Zhao Lu Si Side-eyed by C-netizens for Mocking the Plastic Surgery Commentary Around Huang Xiaoming’s Influencer Girlfriend Ye Ke

Well this is certainly an unexpected and self-created slightly negative news for C-actress Zhao Lu Si. This week she was on a program and when asked if she was planning to take a short vacation 微度假 (wei du jia) she responded 微度一下吧! (wei du yi xia ba). Her answer was mocking influencer, Ye Ke who is currently top of the search charts after actor Huang Xiaoming confirmed his relationship with the much younger model. Netizens are roasting Ye Ke for getting too much plastic surgery especially as her former classmates have come up with her OG pictures and woah whatever she got done is a lot and definitely worth the money spent if one wants to look plastic. All that aside, Ye Ke has admitted to only doing a liiiiiiiiitle plastic surgery in a recent video she said she did 微do (wei do) which means doing slightly a little. So Zhao Lu Si choosing to use the same phrase in her answer to the vacation question was definitely shading Ye Ke, but C-netizens find it bad form since she’s so much more famous and accomplished AND she’s also under scrutiny for her own plastic surgery rumors. Ai ya, Lu Si has a drama coming out so she either needs to lay low or she’s purposely doing this to get more views.

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Is this not the MC’s fault if he’s the one who used the term “wei du jia”? She just responded using the same term… I don’t understand…
Don’t try to find logic in witch hunt
Agree. This witch hunt is getting too much.
I’m sorry but I’m sure most if not all actors have had some sort of work done but for some reason just use some ridiculous excuse of it’s all natural. It is too silly. Pointing fingers and being mean for what? Just own up to it and live it up because no one is innocent. There will always be some upkeep. They cannot stay young and flawless forever. Also the unrealistic aesthetics their entertainment demand like really? Gaslighting when underneath it all they all know it’s common. So annoying. That’s why I like Korean entertainment with this topic, at least they own up to it and never shy away from it.
koala playground just took whatever yxh said but it’s already been debunked by cfans on weibo that day. on l’occitane livestream, she was talking about wei du jia (short holiday) and then the host just made a joke back with the ongoing meme by huang xiaoming’s girlfriend (wei du) and when lusi realized what he was joking about, she laughed back. but the YXHs trimmed the video so that it made her seem like she was the one who started the joke, people who watched the live stream completely knew this, too bad YXH needed to edit it to drag lusi to the mud in order to cover up pregnancy issue by other senior actresses
koala playground just took whatever yxh said but it’s already been debunked by cfans on weibo that day. on l’occitane livestream, she was talking about wei du jia (short holiday) and then the host just made a joke back with the ongoing meme by huang xiaoming’s girlfriend (wei du) and when lusi realized what he was joking about, she laughed back. but the YXHs trimmed the video so that it made her seem like she was the one who started the joke
The MC said Wei du jia which means short vacation. ZLS shortened Wei du jia to Wei du which sounds like the Wei do (doing a little something ie PS) slang the influencer used. So is ZLS admitting she did a little something lol
koala playground just took whatever yxh said but it’s already been debunked by cfans on weibo that day. on l’occitane livestream, she was talking about wei du jia (short holiday) and then the host just made a joke back with the ongoing meme by huang xiaoming’s girlfriend (wei du) and when lusi realized what he was joking about, she laughed back. but the YXHs trimmed the video so that it made her seem like she was the one who started the joke
Zhao Lusi is busy all year round. There’s a recovery period after having your nose done. Did you know that she’s been photographed by paparazzi all year round?.
She lose weight and she change her make up style. The PS allegations is just a rumors without solid evidence
. She never been ugly when she was a child duh. Her nose and her father’s nose both the same perfect long nose.
They are trolls, just out to destroy popular actresses ….
Leave Zhao Lusi alone. This website in particular picks on her a lot. She didn’t do any plastic surgery. It’s call make up. People are on a witch hunt. Haters are just going scrutinized and be judgemental.
Half her nose is missing bro
Well ,if u really pay attention to her face, due to her recent weight loss, the part of her face which have facial fat have also reduced tremendously, which means if there is any fact around here nose extended to those plumb cheeks before , it will be gone, making it prominent than before. She also has a prominent cleft underneath her middle of her nose , which is still evidencely there, besides her vlogs where she sometimes videos without makeup and contours, her nose is slightly wider, so yes she has a full authentic nose.
