SBS Fri-Sat Drama Alice Gets Back on Track Ditching the Fauxcest Insinuation and Delivering Reveals on Time Traveling Conspiracy
Those hesitant on SBS Fri-Sat sci-fi drama Alice can safely get back on the train now. The drama is not going to awful route of making leads Joo Won and Kim Hee Sun in any universe romantically inclined towards each other. She’s his mother in one universe and basically she’s like a mom/older sister to him in every universe is my take. Kwak Shi Yang is delivering enough romance on his own exuding the anguished daddy and husband vibes to his family that he left exposed to danger. This week’s episode 11 and 12 got the story back on track to reveal the Teacher behind the danger and also why everyone wants the stupid prophesy book and the last page of it. The boy who is Jin Gyeom is fated to stop time travel so those who want the ability to time travel to continue are out there to prevent him from doing so. The twist with Detective Ko isn’t really one since Train did the same earlier this year but I did love the reverse twist at the end of episode 12 previews which was flirted with in Train as well but not followed through on. What will Jin Gyeom do when he’s both savior and slayer and not sure which one is in the “right”.
This show is back to its glory! Ep 12 was the turning point in this show. No more hijinks between son/mom, things are finally set straight.
Alice opened up a Pandora’s box, and we see how in 2010 timeline, Jin-gyeom (2010 Version) has been making a mess. I’m glad that Tae-yi has regained her lost thoughts, and hopefully she and Min-hyuk can rekindle their spark again.
Finish strong show! Just happy that things are moving ahead, and its getting very exciting now.
Thank you! Now i can jump back in and watch it. For a while I just didn’t want to as I didn’t want to witness anything I shouldn’t have to. Eeks. Shall binge the eps tonight
I don’t know if it was the writing, directing or both. What probably was an attempt in creating an emotional connection between JG and TY as mother and son turned into fauxcest insinuations. Other dramas did a better job in executing mysterious family dynamics. I’m just watching now for Kwak Shi Yang’s character.
I love Alice. Great job my lovely Kim Hee Sun and Joo Woo.