
Garo Sero Institute Posts Another Cozy Picture of Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Sae Ron on Fourth Day of Scandal Reveal and Threatens Three More Even More Scandalous Pictures and Video Depending on His Statement Next Week if He Doesn’t Admit and Apologize — 6 Comments

  1. Yuck. Dun want to see. But must say the guy is super thick skinned. Still went for the recording of GD’s program. GD actually liked a post from a netizen that KSH should be removed from the recording. Shows the PD is disregarding everybody’s opinion to push through the casting. Another bigot.

  2. I’m not sure what they could get out of this if he does indeed apologize. He’s being forced to so it’s not going to be genuine. If they wanted to ruin him then they done their job already. He can never return as an actor at this point as nobody can see him the same way. They obviously can’t pursue him legally because she was at legal age according to Korean standards.

    It’s so sad how all the talented actors seemed to be canceled or just plain weird in some ways. I guess in order to be a good actor, one must possess psycho kind of mind to morph into their roles.

    • There’s difference between being harmless weirdo and dangerous weirdo.
      Good actors don’t need to possess psycho kind of mind as an excuse to be bad. There are good talented people, and there are bad talented people.
      Robert Pattinson said one thing what came to my mind while I read your comment:
      “Though Pattinson respects the practice of method acting – a technique in which a performer strives for complete emotional identification with a role, both on and off screen – it’s not a style which he practices himself. “I always say about people who do method acting, you only ever see people do the method when they’re playing an a–holes,” Pattinson admitted. “You never see someone being lovely to everyone while they’re really deep in character.””
      So if you see someone doing bad things, talent has nothing to do with it.

  3. The latest scoop is he admit to dating her but after she is no longer a “minor” and that letter was for his friend. Do you all believe that lol?

    • “Under 15” literally sounds like something a pedo would write on the search bar of a porn site. And have you seen the official pics of the kids who would be participating? Literally have adult styling and doing adult poses. I can see now who would tune in to watch that sh*t. Barf

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