
Veteran J-actress Suzuki Anju Caught Cheating with Married J-actor Ichikawa Tsukinosuke — 4 Comments

  1. Although its couple who took vows, but i have no respect for women and men who still helps that person to cheat. They equally deseeve bashing
    My ex was sleeping with my best friend and it hurted like hell. I stopped trusting people. I hate my ex but i hate that btch more. Funny thing he begged me to comeback for months but self respect matters more. And they dated. And made each other life miserable. Haha . But the apologist should stop for homewreckers by saying they werent the ones to take a vow. But well they are no less than that cheating scum. Being a mistress is nothing to be proud of

  2. why do women resort to this? can’t they value their selves a bit more? there are tons of gorgeous single men in J-ent like Tatsuya Fujiwara or MatsuJun, why don’t they look for those kind?

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