Blame it on how she contours her nose and do her make up , with her current weight loss , any facial fat she used to have will be lost too , making some of her facial features more prominent. Her vlogs she has been putting out with her natural face shows her nose is not that thin and the cleft beneath it is prominent there has it has always been.
She is already suing bro.. you need to be original in the court when you sue people for slandering on PS
Koala just took articles from yxh accounts a notorious hater of zhao Lusi
and a fan of a certain actress.
Yes, you realized koala is coming from that fandom? Because she didn’t even post the trending pregnancy rumor by that popular senior actress who YXH tried hard to cover up by dragging lusi to the mud, lol koala is definitely a bias
Ye ke said she had done plastic surgery slightly, then mentioned 40% of her face. That is not the definition of slight.
green tea
Yes you are… i agree
That was Ye Ke’s natural look?? Wow.. No wonder so many turn to plastic surgery…It can really be a life changing procedure…
Ye Ke vers 2.0 compared to finalized vers 3.0 isn’t too big of a leap. Her original pic is very unflattering, but Idk if they just settled on her worst pic to do a comparison. HXM has also had stuff done, so I wonder if he just feels more comfortable with people who has that in common with him lol.
Who is this senior actress they’re saying is preggo? Is it Diliraba? I don’t believe that at all. She’s at the top of her game…her agency def wouldn’t allow that to happen.
As for Lusi, with all these high tech cameras, they can’t find ways to take pics with better resolutions? Everything looks so blurry. And those photos for comparison is not the best either. She has contacts on that enhances her iris, giving her a more eery look. Her top lips look slightly plumper, but that could be due to makeup – hard to tell when the photos are so blurry!
I think it may be Diliraba too…but she is always in pregnancy news recent yes… I read with pinch of salt.
As for Zhao Lusi, until I watch her on screen..I will not trust those photos. But I am aware, there are editing on screen too..
But her coming drama The Story of Pearl Girl, that was filmed before her new “look”
Yup she did, then got dragged, rightfully so, by netizens. Then she invented she trended worldwide on X to show she is still popular, that turned out to be fake, then got dragged for that. Overall, not a good few days for her.
Oh how embarrassing
Because it’s true the international fans made sure she got the worldwide trending for twice.. it really happened
Too bad for you, all rumors were made by YXH to drag lusi to the mud, and as international fans i guarantee you she indeed went worldwide trending for twice dear
She really trended worldwide twice: first when she attended Versace Show for MFW ans second when Cosmopolitan magazine was released (ww with over 100 k tweets). And yes, it’s a big deal coz she’s the only chinese actress who did. International kelulis never had trending party for TSOPG yet, she trends on X organic almost every day, with 2-3 k
No, she didn’t. It’s crazy how you still don’t know that trending does not mean worldwide trends. She is not trending every day, she is not trending at all. Learn the difference and there will be less embarrassment.
Blame her international fans for letting her trend on X , which is not fake. U can be sure she will be trending on X for her upcoming dramas.
The worldwide trending is not fake. We international fans have made it happened twice.
I am sorry but china haters hate her so much so YXH made up the bad rumors for her
But thank you for keep updating on her news next time please follow a positive one
Any publicity is good publicity! Lol she’s had quite a few slip ups lately. From the plastic surgery rumors, makeup fails, chinese/french history flub, cringy dance at Douyin night, her unflattering cosmo cover. It feels like she is absolutely everywhere and not necessarily in a good way. I feel she could benefit from just laying low for a little bit and letting her work speak for itself.
lol I just want a peaceful moment for the upcoming drama while end up coming upon all those ZLS chaos on twitter…
There are lots of people who have been wishing for that pairing to be lead in a costume drama since Long Ballad days like me. But in recent months I end up seeing more personal matters of hers instead of recently released drama news in fan pages… its quite sad
Lol, those her are her activities for the month which was packed for this month, just like any other stars can have at some point of the month. She is not perfect, so pardon her for some mistakes. Because, of her popularity now she get picked for every little thing be it good or bad ,her news also provide clicks which koala is using too. By the way,the cosmo magazine, whether flattering or unflattering, it what they were going for, it still serve the purpose just fine, I think it looked great.
Her cringe dance in a slippery floor
despite of wearing high heels, she definitely proud of herself to perform well, did not slip despite of slippery floor and with Top 2 ratings performance in Douyin.
