
J-actor Narimiya Hiroki Retires From Acting After Tabloid Publishes Invasion of Privacy Allegations of Drug Use — 13 Comments

  1. Also he wrote about the fact that his sexuality was questioned and rumored about. He likes to hang out at areas very popular for lbqt people so that added fuel to the fire.
    Turned out that “friend” had known Hiroki for 18 years! and now betrayed him. Hiroki turned to acting to support his younger brother, he lost his mother as a teen and had to care for a much younger brother.
    If he is gay, bi or straight that’s his business.
    The so called drugs turned out to be one of those new diy sweets sets that are popular in Japan right now.

  2. He’s hinted about a break from one of his interviews, but this betrayal made him completely disillusioned. Except for sexuality rumours, he’s never been involved in controversies. The guy simply took on roles, villain, lead, supporting, cameo/guesting… But would always perform them with such dedication. I first got introduced to him in Orange Days and simply fell in love with his acting. I’m a sad fan, since I’ve practically seen the entirety of his filmography and had the chance to actually see him in person in Japan.

  3. Its beyond disgusting!What he was doing during his own time on his own private space , is sacred stuff. Nobody has the right to invade other people’s privacy and nobody should have bought those scandalous tabloids in the 1st place!!

  4. NOOOOOOOoooooo!! Narimiya Hiroki was one of the first J-Actors that I really liked having noticed him from one of his early dramas Gokusen!! I also find that although popular, he is still under-rated!! Arrggg so annoyed! Hopefully he will come out of retirement some point in the future.

  5. I love Narimiya Hiroki ever since I saw him in Bloody Monday, after that, I’ve watched his past and present projects and he is such a talented actor! It’s beyond disgusting what tabloids can do to you, but I guess it sucks more that he was betrayed by a friend for money, that’s the only reason I can think of that’s why he sold that picture. I think that tabloids is more rabid in Japan than in Korea, I mean, just look what happened with Becky.

  6. I don’t blame him, I understand that being in spotlight for long will be tiring and he basically have no freedom anymore. A lot of burden which may not worth what he got (for note j-actor get paid less than korean or chinese).
    It’s sad that I can’t watch his new project, but I wish he’ll find his happiness and freedom. After all, he already did a lot and he deserve a break and lead his own life. And as for me, I still have long list of to-watch-list-jdorama to fill my time and if I miss him, there’s a lot of his past dorama I can watch.

    Hiroki-kun, otsukaresama 🙂

  7. I understand why he’s doing what he’s doing, but it makes me very sad and furious with his friend and the magazine. He was/is an INCREDIBLE actor.
    I wish him all the best and that he can have some peace now but I’m going to be angry with this magazine and his friend for a while.

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