiwanese people to ostracize Chris Wu in his own birthplace, Taiwan. What Taiwanese people are facing is not about living well off or not, it's about life and death, as people in many other regions at high risk of wars. We have seen how desperate it is now in Ukraine and in the ME. From my perspectives, Chris Wu is committing treason to Taiwan. He should be striped off of all his Taiwanese citizen rights and benefits including healthcare coverage/access.

      • @Nena
        I have such people as him in my country, and to be honest I don't care about them at all. I'm not offended or angry at them for saying things I'm agree with. Making money here is their choice. I'm more disgusted by people in my country who actively supporting government and all bad things they're doing. When they forcing others to support government as well, this is another part I disgusted about. There's difference between neutral who wants to protect herself, and between pro-chinese who demands for others to support government. Not only him, she forcing chinese production company. She publicly went on strake and makes way bugger attention than it was with each day of her strike, when she could just leave. This is not "protecting herself", she has different statement.

      • @Olesya1, I might disagree with some of your comments elsewhere. But I can't disagree with your points here.

        On the one hand, I understand why Sun Li was so desperate to let her outcry known to the public. On the other hand, I'm also disgusted by those pinkies who behave like opinion wolves, forcing their CCP-ish agenda into people's belief. Ling Gengxin has been such a stark example of jerks. I' not sure about Sun Li in this case though. She seemed a bit desperate in such an action. I wonder if she's already exposed to certain risks targeted by the CCP. Everyone with a brain knows CCP is running out of money in their treasury and has been chasing after the wealthy.

  • I thought she was cancelled along with her husband. Weren’t her dramas taken off from airing and streaming?

  • I'm puzzled. So many drama fans here everyday who knows everything about everybody's private thoughts and motivations and grandmother's favorite color. But no one (except maybe two?) knows who Sun Li is and why she has to say what she said so publicly. Interesting.

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