Didn’t Ju Jingyi perform a dance on the same stage? She didn’t seem to have a problem with the floor…
Unflattering Cosmo cover but made it Top 2 in rank of Top 5 Magazine sales for women. So yeah. That unflattering magazine cover sell good .
So the person who asked Zhao Lu Si this question said the same words – wei du, right? It means they mocked that influencer first, or maybe both of them didn’t thought about Ye Ke at all?
This witch hunt is so lame, I regret spending time to read this article.
Ye Ke’s thing has probably started spreading and the phrase got stuck in the MC’s head, so they could have used the same words without even meaning to mock. And then ZLS answered using the same phrasing because those words are now in her head. I feel like it’s when I hear someone use an interesting adjective, and I start picking it up and using it.
I don’t know chinese and don’t know how common this phrase is. By reading article I assumed they just used common phrase of their language without second thought.
Your option also can be right, even them “shading her” can be right, we can come up with many various options.
But this is definitely not “Zhao Lu Si was definitely shading Ye Ke”, as Koala states, and not what kind of info I expected because of the title.
Agree with you, this article is definitely a stretch
Another day to pick on Zhao lusi on this blog. I mean the host also used the same words and she replied him back with it so how then does that mean she is mocking ye ke?? Like make it make sense
I guess it’s because her new drama will soon be out and so competitors are doing this. It isn’t the first and won’t be the last of it’s kind. I wish her all the best
I mean, i have nothing against*
Ai yaa, sorry, wrong reply
LOL… Ai ya, Ye Ke ah… it’s not liiiiiitttleee… it’s a new face… I wont nothing against PS, but it’s more like face reconstruction.
People mock Lusi for having PS. At least, she was born with a pretty face. A few little procedures wont change her face dramatically. She also did diet tho.
I mean, i have nothing against
I have never seen any normal pic of HXM’s GF. They always look too filter.
I am disappointed at you koala. I’ve noticed that you’ve recently been posting negative articles on Zhao lusi without validation. She has posted many videos on make up contouring and yet you still insist she does plastic surgery. You are the reason why some celebrities have mental illness because you propagate disinformation. Shame on you!
Maybe ZLS was subtly admitting to her own little plastic Surgery with her answer lol
lol, why her studio wanted to sue the person spreading about her PS, when she’s infact so busy doing Livestream and offline events, just done filming of a costume drama then jump to modern drama. Does a healing period of Ps it takes 1 week to heal. stf*..
Yes dear, just like very busy Yang Zi never had PS and looks exactly the same.

I can feel your jealousy all the way here
keep crying while zls and yangzi keep going higher and higher
Self delusion is the new pandemic lol
seek help, it’s not too late
Yeah right and you are suffering from the chronic version
koala playground just took whatever yxh said but it’s already been debunked by cfans on weibo that day. on l’occitane livestream, she was talking about wei du jia (short holiday) and then the host just made a joke back with the ongoing meme by huang xiaoming’s girlfriend (wei du) and when lusi realized what he was joking about, she laughed back. but the YXHs trimmed the video so that it made her seem like she was the one who started the joke
You first, get your eyes checked whilst you’re there.lol
I feel one needs to speak Mandarin to understand the issue here (if there is one!).
Anyway, I love Lusi and I am really looking forward to Pearl Girl. I personally preferred how she looked before, but hey, her body, her choice. And her right to admit if she have had cosmetic surgery or not. I don’t know why people need to discuss this over and over again – but on the other hand, discuss away, that’s your right too.
PS surgery everywhere. Huang Xiao Ming has a type
@Sirey: LOL. Was going to say the same. Much younger and lots of PS seems to be his type.
She herself was plagued with PS news and I notice she likes to joke about herself… no need to be so serious.
YeKe said “Wei do”
Zhao Lusi and The host said “Wei du”
They are different words.
Is there any other way to talk “a short vacation” in Chinese apart from “Wei du” ?
So, everyone who talked about shirt vacation is mocking Ye Ke according to you.
What nonsense.
Yeah this article is nonsense
U r write , this is what really happened during the livestream, most of us here don’t really understand the chinese language, which can be twisted by a change in just one alphabet to sound some else. It doesn’t mean that those words r the same.
