Talk about playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. Like, did anyone at Youku think in this current climate this was either a good idea or that the authorities would just let it go? Fantasy action modern C-drama I am Nobody with Peng Yu Chang and Hou Min Hao adapted from a popular manhwa The Outcast was dropped from the sky by Youku yesterday, not weird since this summer has been all about the overnight sudden releases of C-dramas. What is odd is that within 24 hours of the premiere the production released a message that the drama was being postponed due to “reasons”. Reportedly the reason is that the drama was released before it got its second (which is the final) approval permit from the government, all dramas go through two review processes before getting an airing permit. Insiders are saying this drama would have gotten a second review approval and airing permit later this year, with perhaps just some cuts and edits requested, but now it’s likely never to be approved and finish airing. The premiere released 4-episodes so go check that out if you’re a fan of the leads or the story because who knows if that will get pulled as well.
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