I mean u r right
Lol the do in Wei do is English. Wei = Chinese means little. Do= English=to do. Wei do =do/ done a little. The influencer says done a little but really do (done) not alot ( referring to PS)
From the 15 sec clip that I saw the MC always used three characters Wei do jia, a short vacation. Only ZLS shortened it to two characters to Wei do which sounds like what the influencer said Wei do. The MC actually clarified by saying Wei du jia (3 characters) two times after ZLS said Wei du. ZLS actually laughed and said she’s finished after saying it lol.
People are says she is everywhere , which is true because of her popularity now but honestly comments here shows they are keeping track on her too, to finds things themselves to pick on her for.
koala playground just took whatever yxh said but it’s already been debunked on weibo that day. on l’occitane livestream, Lusi was talking about wei du jia (short holiday) and then the host just made a joke back while she was talking with the ongoing meme by huang xiaoming’s girlfriend (wei du) and when lusi realized what he was joking about, she laughed back. but the YXHs trimmed the video so that it made her seem like she was the one who started the joke.
Those YXHs on Weibo posted all nonsense new.
If we were to believe all YXHs new, then there won’t be any good artists left in Cnetz. Because they accused every artists with bad intention.
koala playground just took whatever yxh said but it’s already been debunked by cfans on weibo that day. on l’occitane livestream, she was talking about wei du jia (short holiday) and then the host just made a joke back with the ongoing meme by huang xiaoming’s girlfriend (wei du) and when lusi realized what he was joking about, she laughed back. but the YXHs trimmed the video so that it made her seem like she was the one who started the joke.
I dont think she is shading anyone, people will niptick on her because she is the top 95 right now. When you are a threat all kinds of things will come up about you.However i’m also not blind and i can see the little things she did to her face. She is incredibly popular everywhere and her trending worldwide is not a lie, her engagement is very good and she is the most popular chinese actress internattionally right now. The male one most popular is Xiao Zhan.
If u think trimming her brown , using eye tapes and face contours during her make-up routine is something little she has done on her face, then so be it . I don’t know how u expect her to loss body weight but not the facial fat on her face. Oh am sure u will say that liposuction , as if weight loss can’t give the same reason.
LOL the best excuse most American celebs use to explain the changes in their face (when it’s due to Plastic Surgery) is “I lost weight”. People wake up WHEN has Lusi been chubby let alone ‘fat’. She is and was as SKINNY af. C’mon she’s looks like she’s always had a 19′ waist. In fact if she did lose weight she would end up looking emaciated like a girl who has anorexia and beyond the point of help. She always had a prominent jaw and that seems to have soften which they can do with facial contouring. I haven’t noticed her nose BUT I HAVE noticed her eyes. If you watch her very early dramas she hardly had double eyelids. So much to the point that I would say to myself, if only she did her eyes. Lo and behold BEFORE I saw the PS rumors all of a sudden her eyes have OPENED up, slight change BUT MAJOR IMPACT. She definitely looks better now.
Agreed, I even think that its a requirement of people in showbiz to do a little bot of nip and tuck to their face to stay on top since the competition is high especially in c-ent. There’s no need to be embarrassed about it. Even Yang Mi did it. And the shading thing, its probably taken out of context since she’s also known to making a couple of social blunders before. Her popularity is undeniable though.
While Cdramas have been mostly duds, there were always more dramas to entertain me in comment threads gossiping about celebrities, not their works (pun not intended for PS work LOL). Having PS or not, ZLS is still an interesting actress worth checking out about her works done (pun not intended again LOL). When an actor is good enough with charisma on screen, his looks won’t be the focus and won’t be that distractive. Visuals are just cherry on the top. On the other hand, if ZLS were a boring actress, then her new looks might be a discount IMO. Just saying I personally like her old looks better that was definitely natural. I won’t judge if she went under knife or not cos she can act so that her visuals become less critical to my decision to watch her on screen.
I want to see actors improve their acting rather than enhance their looks cos nobody can defy age and neither PS nor makeup can save us from wrinkles eventually. I would rather C-ent have more acting PS than visual PS. LOL. So far, I’m not seeing many C actors going through acting PS as their Korean counterparts in the industry. That’s pretty bad.
As much as I agree with you, I do hope they don’t do extreme PS or otherwise I will have problems differentiating them all since they all will probably look almost the same lol. And keep the pun coming since its very refreshing and lightens up the mood amidst all the chaos infighting drama in the comment section lol.